Have these lying around at home.
Can any german user tell me if they are worth reading?
Have these lying around at home
Other urls found in this thread:
>Having book with hitler on cover
Its worse than cp germanbro, arent you afraid?
Some qt will come to your hosue
>oh user wtf?? Im reporting you to merkel!
fuck off kike
Reported to the stasi
Is this a LARP thread?
no one?
i know the left one is published by (((spiegel))).
Author of right one was married to a jew.
how is this LARPing you fucking retard?
Nice try shlomo
Bin keiner Deutsche, aber das Buch von Fest ist durchaus lesenswert.
I've never heard of the other one, but Fest's "Hitler" is widely considered to be the best single-volume study of Hitler and his life ever produced. It's a fantastic read. Being done by a Spiegel journalist in the Seventies, it's obviously not pro-Hitler, but it is remarkably honest, probably to a degree that would make Jews uncomfortable today. Fest also produced a documentary based on the book called "Hitler: A Career", which is streaming on Netflix US.
What I enjoyed most about the book was its basic theme: things don't happen in a vacuum. They happen for a reason, and Hitler happened for a reason. Another nice touch is how Fest explained in the intro, whether we like it or not, that Hitler achieved greatness, as he imposed himself on the historical process. You can tell Fest regards Hitler with a kind of awe. I think any rational person, even a rational anti-fascist (if such a thing could exist), must be in some way impressed with Hitler.
thank you. i will probably read it
after finishing sutton's wall street and hitler.
*and the rise of hitler
the tl;dr is that Hitler was mostly good with some bad points concerning ideology, but his foreign policy was disastrous and destroyed Germany
>inb4 stormfags blame the jews for a war Hitler started
It's a meme book. Hitler's Revolution is the best one I can think of.
In what way is it a meme book?
Do you disregard the proposition of the book that the
NS party was supported by international capital which propped up the german kartell-system and made them able to fight the war?
Yes because the book very clearly ignores the amount of financial support (which was minimal) and again completely ignores how much the same Wall Street supported the USSR and other liberal democracies like the UK. They didn't play favourites but were looking to make a buck.
>made them able to fight the war
Just no. Please read Hitler's Revolution or at least give it a try.
Okay i will. Im just trying to learn and get the bullshit we were taught at school out of my head.
Suttons arguments just make sense to me though.
That the rapid industrialisation and the transfer of higly valuable technology (making gasoline out of coal etc.) from the americans is what made germany able to fight the war.
... Then you have your answer?
Germany was ahead of America technologically in some aspects. This book is really American-Liberal biased. David Irving has some great biographies on different NSDAP top members like Goebbels, Himmler etc. Again Hitler's Revolution is a gem.
Sutton is critisizing the american establishment. He even wrote a book about Skull and Bones. Doesnt get more liberal establishment(east coast elite) than that.
Skull bones is conspiracy nonsense just like the idea that Hitler was somehow dependent on Wall Street.
Come on man. Next thing you gonna tell me that 9/11 wasn't done by the neocons/zionists.
You need to start thinking for yourself.