Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Withheld in Germany Edition

Groko coalition talks start on the 7th
Majority of Germans prefers Groko over minority government or re-election
Parliament uniting against AfD, the only party whose members are actually present

>news in german

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>fake Höckecaust memorial trolled


>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Kraut/pol/ OP dump

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>old thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Reported to Heiko Maas.

brb deleting my hdd

>Majority of Germans prefers Groko over minority government or re-election
For real? What source is this from? It's hard to belive that Michel would like to have another 4 years of this cancerous and genocidal government, but I'm not surprised by anything at this point.

Deutschland erwache

Ard Deutschlandtrend

don't forget that the majority of the population is still a bunch of indoctrinated cucks

msm still sets the frame on what is allowed thought.
a frame deliberately set up to be dysfunctional.

We're having elections too, are you happy?

I fucking hate the NetzDG, those fucks know sure as hell, that more than necessary gets deleted.
I hope you get explosively enriched, (((Heiko))).

...who are haplessly thinking all politicians only want the best for Germany

Is Berlusconi running again?

Maas alone is reason enough that the Groko talks must fail. Imagine 4 more years with this fuckhead

been watching videos from the famous ccc convention.
when has this become a political ideological echo chamber?
thats some activism right there, but boy is he tangled into the leftists ideological matrix.
they are so self absorbed that they are unable to see rhat conditions changed fundamentally

counter narrative:
deleted stuff is potentially the most valuable on any reasonable insight scale.
always look for the stuff that got dleted,, always look for the stuff that generates the bigggest faux moral outrage

He looks like a soy boy

>when has this become a political ideological echo chamber?
It always has been. Due to the current political circumstances people are just more polarized and show their true colors.

no, he *is* a soyboy
titled afd as nazis under applause, then bemoans muh refugees.
funny how presumably 'his' greens/spd were more then ok with setting the middle east on fire, and his ebil nazis are against it so far.
cognitive dissonance is the crowning achievement of the leftist intellectual.
got to give him credit for his high activism levels, though

not sure about that, remember it heavily tech focussed.
there seems to have been a deliberate push towards political positioning in recent years.

can't speak for the ccc since i'm not a member but i have observed exactly this in my local hackspace
more and more less capable people coming in and dragging level of the conversation down in the manner of
> i have no clue of compiler design but lets bash microsoft, apple and bush
gradually the real geeky people lost interest
similar things happened to the pirate party as far as i have heard

I knew the 34C3 was a cucked event but I didn’t know how bad it was.

You can't avoid political positioning because everything became political in the last few decades. The most obvious example in the last few years was Gamer Gate.

it is almost as if they had no antidote to the social engineering/hacking by leftist ideologues

>You can't avoid political positioning
of course you cold, keep it tech and surveillance related
i am telling you, there had got to be a deliberate push to ideologize the tech scene, and they were helpless

is 4chin even affected by NetzDG? I mean threads are pruned after a few hours anyways.

oh and look who also got a slot

Bump and asking myself the same question

I doubt it

I feel like both the CCC and the Pirate party fell victim to them because they shared a similar makeup and weaknesses. Both were pretty heterogenous organizations united by a common interest and both had a somewhat liberal (as in "libertarian") mindset.
So when leftists started entering these communities and were not only coordinated and ideologically focused but also supported by a media barrage condemning sexism and racism (i.e. any opposition to leftist topics and discussions) the tone of the entire community got dominated by them pretty quickly.

So ultimately you end up with two more platforms for people to cry about discrimination and oppression and slowly killing everything that was unique about them.

(2) Der Anbieter eines sozialen Netzwerks ist von den Pflichten nach den §§ 2 und 3 befreit, wenn das soziale Netzwerk im Inland weniger als zwei Millionen registrierte Nutzer hat.

So... just don't use sites where you have to register an account and you're ok?

Can Sup Forums be considered a "social network"? The way I understand the law it targets facebook and twitter, mostly.


it sure looks it, yes
many such cases. sad.
andd they really can't get their head around how much circumstances and conditions changed in the last decade and the last 2-3 years in particular.
they'd be somewhat fine if it was still early to mid 90's.

honestly, fug this bay nation.
I regret having have moved here.
Germans, for the most part, are actually terrible people who only care about themselves and their little bruises on their relatively healthy souls.
Do you guys even think this country can be made great again?

but what would they have done against a mongolian throatsinger's board anyway?

We have open borders, feel free to leave

>german laws having an effect on an american botnet chatroom
ob du behindert bist?

They could sue Hiro but that would most likely not really effective

Sup Forums is a imageboard not a social network. WhatsApp is also free because it is a messanger.
social network=account with a public profile, everyone can see your posts..

the problem with open borders is that leaving is more problematic than coming in.
It's my new years resolution to try to leave this retarded country, I will miss some of you glorious faggers tho.
>You're okay
>Don't go to school tomorrow

Where are you from originally?

hiroshimoot sued confirmed.

based ponlan

Auf Nimmerwiedersehen Marek

good, fuck off

say, what happens if you just swarm the networks with deletion requests up the ass?
Like, if a bot just reports everything on the site.
Would they just delete everything, as they want to make sure nothing covered by the law gets over the 24 hour mark?

hf being jailed for Merkel-critique

Does anyone have the merkel kindergarden comic with immigrants running around?

