>be american
>go out
>get shot
>go out
>get shot
>go out
>get shot
This guy must be getting annoyed by now. Why is police acting this way?
>be american
>go out
>get shot
>go out
>get shot
>go out
>get shot
This guy must be getting annoyed by now. Why is police acting this way?
Other urls found in this thread:
OH, it wasn't the police. Stupid kurwa. Sorry ameribros. But still:
>be american
>get shot
What most people need to understand is that it isn't negros that are shooting everyone, it's the police.
God bless America. Also, to anyone here holding crypto, feel free to pay your newly legislated 50% tax on it.
Man, I hate it when I get shot and killed three nights in a row.
It's a police state, the system was designed this way.
it's called the wild west. if you haven't shot something or been shot at you are not a burger. simple rule.
see, like recognizes like
>be american
>literally sit inside your home not bothering anyone
>play videogames while streaming
>some 14 yearold's police swat henchmen come to your house and kill you
USA is a dystopian nightmare , anyone can ask the police to invade someone's home, attack them and possibly kill him with no repercussions .
So you are basically admitting that US is a lawless thirld world shithole Somali style.
>having to wait a whole day to respawn
Always a fucking drag.. I hope I can make it through 2018 without being shot and killed on consecutive days for once.
nice flag, thanks for achieving all of which you just said.
>be shot
>get American
Nice nigger logic
>another 'le copz are ebil!' leftypol thread
>inb4 cucks call me a bootlicker
>achieving all of which you just said.
im not ameircan or streamer , and if i was a streamer cops wouldnt barge into my house for no reason like USA cops do
Part and parcel.
>As of 2010, those of (non-Hispanic white) European ancestry accounted for 11.9% of Miami's population. Out of the 11.9%, 1.7% were German, 1.6% Italian, 1.4% Irish, 1.0% English, 0.8% French, 0.6% Russian, and 0.5% were Polish.
you are a kike though so soon we'll have to put you in ovens
more like soon you'll have to put your women in the interracial breeding grounds .
>0,5% Polish
That's your problem right there
>be Israeli (not even a real nationality (lol)
>literally sit inside your home stolen from Palestinian peasants
>have to set up walls and checkpoints everywhere so pissed off muslims don't cut your throat in your sleep
Haha, I like you
>more like soon you'll have to put your women in the interracial breeding grounds.
Many such cases...
>not even a real nationality
its more real then amerimutt 56% ''''''nationality''''''
>home stolen
i own it, because i bought it , wasnt stolen from anyone . nobody steals homes from palestinians because they dont know how to build property .
>walls and checkpoints everywhere
i literally havnt seen a wall or a checkpoint in years senpai , since i finished the army .
and yea while theres some terrorism atleast my own police\security forces are'nt out to kill me.
The way they word that implies it's the same guy.
It isn't?
That's our Polan!
The police tends to be more violent in places with more violent crime.
>police shoot niggers
>police shoot spics
>somehow I'm supposed to care
Pass. Police shootings are a good thing.
>inb4 police killed white guy
Negligible, those shootings are reported because they're the outliers. Its rare for police to shoot non-shitskins.
Was it the same guy all 3 times?
Kek. American literacy.
It was Batman
Killed three nights in a row? That poor guy.
>Negligible, those shootings are reported because they're the outliers. Its rare for police to shoot non-shitskins.
>t. nigger blm protestor
whites are literally more likely to get shot by the police than niggers you retard. blacks commit 50% of the crime but only represent 30% of the people shot by police
This man was shot and killed 3 nights in a row? How does he keep coming back to life?
>This man was shot and killed 3 nights in a row? How does he keep coming back to life?
Meme magic
>guns are bad
>no one is white
>trump is evil
>guns are bad
>no one is white
>trump is evil
>guns are bad
>no one is white
>trump is evil
>guns are bad
>no one is white
>trump is evil