We all agree this is correct
Other urls found in this thread:
Na alternative hypothesis is good tier
Also murdoch is shit tier
Missing Lindybeige
>naked ape
Kill yourself, beta bitch
This is one of the most autistic things I've seen on pol. Hi five
where's /ourguy/ coins?
What is up with Millennial Woes
I rarely watch youtube politics but I just watched the first 3 minutes of his discussion with Sargon and it's fucking embarrassing how he can't answer basic fucking questions
Was your idea to make a list of literal whos?
Sure but just so we all understand the rules: 1) anyone in the meh tier that becomes mainstream eceleb immediately is demoted to shit tier, 2) anyone in good tier that doesn't shout "gas kikes" whenever they see a microphone automically is demoted to meh tier.
just wanted to test
Don't know half of them
Stefan and JBP in the good tier for me
No one cares about your ecelebs
>e-celeb worship thread
never change amerimutts
demote styx to meh
Only one that deserves to be watched
>Implying any one of those memers is more or less meme tier than the others
Fuck off and think for yourself, faggot.
>Includes a bunch of nobodies
>Misses Jared Taylor
Just Stop
alt hype is top tier
but no one on youtube really reaches a truly high tier. some bloggers do. only brainlets limit themselves to youtube
>Jordan Peterson on bottom
The people who dislike him are the most edgy faggots i've ever met.
matt getting height mogged by lloyd
This. He really showed his limits there.
Just a couple of people that don't deserve to be in shit tier: Pat Condell, Stephen Molyneux, Jordan Peterson
>Naked Ape
Implying he even makes videos anymore
what a fucking awful list
nu/pol/ is real
Murdoch Murdoch should be above all as GOD tier
Also don't forget Morrakiu (Tyrant Fashister) is good tier
>Thulean perspective
Opinion discarded
I only follow primitive technology out of all of these channels.
>e-celeb cancer
you need to be above 18 to browse here kid
couldnt agree more. Primitive Tech is amazing, BPS occasionally talks sense, and the shit tier people are just there to laugh at
Who are these people?
Millenial Woes is an actual faggot though, who took drugs and at one point had an Indian girlfriend. Yeah, real fucking based all right.
Is Primitive Technology redpilled or just showing fieldcraft?
i think we are missing someone important
This is actually pretty accurate
American (((alt-right))) retards look up to a lot of names on the Shit-Tier despite the fact they would be gassed in any Reich.
>Kikes like Lauren Southern, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro
>Homosexuals like Richard Spencer and Milo Y.
>Goys who shill for kikes like Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Gavin McInnes (and basically all of (((Rebel))) Media), Sargon of Akkad, Stefan Molyneux, and on and on
>Athiest cucks like Armoured Skeptic, Logicked, TheAmazingAtheist
It just goes on and on from there
why is sargon shit tier. he is probably the most proficient political comentator of all those people.
Drop the European flag, Carl :^)
Demote him to spoon clank
Where is Metokur
this guy god it. Alt hyp has it down
>no jim
>not shit tier
This too. Americans are the worst
This is good but some of the people on the shit tier should probably be put on the meh tier, for example Richard Spencer and Lauren Southern. They definitely should not be out on the same tier as fucking Amazing Atheist and Thunderfoot. Or instead maybe keep people like Spencer on shit tier and make a new tier called cuck tier where u can put Amazing Atheist,Thunderfoot ect.
Hi carl, you suck
Lee Joong min is a fucking retard thats only good for some memes, idk 90% of the rest in this image. But Lee is absolute fucking cancer tbqh
I'm starting to agree with you for a subtle reason. Both MM and FTN spread a lot of false hope, MM by memeing and FTN with 4d chess. That sort of attitude is dangerous for sure.
>inb4 FTN and TRS
I know and everyone else does too so take your adderall before posting.
Sam Hyde is god tier
Molyneux is God tier. He's fucking right about everything and he knows it. Makes him come across as a cunt, but you know it.
>not rating them all shit-tier
also this
heres a god tier channel ive recently found has hundreds of hours of great content, heres their new years video, important one for all blackpilled people
How could MM spreading hope possibly be a bad thing? How black pilled are you ffs
>youtubers whos vids average maybe 20k views
yea na
As much as I like Metokur he's below down in shitpost tier
Here's another decent channel for you lads.
What blogs would you recommend?
It's a bad thing because it makes people think they don't have to work as hard. If you think you're closer to the finish line than the starting line that affects your decision making. As for how Blackpilled I am, quite a bit. The right wing in the West has generally been a failure and doesn't seem to be capable of learning. That's why Sam Francis called the GOP the Stupid Party.
>not including Sam Hyde
This channel has some of the finest British blackpills
Amazing Atheist/TJ has to be the most useless piece of fucking shit person on earth, so I image all these other channels are just as bad.
>Good tier
You dare to put there the kike shill who literally every video of his is against White Europeans
kys you fedora wearing scrublord
found the christcuck
found the mudslim
white atheist actually Jamal Ginsberg
No Bother Nathaniel? You're shit tier.
>t ahmad al abdala
you can't fool anyone with that flag ahmed
2,000 years of christian ancestors vs 200,000 of pagan ancestors
This image is shit
>says the meme flaggot
Now post yours mongrel
> Can't even spell "primitive" correctly
How can I trust your opinion on anything?
This, and red ice should be at the top. Same with Mike King of tomato bubble.
>middle east
>thinks he is white
This is the most red pilled channel on youtube period, probably the only truly red pilled channel all the rest of that shit is noise, bread and circus
actually red ice and thule are good also, you should have renegade broadcasting on there
Whiter than you Amerishart flaggot
posted this earlier, whoever is behind the channel is putting out some great stuff
Swap Varg with Alternative Hypothesis and then I agree
>unironically watch his streams now
What would you prefer instead? Paper-celebs? I don't get what your problem is regarding people on the internet. Do you think Survive the Jive should just broadcast via ham radio?
I lol'd try millions, you all really are clueless about what they are really hiding
>Sup Forums
>"we all"
there is the door
lurk more faggot
That french retard fucker is insufferable
The only one I liked in there was Primitive Technology dude. He rules though in all seriousness if he tried his shit out in British Columbia he'd die quickly.
I guess shit tier is the only thing keeping us from a cucked socialist hell hole. God bless shit tier!
>demote styx to meh
>literal buttbuddy with sargoy
>jewtubers thread
i doubt that considering your flag
yah the stuff on that channel makes this other stuff for kiddies. You should check out truth stream media also they have really good content
>truth stream media
here is a link
there is another one also give me a minute to find it