Sup Forums, what do you think about russian opposition?
Sup Forums, what do you think about russian opposition?
They are pussies.
Do you mean opposition to Russia?
Russian anticorruption movement
they're shills paid by eurocrats
Putin is objectively better than the synagogue gathered around Navalny, people such as (((Volkov))), (((Katz))) and (((Yashin))). Kasyanov (Misha 2%) is just as much of a corrupt asshole as Medvedjev, the difference between the opposition and current Russian regime (apart from opposition being 90% Jewish while Kremlin is only 30%) is that one corrupt entity is currently in power while the second had its shekels taken away by the KGB in the 2000s.
TlDR: Let Putin rape those motherfuckers to death, and then we'll wait for something nationalist to take its place.
are you Really? I dont want to live in fucking corrupt cloak, i want to live in normal european counrty without corruption
why would anybody give away his datcha for roads when everybody knows roads are going to built shitly anyways.
To be honest russian opposition lacks a candidate.
I think they will look back on their current selves with deep embarrassment and regret
are you seriously? just compare russian average salary and german - real average salary in russia without Mosckow is 10000 roubles (150 euro)
This, unless they start a civil war and kill off the 10's of thousands of former communists sucking the life out of the russian workers as a whole, they remain pussies, it's the same across all of eastern europe
You won't get a normal uncorrupted country by letting jews take power, hohols did it, now look at what they become. A corrupt soviet bureucrat in power is still light years better than the synagogue.
transrate to 56% language pls
but ukraine dont have oil
Russia and eastern Europe was taken hostage by the second in command of the communists after the fall of the USSR, we were never free of this fucking mobster shadow society of former commie jew faggots, it's time to kill them all, world civil war one
Ugly rich whore married to a jew, (((russian opposition))).
Every nation on Earth has corruption in some form or another.
lands sooner or later in workuta. you need revolt and not opposite.
>Russia and eastern Europe was taken hostage by the second in command of the communists after the fall of the USSR, we were never free of this fucking mobster shadow society of former commie jew faggots
This, communism just went underground in a latent form, inviting western money and help
Look at any post USSR country, the majority of leadership are the same old soviet political figures or intelligence agency workers
There are two different opposition blocks in Russia to ruling United Russia party and Putin.
1. Communists (slowly dying out) - make Soviet Union great again sort of guys
2. Liberal Democrats - ultra-nationalists - make Russian Empire great again sort of guys
Then there are clowns and hipsters but nobody takes them seriously.
Basically Putin is the most globalist and Western-oriented politician Russia can tolerate
They had both oil and gas for ages thanks to Russian pipeline and the deal they made with Yeltsin, making their steel industry profitable. They also had superb industrial plants left over from the Soviet Union, "Yuzhmash", "Motorsich", "Kharkov tractor factory", functional shipbuilding industry, and excellent climate and soil fertility. Everything you would need to be a non-third-world country. But they just needed to vote the jew in in 2014 cause "muh yanukovich is putins puppet".
Serves them right.
This is what 90% of the "russian opposition" looks like, photo is real.
(sign: Mariupol is Ukraine, in protest of so-called "russian agression")
I'm obviously not pleased with the Judean Oligarchy that is modern Russia but I can't help but get the feeling the opposition are a bunch of cucks.
It's only a feeling, you are brainwashed by Putins propaganda. Russian opposition are brave fighters for freedom against the oppressive neo-soviet regime!
Russian opposition is a joke. NOTHING. Literally fuckin clowns and soros turbokikes. Nobody takes them seriosly, they dont have electoral base besides like 00000.1% of population.
And this is pretty bad actually. Strong real opposition might be better than nothing. No opposition = more retarded laws.
They are just a bunch of kids who were brainwashed by USA
Most are controlled by kremlin or just useless.
I mean seriously what the fuck is Navalny doing? Pandering to a bunch of underage libshits, who can't even vote. And after being barred from participating in election, he calls for boycott and tells people not to vote. Great, pootin will get even more percentages.
Russia is too deep in shit and oligarchic grip for any kind of civil discourse. Cucked opposition won't solve anything, massive and violent protest is the only way. Vova Khuilo must be literally hanged.
But it won't happen, because russians are bydlo with slave mentality.
Your ignorance is astonishing. Putin is surrounded by jewish oligarchs and other big players. Just because he got rid of some in 2000's doesn't mean he's anti-anything.
He is everything to everyone. A nationalist, communist, conservative, leftist, islamist and zionist.
Russia: Putin calls on European Jews to move to Russia
Putin and jews
Vladimir Putin, Jewish "Hero" in Staged Cold War
>massive and violent protest is the only way. Vova Khuilo must be literally hanged.
But it won't happen, because russians are bydlo with slave mentality.
Said the fuckin hohol. My sides. We have a very good example, thanks to (you) niggers of europe.