it's a serious question to be quite honest, are we going to disown these women who have done what i assume most of us here find absolutely disgusting. shouldn't we blame the society that pushes this degenerate propaganda as acceptable. white people are being attacked on all fronts we are constantly being told to basically hate our own existence
our beautiful females are being force fed crap about feminism and the evil patriarchy.
so what do we do with this ones who have figured this out but have a fuck ton of baggage to bring along the ride.
But for me personally i just can't bring myself to sleep with a white girl knowing full well she willing slept with a groid out of lust and being so foolishly lead by her peers not thinking of the future consequences it might bring. What are your thoughts on this subject?
What Do We Do With Red-Pilled White Women Who Were Blacked In The Past
>are we going to disown these women
Burn a black B on their face and shun them in society? They will serve as a warning for future girls not to become blacked whores. Sorry thanks to microchimerism I don't want to have your part nigger baby. Spice the post as necessary.
>Who Were Blacked In The Past
They should be branded so that every white man knows of their past.
The parents should also be held accountable. Incorrect behavior in women is a failure of the men in her lives. It's the same as a child committing a crime, they just don't have the mental capacity for self determination. A shame she's ruined because her father didn't teach her right.
As long as she honestly regrets it, I forgive her.
Give them some nice slut shaming but realistically not everyone was born redpilled and they grew up in a world where racemixing was hip and cool so it's understandable that they did it before realizing it was wrong.
>caring about tradthots
>I sucked a lot of bbc in the past but I truly regret that, user.
>I'm a good girl now and I'm looking for a mature relationship.
t. roastie getting off the cock carousel right before she hits the wall so she can get herself a beta provider while still getting dick on the side
Give to betas. Betas can get a wife, kids, some fucking etc. and the girl as a punishment has to marry and breed with a loser and have her genetic stock ruined.
Of course, the beta men wouldn't be the nu-male blue-pilled types, just loser Sup Forumstards who can't do any better.
And this is why Christians hang alongside the Jews on tdotr.
first thing first
nah, brother
no such thing
Just look at that fucking face. You can tell she's a spoiled little brat who just wants to piss people off for attention. No different than an edgy little 13 year old fag, except maybe better penmanship.
No, this one just won't do, throw it in the trash and make another one.
Throw them to mixed mutts like me.
First get rid of Child Protective Services, Social Security and Medicare. Then do this
Once you have been blacked there is no going back. Might as well OD. Should honestly give them a mark theyll get better at hiding the signs over time.
Im dead serious btw. Redpilled conservative men wont want them and nobody wants more half blackies in the genepool. Give them to me and I'll breed you a 3/4 white conservative family lmao.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Why condem people for past mistakes, are you perfect?
Nowhere in the bible does it require you to marry a non virgin
Fornication is actually they only acceptable reason for divorce
You must be catholic or something.
>virginity not a requirement
or a roastie.
Any feet pics of this chick?
They should breed with mestizos and help make more castizos which will make more Spaniards which will make more whites. It’s better than nothing
I agree desu, 3/4 whites are better than 1/2 whites and so on
>once you go black
You can't come back.
>red pilled
Oh honey...
Branded, and used as whores for needs and incels. But they should never be allowed to breed.
>What Do We Do With Red-Pilled White Women Who Were Blacked In The Past
shave them bald and make them walk the streets while the serfs pelt them with shit and rotten fruit
>red pilled
oh innocent soul
All I know is if I find a girl has dated a black in the past her romantic value immediately goes down in my eyes
It requires you to be a virgin. It does not require you to marry a virgin.
And he's half right about sex and marriage. You can only get divorced if your spouse refuses to have sex with you. He's also not a catholic because he called it divorce instead of annulment.
The entire idea of redemption for your sins “if you just say sorry” is enough of a reason to gas you cryptos.
Forgiveness is not acceptance. The Bible tells you to forgive, it doesn't tell you to marry the whore though.
Jesus broke bread with whores and tax collectors, but did he ever say you had to trust these people? No.
