Antip*land thread. We bash this shithole in this thread and the apes that live there.
Antip*land thread. We bash this shithole in this thread and the apes that live there
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berlin to warsaw in two weeks olympic record 1939
My german friend with ukrainian jewish mother is right! Poland is shithole, do not... i repeat DO NOT come here.
40% of their country belongs to us. We will retake it soon
poland? dont u mean the general government
Maybe take your own country back first.
t. Hans
sad but true
Kraut btfo
Every war ever:
>oh no, these people are fighting over something and it's ruining my business
>Poland, dive in there head-first
>yessir, mr Shmeigel xDD heer I gooOOOOoOOoooO-
>le over 80% civilians lost face
No wonder this country never contributed anything to the Western culture, their whole existence is based around being a cannon fodder.
slav = slave
Poland is a nation with a greater history than any single European nation, We are a nationalist homogenous society free of Islam, The rest of you are too cucked to even contemplate this.
-scrubs shit from toilet bowl and flushes-
>mad euro cuck
Pay monies and fuck off.
Yes, Poland is a shithole, full of shitty people. There is not a single reason to come here. Our girls are ugly just like our cities. Everyone is rude and unwelcoming. You're not going to have a good time here. Better stay in your country.
Fuck you Merkel. Poland is based.
These fuckers are right, poland is a shithole, DO NOT GO THERE. Especially muslims, they are so fucking super racist they practically have bacon in EVERYTHING.
You need the Lebensraum for the future of Germany, which is colourful und diverse. Ja!
t. plumber
and testo is our master
poland ? more like POOland, i hate this shithole i wish i wasn't polish.
This is now a germoney hate-thread.
Show your real flag faggot
no, deutschland uber alles
You are European - the fuck is your problem?
>they practically have bacon in EVERYTHING.
All jokes aside pork is king here, they would either have to start eating pork or become vegans. Our polish muslims minority (lipka tatars) are in fact eating pork.
fuck off, you should be ashamed of being polish, i refuse to speak this filthy dog language, i just want this shithole to be destroyed, I HATE BEING POLISH.
Germans are scat fetishists #1
>be polish
>eat kebab
i dun goofed again.
I wonder who is behind all the EU flags. How is your jihad going?
I will show my flag
So? Kebab is german.
You're a Kraut.
austrian faggot BTFO
yes and surrendering in 2 weeks is polish
Jestem polakiem xD i mozesz mi loda zrobić
Ich weiß ganz genau wer du bist, Krautcuck.
We never surrendered, and you never won war with us 1vs1.
kek u got curbstomped by a nation that was 6 years ago in severe economic depression
You Must be American. No other nation could reach similar levels of retardation.
>hmmm, some country that is mostly homogenous
>some shit organization raping europe with fugees
Id take Poland any day.
stfu plumber go pray to woytila the jew lover
OP can you...see me?
I'm pretty sure if Hitler would live today he'd root for Poland instead of German Caliphate.
FFS Germany, get your own shit together before starting threads like this.
ud probably shit urselves if he were to come back u would join the french in surrendering immideately
Is there more annoying nation then Poland? They always attack and divide other Europeans. I couldn't imagine being a Pole and all i have on my mind 24/7 is WW2 and past. Everytime someone says something pole will only look if there is some reference to WW2 or some battle. They will never comment to contribute to something only to Argue.'' Exactly 321 years and 23 days ago battle X happened''. '' Oh you are form nation X, let me tell you why you should pay reparation because of the battle that happened 734 years ago where you took some of our territory'' Poles love to talk about how they conquered someone, but as soon as they are the game they cry.
>'' Oh you are a Brit? fucking traitor remember WW2 xD??''
>" French? haha surrender more idiot'
>''Russian? Go away you are the worst''
>" German? OMG nazis''
>'' Ukrainian? Why you celebrate Bandera i hate you''
Here i made a list what 89% of poles will write on facebook or other sites in comments. Why can't they be normal like Czech
So like 12 men between the ages 18-40 and some old veterans?
Anything beyond this area is a shithole
ITT: Butthurt sand niggers that are mad based Poland is not taking in refugees.
learn history kraut Pomerania and Silesia weren't your lands through most of the time
anyway my country is shit tier and i'm speaking from the perspective of a physician (neurologist), our health care is right now in deep crisis and 2 steps from collapsing
Marcel, weź wypierdalaj.
>They always attack and divide other Europeans
>What is this thread?
dumb pole i said hitler not we stupid pole no wonder u got BTFO
Holy shit ahahahahahahahomfg ahahahahahahahagagahaahhaha too good to be true. Pls be proxy
We know it's you, Ahmed.
You have a nazi flag and my previous post is related to Germany. What an absolute brain-dead
>weren't your lands through most of the time
That is the most pussy ass bitch argument ever.
Poland is a pisshole
The better one is: come and take it if you can.
It ends Germany in one sentence.
you honestly think Ahmed would have such good knowledge of Poland? I know here more about Poland than the stupid youth and chavs who post here under polish flag
>t. burger
kys cunt
lol how about no
oh a coward plumber moralizing me go lick ur jew masters hands
>that one german starting anti-pole threads everyday
Poland full, fuck off.
Mashallah! Long live the caliphate
Literally stolen from Ukrainian cuisine. The Day of the Plunger SOON.
You're a fat virgin with a small dick and no friends.
Ukraine was not even a country till the 90's you stupid fucking idiot. The only thing you guys created was anorexia during your famine. Ukraine is literally the most useless country on this planet.
So you agree to return Peremyshl and rest of Zakerzonia???
Absolutely demolished. How will the muslim recover?
>amerimutt education
german-ukrainian friendship forever
Ukraine looks nice user!
take away your filthy ukrainians from poland they literally overflod us, you can't even ask a shop marker about anything due to the fact that most of them don't speak polish and EVERY fucking ukrainian i've met in public gives off a smell of shit and pee i'm not even over exaggerating now
if the same kind of unhuman apes from my country migrated to UK and rest of western europe i understand your distaste toward us now
Here, we can clearly see how subhuman species attract each other in their natural environment.
I actually like Poland
it only shows how stupid ukrainians are
you DO REALISE that kiev rus was a country established by old viking dynasty and primordial RUSSIANS
it has literally zero to do with current ukrainians beside name
jew lover kys
Come and take it.
This. Lyakh, Zhid and dog - same faith.
Daily reminder:
With all that food you have, I'm suprised so many of you starved to death.
Ukraine is ex Poland
did I just rustle your little jimmies ahmed? Remember, Sarmatians> > > > > > > aryans
Fuck POOland
inb4 partitions of ukraine, I just want my borders with Hungarian bros.
My family are Poles of German descent. I still have a German surname.
I hate this fucking country and its retarded people. The current authoritarian goverment and its actions only proves Poles are the niggers of Europe.
Im finishing my studies and getting out of this Godforsaken shithole, probably to my fatherland.
SPBP. Also nothing to see here.
nice selfie, got an instagram? you might be a stay there