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>le epic nazi pewdiepie
he's nothing but a normie that made a few edgy jokes. he has no clue about jews, whitewashing and all that shit.
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you haven't watched enough pewdiepie. He has dog whistled on multiple occasions, he is 110% /ourguy/ at this point and it isn't even up for debate.
>was on /gif/ and /wsg/ earlier
>90% of the things he's showing were on either
>suddenly a flash of a second where he is on /gif/
Well, I guess that's why I noticed all the webms he was posting.
Im pretty sure he has made several videos complaining about whitewashing and feminisism albiet with some tact (starwars last jedi review) also when he was talking about the time he said nigger and hitler did nothing wrong so disney dropped him.
He cant just say the shit we do as an annoymous image board. He has 57mil subs, his revenue stream is dependent on yt which is happy to be dropping redpilled youtubers left and right.
>haha kill all jews
>just jking guise
yeah, totally redpilled
>He cant just say the shit we do as an annoymous image board. He has 57mil subs
Why can't you pewds?
He will, soon enough. He is the final incarnation of Shiva, the star child, he will complete the system and restore the divine order. The problem with Hitler was that he was two kind, Pewdiepie will not make the same mistake.
Yes he is
Even if the 45 yo divorced ex-republican, redditor neo memelord, trumptard (current /pol population) doesn't like him
He has redpilled the z-generation
He has done more damage to the SJW agenda than any American cuckservative
just read this in his voice. god dammit. he is such a likeable dude.
>people on /gif/ keep making bait and switch webms just for pewdiepie.
god bless them.
"If we apply are admittedly peculiar point of view consistently, we are driven to conclude that Wotan must, in time, reveal not only the restless, violent, stormy side of his character, but, also, his ecstatic and mantic qualities — a very different aspect of his nature. If this conclusion is correct, National Socialism would not be the last word."
"Wotan" - C.G. Jung 1936
He has to do it to stay on youtube and redpill even more people.
He will be the reason why gen z beats you to death for not being racist enough.
Watch this and tell me he is not redpilled. He just openly says stuff we say anonymous on Sup Forums openly on a 60 million subs channel.
None of you faggots would do the things he did even on a little party, while he does it in front of millions.
How can anyone not like him? Seems like a genuinely decent guy.
what is that song with the windows xp notepad ??
Me too and i feel a little bit ashamed
was literary in this exact YLYL thread on /gif/ yesterday so fuck you pewds, stop shilling your channel on Sup Forums
If Pew plays this clip in his next video then we can conform our guy
>normie that made a few edgy jokes
pic related, but still funny sometimes
I love how everyone in here acts tough behind anonimity but calls him a faggot when he has said some pretty redpilled shit to almost 60 million people. He's ok in my book
someone tell me what the song is when the xp notepad opens up
pls reply
> Guy gets hated by everybody for years
> Gets the most famous youtuber
> Calls out the jews and multi million news agencys try to have a smear campain against you and get you off youtube
> Become even stronger and now even grown ups like him
What a time to be alive.
Kinda like taylor swift. She stays out of all the politics, and says nothing about voting hillary or anything. Then there show even pics up where she stands besides a guy with a swastika for a selfie, and 88 in the background of pics of her, and in the end she even sues leftist sjw blogs, and she becomes more popular than ever.
And then taylor swift and pewdiepie even talked on facebook with each other, probably about how they can redpill the youth even more.
This is the new counter culture.
Their babies would trully be as aryan as they can be, i am even willing to renounce his viking dna mixing with italian blood
This one
Marzia is venetian, so she's also probably "redpilled", at least on immigrants and race realism.
I still can't believe his gf is a filthy spaghettinigger.
Maybe i am wrong about all this after all, this racemixer faggot can't be red pilled.
holy fuck when he showed his frog that frog jumping and his frog started shitting. amazing.
>begin reading funny meme
>no laugh
>reading the actual joke
>no laugh
>anticlimatic ending
>AHAHAHAHA, god damn it seems i lost my ylyl challenge
seems legit
based thank you. i used to know what this song was because i had the album but it was years ago and i lost it. i hear it every now and then and could never find it again.
thanks heaps.
or it was some sort of remix of this song maybe. i can't remember. but all i know is that i downloaded some trance album with that song on it.
Hans come on, insulting you would be like insulting a swede, is overused, is not funny anymore and the memes are becoming quickly reality. I am happy for you if your country manages to only breed pure white babies, godbless
>Dancing to DJ Adolf
>starts screaming mein fuhrer
How did WSJ not find that clip?
Everything would be better if we did it without you, having to split all our forces just for you.
I mean for fucks sake, you lost over 7000 men in a battle against 20 frogeaters.
Here's an extended, I quite like the song now
is he /ourMannen/?
Still more genuine than any "alt-right e-celeb", he has backed off a lot though, prob got a talking to by youtube jews. He was really close to openly talking about the jq. Would not be surprised if the media campaign was a focused effort to shut him up. These kikes are willing to suck up billions in losses to keep pushing their shit. When you think about it he is a bigger star than any hollywood kike.
