Fuck Sup Forums i think i'm slowly starting to get "redpilled", whatever that means

fuck Sup Forums i think i'm slowly starting to get "redpilled", whatever that means.
i'm still very liberal, but i just got into a big argument with my family about modern art.

after my rant about these retarded quasi artists and their bullshit art my whole family just btfo me and told me my mindset is too simple and so I can't find a deeper meaning and appreciate true passion in art.
i'm starting to really hate those libtards and i just hope this website doesnt turn me into a fucking racist nazi

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>I'm still very liberal
Yeah so is 99% of Sup Forums all you "redpilled" euro niggers are really no different from your average Canadian, just you're big cucks and wish the Germans invaded you and took over

Modern art is retarded, and this is from someone who studied art. It's all abobut what you did and why you did it. It doesn't need to be beautiful, take skill or be masterful.
As such it is no longer about the object you see, but the thinking there was behind it.
Here is a nice video to watch and show your family

So if i came up with some bullshit story and paintet like a retard i could become rich?

I'm sorry triglav bro, it's only gonna get worse from here

>i just hope this website doesnt turn me into a fucking racist nazi
It won't turn you into a racist, it'll turn you into a race realist.

Now come read some race and crime statistics with us.

>french flags at a museum

Race isn't real liberal cuck there's only humans and animals

but you are right if it's any consolation. modern art is pretentious shit.

If you are known, yes. Why do you think so many artist do stupid and provocative shit ? So that they get known.
That's one of the reason it's getting worse and worse. They NEED to go further and further.

just open your mind bro ;)
can't you see how much it improved

Whos watching them? Thats my question. Most consumers cant be that retarded

the art world watches them. It's not the mass that choose what is in a museum.
And the values of these thing can be compared to gucci tshirts if you may. It's just to show off to your other rich friends.

It's a circle jerk.

Human isn't real liberal cuck there's only animals and plants


i know good gooy adam is hated around here but he does give an good explanation about why modern art is a scam.

Effort is art. Modern art takes no effect, thus it is not art.

just argue that the contemporary art they "appreciate" were decided and picked by (((elites))) as a form of money laundering scheme


Nah mate, don't try and tell me a nigger is the same species as me fuck off dumb cunt

Objectively wrong there is no difference between humans animals plants inscects whatever we all exist on a genetic continuum

100% false God made man in his image and gave us dominion over the animals, that means it's my God given right to own a nigger

Wrong again leaf wake up god isn't real the continuum exists and is proven by evolution we are all connected even our animal and African brothers one love

>God isn't real
Go away kike

Prove that your magic fairy skymonmy is real then I'm waiting. Burden of proof

There's nothing wrong with modern art. It's the natural evolution of art in a world saturated with devices that can capture a photorealistic image in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately much of modern art is used to launder money and to scam insurance. That doesn't mean modern art is fundamentally shit however.

I bet you have a real sweet collection of fedoras, don't you lil edgy fella?
You must be 18 to post here

First of all the bible says to stone wizards
Secondly fairies aren't real
And the fact that you exist is proof, unless you think your great grandma is a parasite that lived in the ocean

Postmodernism (which is what it sounds like your parents are actually defending) is total trash.

The only argument I have accepted in its favor is the one that with the introduction of photographic technology, photorealistic painting styles are less important and allowed human expression to move away from needing to be about realism.

That said, post modernism is taking it too far, is utter trash, and is some pathetic attempt to present itself as an inner dialogue starter.

If there is no God or any godlike being form theory of how universe has been created and prove it.

If god made the universe then what made god?

God is eternal

Here's a test to rule out something being art:

>Abesent art markers such as frames, signatures, pedestals, etc., would you rescue from the scrapyard?
If yes, it might be art.
If no, it's definitely not art.

>meme flag
sell crazy someplays else larper

The universe is eternal

Wtf does what art you like/don’t like have to do with your political beliefs? I’m pretty fucking liberal and I think most art is shit.

They are a different subspecies. Since we can all mate, it's not a separate species entirely.

Not according to Big Bang theory, if you got different one,I will gladly listen

Prove it.

>Never heard of the big crunch
>Never heard of cycles
>Believes in god

while this is true to some degree, mst modern art pieces get their value because of money laundering
once you pay a lot for a piece, it's worth a lot, but you don't have to pay taxes or anything else. if you're ever in monetary trouble, you sell it and poof, you're rich again

Prove what ? The fact that according to BBT universe is 13.7 b years old ?
>doesn't know that the most possible end of universe is big freeze which pretty much proves that cycle theory is not valid (Or that for some reason we're living in the last cycle)
Also I don't believe in God

That's the surface level of modern arts bullshit, but dig a layer deeper and you realize modern art is just a money laundering/tax avoidance scheme.

>Thinks possible means certain
>Think that when there are so many mysteries yo solve that we can accurately predict how the universe will end

An hero

Yes we can,that's called science you dumb cunt.
As possible as existance of God in any form.

>i just hope this website doesnt turn me into a fucking racist nazi

Racism isn't evil.

Racism doesn't violate ANY natural human rights or property rights. Think about that.

People conflate two types of racism: passive racism and aggressive racism. Passive racism is just people exercising their right to not involve themselves with whoever they dislike, and there's nothing wrong with this. Aggressive racism is mugging someone motivated by race, and while this is definitely wrong, it's wrong because it's aggressive and not because it's racist.