Try to refute this Sup Forums, you can’t so we should ban assault rifles
Try to refute this Sup Forums, you can’t so we should ban assault rifles
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Believe me, I would be very welcoming to some form of more strict gun violation but it is just never going to happen in this country. There are too many people in congress who have constituents that care a lot about their guns, and you cannot blame them for doing what they need to do to get reelected
You think the gangs in chicago are going to give up their guns?
Biggest flaw in this argument is the term "mass shootings" because 1. it is defined as being where more than 5 people are killed in one shooting event and 2. It ignores entirely all other forms of massacres.
Also: Sydney Siege, Hunt family murders, Monash University shooting.
when it comes to the guns and crime, no other country is comparable when you factor in all the variables and history
>other physical weapons
shid iz a bate fred
Don't be like Australia. This place is a stinking shit hole, can't wait to move to UK this year
Requesting the ‘how many children have to die - all of them’ meme for your sliding ass
>not a single argument
yanks are so predictable
It's always "mass shootings" with liberals isn't it. Even though "mass shootings" account for like 0.1% of gun crime, they always stick to it.
Guns are core to the American identity. We are a country of European mutts who cling to our bible and guns. A historical relic, a country of revolutionaries and cowboys who have been been sedated with sugar and soy. Thankfully the liberal elite will not be able to cage this spirit forever.
Fuck you right wingers
>almost no niggers or ways for niggers to get guns
>gun related crime goes down
Gee whiz.
How could those shootings happen? I thought you guys banned guns and their haven’t been any mass shooting for years? Many progressives share this meme all the time
Well you racists can’t refute this, Angela merkel is now leader of the free world and she is beloved by the Germans. Unlike trump
Niggers are the problem, when will people get this through their thick skulls?
You autistic fuck we have more murders per capeta than any other countries.
That's true. They all stab each other now instead.
the us doesn't have a gun problem, the us has a nigger problem
You’re gonna like it there Mohammed...Allah wills it
As an American I am not afraid of mass shootings and welcome them, there are too many fucking people in this country, too many stupid ass people in this country, almost any average person here is completely brainwashed, it doesn't matter how many are harvested here or there, clear up the fucking space a bit
Why there's still gun crimes every year then? Unarmed people = potential victims, bad idea.
There is no way that’s true, Bernie Sanders and occupy democrats says America is the most dangerous country in the world and there are rarely any murders in Australia. Imagine if you could get a weapon easily in Australia, there would be murders all the time in Sydney or Melbourne
Not an argument either
Only a slave or subject owns no gun, freedom bitch
Use Brave, not Chrome
How could any Europeans be racist? In America we live in 1950 while you guys live in 2018
>1 million guns
erm what about the other 3 million, where'd they pop off to?
The first man you mentioned didn't form an argument as the data he provided lends itself well to the formation of the argument by the opposition. (Sadly that requires a brain, so I will do it for you.)
First he mentions how the term "mass shooting" is defined differently than it is in the other nations you compare it to. So the comparison is moot.
Second he brings up the point that they don't count their other mass murders and that such is a silly delineation
What do you mean, are there many murders in Toronto? I think not, also I love Trudeau and wish he was the American president
>ban guns
>shootings only fall by 50%
Of course there is murder every year in Toronto
"Police say Toronto experiences between six to 10 clusters a year. There have been 26 recorded homicides in 2017 as of July 23 compared to 44 in 2016 for the same time frame."
You can't compare Australia to the US. In Australia, even at its peak, there was only a few million guns in circulation. Most were rifles used in farms and in controlling pests. Guns were never really apart of the urban culture. In America, Guns is seen as a national symbol and is enshrined in the constitution. Most people have guns in the US and there's a higher shitskins population who uses guns. It's impossible to ban guns without leaving the average law abiding American defenceless against gangs and fellow melanated individuals who will be encouraged to commit more crime.
Australia is a nanny state, don't give up your personal liberties, get rid of your niggers instead.