How would have you beat England and Usa?
underage: the thread
I have had this song stuck in my head for days now, thanks fagget.
Pewdiepie could teach nearly 60 million people Swedish and they would unironically follow suit and speak Swedish in the streets.
Cat man do and fluride too
Ive watched his get over it series more than once.
Legit still from video 32:10
>Sees video from some shithole in Southern India
>Pewds says it reminds him of Sweden
You faggots don't really seem to comprehend just how redpilled pewdiepie actually is. I feel like a total faggot for typing this but it's absolutely true.
The man is even taking massive risks by dropping these redpills and taking pokes at lefties and the liberal media, because Pewdiepie channel is not covered by a network like other major youtubers - Which effectively translates to that if pewdiepie ever gets his channel deleted then it's game over for his youtube career.
He's deep in the sauce and is unironically /ourguy/
This is an old interview, to be fair, so maybe he has changed quite a bit since then.
>He is probably lurking ITT
Hello you faggot
He definitely changed, I remember 2 years ago he googled himself and got super triggered when it said 'is pewdiepie autistic' because it was offensive to autistic people
now he says it all hte time
Damn, he sounded like me a few years ago too. I'm ashamed to have ever been that bluepilled. Props to him for not drinking the kool-aid anymore.
If pewds is here:
Devi accelerare, la verità non arriverà nelle menti dei tuoi followers da soli, devi fare maieutica. Non servirà a niente postare un paio di meme per farci capire che sei dalla nostra parte.
I just realized how gay all you faggots really are. Lol."He's so REDPILLED I'd dominate him sexually". The guy makes funny vids and has come to realize the cancer in the world. Not much more to it than that other than the fact the he has millions of dollars.
If pewds is here:
Jag håller med ovanstående. Valåret 2018 är avgörande för Sveriges framtid. På den internationella arenan anses Sverige vara Europas kronjuvel, och spelar därmed en avgörande roll i Europas kulturkrig.
Q has started a fire that will spread. For the first time in our lifetimes, the Great Awakening is within our memetic reach.
Where are the others
hello Felix
yes he is,but he cant admit anything or his career is dead
He just called for the death of jews, he is already admiting it.
Who is Q swedebro?
Because they're shitty journalists funnily enough.
yeah but he has to make shitty "apologies" and "it wuz a joke" videos whenever he does anything controversial
He literally posted Death to all Jews
low level bait
He's just trying to stay relevant with his audience who are all a bunch of edgy pepe tshirt wearing 8 year old nazis
I think most of your, I mean Pewds' fan base is redpilled enough to not give a shit what you say. Kiketube is a different story though, they'd have a field day de-monetizing and deleting such a good Christian channel for something like that, better show a freshly suicided body to offset it, they appear to love that kind of shit
Roasted again
Sup Forums - 0
Coins - 100
low level bait 2
>Childish vidya gaem playing swedish soyboy.
Our Guy!
Kill yourself fucking retard he's literally showing Sup Forums threads in his videos, makes Sup Forums references and hangs out with people who talk about killing leftists.
>talks about killing leftists
10 hours in mspaint
Guys stop making threads about him here. You don't want this stuff to be on google.
I propose we start calling him The Führer to confuse the search engines.
Anyone got a link for that It's okay to be white video? That shit was gold
>if pewdiepie ever gets his channel deleted then it's game over for his youtube career.
I honestly cannot wait for that day to come.
Will he prove himself truly the starchild?
Time will tell.
senpai, please notice me!
I know this is you Pewbs. Don't think your Swedish proxy will trick anyone.
He is ourguy, but he still needs some time to show his powerlevel without "it wuz a joke/sorry-sorry" vidoes.
Join me in the 2018 Crusade to Retake Mother Svea
>Is he /ourguy/?
Has she truly seen the errors of her ways?
Wake not the beast you intend to kill without the proper equipment to handle its anger.
The situation worsens by the day, but there can be no redemption without understanding and remorse for wrongdoing.
Her children must be readied to fight for their lives.
He just put out a video about the Logan Paul fiasco
I watched Pewds in the early days, and gave it up later on. I recently started watching his videos again from time to time.
I think he is quite confused about where he stands politically, and still has a few bitter pills to swallow.
Nevertheless, it is clear that as a Swede he is deeply angered by the rape of his homeland. I wouldn't for a second trust any Swedish person who wasn't.
I can't believe that I've come to enjoy PDP's content. I used to hate the guy, now I watch all his vids. Just seems like a much more genuine guy than most other youtubers - you can look at H3 for contrast there.
cr1tikal is pretty great too if you haven't watched his videos.
Streetfighter 2 Let's Play with a Shigeru Miyamoto cutout.
Prease pdpai
This was at the end of his Logan Paul video and he just put it up by itself, a 16 second video, I guess he's thinking he'd want to post it on /gif/
what was it?!