Watch COPS with pol (old thread ded)
Based 80's and 90'2 edition.
twitch dot tv slash cops_with_pol_redux
Discord link if you dont want to create a Tw*tch account for the live chat: discord gg FyQKmDD
Watch COPS with pol (old thread ded)
Based 80's and 90'2 edition.
twitch dot tv slash cops_with_pol_redux
Discord link if you dont want to create a Tw*tch account for the live chat: discord gg FyQKmDD
Other urls found in this thread:
>Discord link
Thank you op! Will join when I get home
I used to watch it all the time with my dad. He was a cop at one point and I'd like to be one too.
Easiest way to be red pilled is to be a cop.
Time to get comfy. Thanks OP
>full bush
bumping for /comfyness/
3 months follower only mode?
This room is in 3 months followers-only mode. Follow cops_with_pol_redux to join the community!
OP said that previous stream got killed by twitch cos of fully unmodded chat
Change your chat settings, OP
Bad boys bad boys, what you gonna do, what you gonna do when they come for you.
its great
twitch has shoah'd the stream twice already probably because the chat.
hence join the discord
these early 80s/90s episode are by far the best
Officer Vinnie has entered the game
philadelphia episode, dindus guaranteed
join the discord for maximum /comfy/
upcoming episode:
"Fag / Trap Hunting: 'do you have a penis?'" edition
don't miss this one, it's comedy gold
Wow. An extremely comfy time capsule. I miss these times.
i remember watching cops with a mate back in the day
he loved seeing cunts get beaten as did i
Broward county were one of the best
also dog chases are great
cops were hummi,ng the Transformers theme while they cuffed the tranny topkek
Bump for comfy stream
Pul; beside him Jim
ya doing good Jim
get 'em Jim
/comfy/ bump
>low self-esteem manlets detected
t. soyboy
page 10 bump
>nigga detected
>beta orbiter bootlicker detected
fuck off leftypol shill I hope your mother gets raped by a pack of niggers, let's see you cry then
Do you hab a benis?
The poor butthurt soyboy can't handle it
>everyone who isn't a bootlicker is a /leftypol/ shill
>everyone who isn't a bootlicker is a /leftypol/ shill
Yes, exactly.
Don't get all pissy just because we know, faggot.
>admitting you are a bootlicker
Watch cops you sat?
Lets watch this female french cop get a taste of true diversity.
Not politics
fuck off reddit
>no fun allowed.jpg
3 month follower mode only
join discord for chat
twatch got shoahd twice already
>north bound
>south bound
>west bound
pick one
>ywn watch cops with your rabbit bros again
it's /comfy/ af bro
nothing like chilling havind a couple of beers and watching this stream
every time I see a nigger on his knees I touch my penis
That image Good laugh