>Australia and America are the exact same and should be treated the same
the birds knew this. Thats why australians lost to the birds
sage goes in all fields
Saying "Not an argument" isnt an argument
>Try to refute this Sup Forums
>there would be murders all the time in Sydney or Melbourne
There are you fucking retard you go to either of those places you better watch who you piss off this is a dark and dangerous country and you'd be surprised how bad it really is.
>Give up your guns
>But criminals won't do why should I
>That's not an argument
Australia also has infinitely more rapes per capita than U.S.A.
Refute that.
Now I do have to agree the overwhelming majority of murder in America are committed by people of color, that’s because they’re oppressed. But if we had an all out gun ban than there would never be any murders and I think people wouldn’t sneak them in from elsewhere, I’d be difficult
Had no effect on the homicide rate.
>But if we had an all out gun ban than there would never be any murders
easy there, grand edge meister
Got a primary source for that? Or a secondary source which corroborates it? Maybe a numerical representation of those dubious numbers so we can compare them to America's own?
If not, fuck off.
>inb4 ur australyn
Yes, I am. Don't support the gun laws though. Dislike retards on the internet spouting unfounded arguments even less though.
the left cant meme
That does read as edgy try hard but really I don't give a shit. This country is a big nasty pigpen of stupid zombie like people who cannot do anything that does not involve consumerism. It is such a bleak fucking shithole if you have a brain, you really don't feel for or have anything in common with anyone.
Australia has about as many murders as Portugal and Denmark per Capita.
Brasil has some of the tightest gun control you can imagine. Turns out criminals dont care about gun laws and now the citizens are unarmed.
Go look at the stats you fucking mongs
>get swatted for mean words
Weve had heaps of mass shootings after tard
Try to refute this, there is little to no crime in Sweden and no one is ever attacked with a weapon there either
Ya.. limp wristed republicans and inbred southerners do, buddy.
>Australia has two cities
>70+% white
>surrounded for thousands of KMs by ocean
Canada borders us and there is barely any crime there. Imagine Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver if guns were legal there? There would be murders all the time in those cities and those cities are all extremely safe
Our crime goes through the fucking roof when the economy goes to absolute shit btw. Crime is more related to prosperity here than meme feel good laws
It's so cute watching trumpanzies chimp out when they find murica isnt and never was the best lol
Well Australia is socialist, so no one there would ever need to resort to crime
The same time Australia was banning guns and experiencing a decline in gun homicides, America was more than doubling how many firearms it manufactured and seeing a nearly identical drop in gun homicides. That throws a bit of a wrench into the idea that Australia’s gun ban must be the reason for its decline in gun crime.
However, what’s more important is the fact that overall suicides and murder have not “plummeted” in the years after the gun ban. Yes, as with the gun-happy United States, the murder rate is down in Australia. It’s dropped 31 percent from a rate of 1.6 per 100,000 people in 1994 to 1.1 per 100,000 in 2012.But it’s the only serious crime that saw a consistent decline post-ban.
In fact, according to the Australian government’s own statistics, a number of serious crimes peaked in the years after the ban. Manslaughter, sexual assault, kidnapping, armed robbery, and unarmed robbery all saw peaks in the years following the ban, and most remain near or above pre-ban rates. The effects of the 1996 ban on violent crime are, frankly, unimpressive at best. It’s just headline reading retards like you that think anything can be solved by banning guns. People still have access to fertilizer and gasoline. They will just make bombs. Banning guns isn’t a real solution. Look at Mexico. Guns are almost impossible to legally attain, yet the murder rate is higher than the body count in war zones.
The cartels will just switch from coke to guns. Statistics prove your ideas faulty. We’re not an isolated island. If you ban guns, crime increases because only criminals have guns. It takes the sheriff 45 minutes to respond to a call near me. I’m not giving up my rights. If you don’t like it, move to a place like Mexico where guns are banned.