In fact, you'd be doing yourself and your community a disservice by marrying a whore because you would be jeopardizing your own morals with a negative influence in your life and the lives of your children.
Learn to read.
>What Do We Do With Red-Pilled White Women Who Were Blacked In The Past
They're degraded to a lower caste of roasties. Beyond that, I'm not sure what you mean by doing to them? Just steer clear
Oh you vainglorious muppet
The problem is that the phenomenon is not just top-down/propaganda - it is also bottom-up.
Your subversive Jewish shit doesn’t work on me.
The entire concept of forgiveness if the degenerate just repents would not even exist, at all, if not for you crypto fucks. You’re the reason our culture is so cucky.
everyone watch out for the bagan coming through
Honestly paganism is a sign that the person is just a LARPer and not serious about their beliefs. Plenty of Christian LARPers too but any genuine nationalists (very few) are always Christian.
If user is atheist then you are almost as bad
No, forgiveness without punishment is acceptance.
Women make these "mistakes" on purpose while they're young because they know that cucks like you will still provide for them after they hit the wall.
Simply you can decrease the amount and chance of black genes through making the relation with her and making children.
There are genes that make someone appear with that skin. Getting rid of that gene is another story.
Options are:
1. have children with her so your children have lower chances of having genes associated with being negroid
2. gene therapy (genetic modification on human beings)
also to answer OP
women should all be killed but because this could end mankind we should just enslave them all and treat them as animals because they lack the intelligence to conceive of higher ideals like men can, blacked thots should be an even lower class of slave than white women, maybe slightly higher than cats but not as high as dogs
Burn the coal pay the toll. These women decided to fuck animals for money or sick curiosity. Hope they made enough to support themselves for life because they are not rejoining the white race and enjoying the benefits of white men being more stable, less violent than the nigger now that they're used up, virtueless spinsters for life. Pretending to be redpilled after the fact is nothing but manipulation to try to rope in a gullible white guy with low standards.
>to be a REAL nationalist you have to worship Yeshua and read the Torah
No, I’m immune to your filthy Jewish drivel.
Women who have had black dick are a no go. No way I'm going with a virgin though, too much of a hassle and inexperience. Having a woman who knows what she kinda wants makes the sex so much better.
but they are, user, they are
you just cannot see it
Why white bitches love BBC so much?
They love what they are told to love.
Women will go with the perceived normal.
There was a time not long ago that women would be the first to call others sluts and ostracize them.
there is no salvation for whim inn once she hath layed with a beast
There are no red pilled white women who have been with niggers in the past. If a white chick has been with a nigger or a sand nigger then she should be shunned by whites for the rest of her life. Asians should shun them as well. Make it so that these groid fuckers can only get with groids from now on. Too find a nigger attractive is a mental illness, and you don't grow out of that. Plus niggers are subhuman and we should view any white woman who has sex with one in the same light that we would view white women who have sex with bears,dogs,etc. Scratch that. Dogs, bears, etc are all smarter and many steps above a nigger. Shame these coalburners into oblivion.
Let me tell you something. All it takes is one or 2 attractive white chads who reject a hot thot because she has been with a sand nigger or nigger in her past. After that, she will be so ashamed that she will begin to hate niggers for what they did to her reputation. We need more threads here that highlight those instances from Tinder, etc. Some white thot that is not used to being rejected gets questioned by a chad on niggers. They say they once were with a nigger but they dont do it anymore. The chad rejects them and basically tells them they are subhuman for being with an actual subhuman. Chick goes crazy and feels ashamed.
t. Muhammad the german
this ,dump those sloots senpai , the toll has to be paid .
this .
muslims do this , they allow degenerates and scumbags back into being a respectable muslim but for that they have to sacrifice themselves . you're suggesting allowing the dindus of the sexes to do that for nothing .
What a reasonable, centrist, non-extreme view.