Gibt es hier eigentlich ein paar Gunfags?
Ich würde gerne wissen, ob die memes stimmen und man in Deutschland effektiv ausgeliefert ist.
Kommt man eihgentlich hier in D legal an eine AR15 oder ähnliches ran (gibt es eine bessere Alternative zur AR15, ist die AR15 nur ein übersoieltes Ammi-meme?), oder muss man da der persönliche Shutz des Außenministers sein?

this one?

No, bretty gud tho.
I think it was something like merkel sitting in a couch and tiny afghans running around smearing shit on the floor, saying something like "merkels children"

I don't have that one, sorry

Werde Jäger und hol dir deine gunz, oder mach einen kleinen Besuch nach Tschechien ;)

The big problem is that you get locked up if you use that gun against rapists, terrorists or violent subhumans.

So basically my only way of actually protecting myself at home is with a CombatSpoon(TM)?

Or ist it legal to have a stainless steel pipe laying beside your bed?
What if I use a long, fixed knife to defend mysself at home?
What are my options when there is not a full-on SHTF scenrio where there is basically no more law-enforcement anyways?

>new poll

The Video is quite good. I read somewhere that a guy killed someone in self defense when it wasn't needed and got locked up. Even if it was justified, lefties will try to lock you up because you killed a treasured guest.

In any case you need a good lawyer

Operation 18% läuft wie ich seh.

large parts of the german populace are doubling down to protect their past mistakes.
never underestimate the principle of consistency that plagues the feeble broken mind.



How is CDU/CSU so incapable of collapsing?

Old people are still voting for them

Is that so? AfD voters are young?

>I read somewhere that a guy killed someone in self defense when it wasn't needed and got locked up.

Last case I remember was this one.

Many CDU/CSU voters are people that voted for them forever and are probably not even interested in politics.

Plenty of SPD voters voted for Merkel.

Not necessarily but younger than the average cdu or spd voter

>I fucking hate the NetzDG, those fucks know sure as hell, that more than necessary gets deleted.
That's actually a good thing. Overreaching censorship brought down the DDR already.
And BRD is most likely to follow.

>really makes you think

Is he /ourturk/?

Definetely /ourturk/, he says it like it is, and can't be accused of some mythical "racism" by leftifaggots.

Ich glaube nicht, dass es etwas wie /ourturk/ gibt, aber was er sagt stimmt.

are politicians even self aware at this moment?

Lets see... using the law to persecute opposing parties, aspiring for a more widespread socialism with germany as the kingpin... making living conditions unbearable for jews...

Are we talking about Hitler or Merkel?

>making living conditions unbearable for jews
I have no problem with that.

But you currently share living conditions, Hans. Is fucking over your neighbor (((Dinkelberg))) worth fucking over yourself ?

Junge is shitposting a lot lately

Your implying that making live worse for jews is automatically making life worse for me. That depends on what you mean by "making living conditions unbearable for jews". I thought that you refer to the "anti-semitic" protests over the US embacy moving to Jerusalem which happened in Berlin.
I might be completly wrong, tho. Could you clarify what you mean by "making living conditions unbearable for jews"?

Seems to upset some people.

>Er macht Angst vor dieser Partei.
Those traitors should be afraid, very much so. A thousand blades are sharpend for the night of retribution.


doubling down dog barking
who is that faggot?

The m*sl*m hordes that you're not supposed to talk about are what's making conditions unbearable and a number of them are going back to israel. Something tells me most of you don't have that luxury or even that desire, seeing as Germany is your home

Former editor in chief of Bild, now Spiegel

> A thousand blades are sharpend for the night of retribution.

Junge didn't even say this. He just reminded people that their actions have consequences and the they should be accountable.

fuck yeah

>Former editor in chief of Bild, now Spiegel
Sätze die vor 20 Jahren undenkbar gewesen wären.

I'm happy that muslim hordes are making live unbearable for jews. I'm not happy that they are making life worse for me. Life is not unbearable for Germans in Germany, far from it. That is why the Germans are so calm and docile at the moment. Even though we have been flooded with millions of muslims, the average German doesn't feel the pain, yet. He still hasn't paid the price. We still have access to cheap calories and entertainment. Once that vanishes, people are going to get confused. Then they are going to get angry and then they are going to get violent.
The only important question remaining will be: when is this going to happen and how will the numbers be at that point? Who will be in the majority, Germans or non-whites?
And concerning the second point about Germans leaving: They are not going to be a help anyway and therefore I don't care about them. Those who are willing to fight will stay no matter what.

>Junge didn't even say this.
He didn't, I did. Traitors will be accountable before God and I hope I will send a few of them to him.

Bild is more respectable than Spiegel nowadays

yeah right you guys are fucking pussies, you'll be lining up to get beheaded hoping the darkies might fuck your warm neckhole. pshh! get fucked germanbro you're dead to us


BILD is a CIA Psyop

CIA is a Mossad Psyop

It's the whole frog in boiling water thing. Just make sure it's not too late when you start fighting back