Good luck.
Expect firearms are legal there, faggot. The regulation are more strict so they have less probs then burger land. Get fucking learnt before you speak.
I don't think we can fix this. The only way i see this getting turned around is a military or police coup
it's text over a picture on the internet, so it must be true
Fucking neck yourself nigger faggot
>you better watch who you piss off this is a dark and dangerous country and you'd be surprised how bad it really is.
I live in the country, it's not some gang ridden hell hole. Sure, there's undoubtedly crime, but that's the same for everywhere. Stop trying to be be an edgy fuckwit.
fuck off, you enormous retard.
Our rates of criminal activity, namely violence and theft, have gone up steadily since the ban on guns.
>'bought' back
What if you refuse to sell?
Try living in Dandenong, Broadmeadows or St.Kilda.
It never used to be a gang ridden hell-hole, until we imported niggers.
But occupy democrats and Bernie Sanders said it’s all gone down and we should follow your lead on guns and healthcare. Also America is very racist and while you guys live in 2018, we live in 1950. I wish we were socialist like Australia
Sure things seem fine now. The government isn't mowing people down in Australia like we saw in Syria or Lybia... but if that day ever comes to Australia, your future descendants will look back at that decision, while they are totally dominated via force authoritarian force, and they will say: "why did our ancestors trust the powerful elites?"
>caring about gun-deaths in fucking Australia
How many got eaten because they didnt have a HEAT round when they needed it ?
>we can compare them to America's own?
as long as australia doesnt have 30% spic/nigger population you cant compare shit.
uuuuh no.
This country can’t afford to buyback 230 million guns. It’s just not possible. They literally can’t afford it.
Fucktimezonez and slaws and shit.
Come on it can’t be that bad. But imagine if guns were legal in Germany? There would be rape and murder all the time in German cities, the crime rate would increase. I wish we took in the refugees like you guys did. It brought much needed diversity and they have become productive members of German society, and they are much less likely than whites to commit crime or mass killings (which is rare in Germany). And merkel must be so beloved by everyone in Germany, she’s leader of the free world now (we lost that title when we got trump). Also I wish we were socialist like Germany
It means no guns and therefore it is faggot
You have to understand that Freedom (tm) is an American religion where their bible is the collective larpings of some aristocrats 300 years ago (interpreted through an arbitrary dogma) and the guns are their relics. Debating them with reason is as pointless as trying to talk a Christian out of faith with facts about dinosaurs.
>false flag works
>why don't you guys like that?
Things Australia also doesn't have:
1. Feral packs of wild niggers
2. Bean-nigger cartels
3. A permanent jihad by the sand-niggers
It was never a good idea to allow the descendants of criminals to own guns.
The number of murders and manslaugther increased right after the ban.
Please, debate me with reason, statist. I'd love to hear you explain why black gun violence rates are 4x higher than white gun violence rates, even though blacks have significantly lower rates of gun ownership. Rates of violent homocide for white America are nearly identical to rates in Europe. We have a nigger problem, not a gun problem.
Diversitaye is our Strength
Merkul 2021
>be like a nanny state overrun by China
no thanks
jusus, what happened in 2002?
It's almost like homicide goes down over time in every first world country.
Okay: Your guns don't protect you from the state. They have better guns and you'd die.
What now?
the americans got everyone looking like bin laden for 9/11
Poor Indians, they didnt know what was coming for them
And yet their homicide rate has not reduced...
Ain't that some shit?
Better guns is rarely a factor in a rebellion. Afghanistan and Iraq should be clear evidence for that.
That can’t be true, also imagine if guns were legal in France? There would be murders and thefts all the time in cities like Paris or Calais. Also socialism has worked so well in France, everyone is happy, low unemployment and free healthcare for all. I read macron said some racist things about Africans and I was disappointed in him. The Africans and Muslims have done so much good for France, I don’t know why macron would deport any of them. But I’m certain he’s unpopular