Please turn on, and then climb into, the nearest oven, ratkike von shekelstein
All women who fuck around with subhumans should be send to the country from where the man originated, with said man of course.
Let them reap what they sow.
have never had sex outside my race
Na! haha
hopefully don't become a burden to real whites
One and done. You don't just get BLACKED on a whim. A numerous variety of little mistakes have to accumulate before that even becomes a possibility.
There's a reason red flags exist after all.
This is why everyone makes fun of christcucks
Exactly, another tactic of they use is to try and give you the best sexual experience possible
How many points does she lose user? I'm curious.
General guideline I've heard is her value goes down 2 points for BLACKED and it gets cut in half if she's got a bastard mutt (and most likely single mom'd). Order of operations still apply and negative scores are possible.
The entirety of Sup Forums is /race/. This is just redundant.
mainly propaganda by mainstream media and educational institutions
yes! attractive white men should avoid them at all costs
So much lost collateral though. If they knew this beforehand enough bricks would be shat to build a wall across Mexico and Canada.
This thread is full of insane people. This can't be the most pressing question for you internet activists to so seriously ponder.
I'd rather have a country full of redeemed coalburners than alienated potential allies who continue to willingly buy into Jewish propaganda as an adult. Mistakes are mistakes but if you're trying to win a cold war of demographic attrition you need bodies. Permanently shunning coalburners is like shitting down a tank factory because a black guy worked there once. Fucking retarded.
If you disagree, you live a childish life that can't accept hard choices and are basically just male feminists
Impregnate them with your white seed
>t. fuck your standards
disown and ship to brazil or fund giant pleasure domes in africa where they get sent and put into shackles so niggers can fuck them to death
Those "mistakes" are calculated. see Yeah, they can be taken back but they have to be shamed and punished for it and always remain beneath women who didn't take nigger dick.
This. Even if it was a one off thing.
What if we just had them available for the future red pilled niggers and spics?
A red pilled family can usually raise a respectable enough halfie and then we're turning a whole negroid/beaner into a halfie on the genetic timeline.
We're making more mostly whites as the redpilled children inevitably go for whites.
>bangs blacks
Holy shit how can one OP be so pathetic? Did you just find out your GFs sexual history? Hahaha get fucked you beta bitch
are you going to marry them?
Also completely disown all white males who were riced in the past, no matter how red-pilled.
They are to be eliminated with the rest of the bioroasties
>can girls who bang black guys be redeemed?
Lol sounds like OP just found out more than he wanted to know about his GF.
tits or gtfo
People dont change,become wise or die like an idiot
As much as some people are going to hate it; accepting women who have been blacked but got a harsh dose of the red pill and actually learnt their lesson from it is necessary.
Notice the "learnt their lesson" part. Most don't. Most never will.
Unfortunately, there's not enough red pilled women going around to throw out the ones who have made mistakes.
Where I draw the line is if they ever got pregnant with a nigger.
You're not too far off. We should be shunning white men who willingly fuck Asian women just as much as we shun white women who willingly fuck nogs. It's sad that there are so many male feminists on Sup Forums who think like feminists.
The road goes both ways.
Leave them for the reformed soyboys.
Idealistic but that's not happening. Cultures schism all the time over small differences so racemix isn't exactly going to result in that.
If they want to repent for their sins they must become nuns and serve God for the rest of their lives. No man should touch these abominations as they have been tainted by the devil.
Na Just Speaking in general
When they see what they have done and have no offspring, treat them well for good behaviour. marry them need be to prevent future mistakes.
so their wombs are o good to us then
In the old days, if your father caught you smoking, he'd force you to smoke a massive cigar all the way through to put you off smoking.
it's like treating someone that fucked an animal as normal. You wouldn't date a guy that fucked a dog so you wouldn't date a chick that fucked a nigger.
Best post of 2018 so far
lmao 90% of users on pol would jump all over a coalburner/single mother the moment she showed even the slightest bit of interest
bring them to the democratic side, where its okay to be attracted to other races.
i mean look at toni lahren