Why are young white people so attracted to nigger culture?

Seriously, all white teenage boys listen to nigger rap and try to act like black thugs, white girls listen to rap and burn coal. Why is it like this? How do we stop it?

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keep them from mainstream media

Disenfranchised people tend to be attracted to counterculture in the hopes that it might become mainstream and they with it. Why be a beggar amongst kings when you can be a king amongst beggars?

It dude is not white you motherfucker.

because they have been told white culture does not exist or white culture equates to "evil" white supremacy from birth

It's probably a violent reaction to the majority of white american kids being into pic related.


its the only way they can be allowed to express masculinity

>long schlong

The man 90% of Sup Forums wish to be.



post vid please, what happend to this guy? He kill himself yet?

“Gangsta” culture was around and prevalent long before weeaboo culture became even somewhat relevant.

I went to a ghetto high school (graduated 2010) and I can confirm that people were not walking around bragging about selling drugs and blasting rap music from their blackberries because they were trying to fight back against the 10 people who went on Sup Forums.

In fact, strangely enough, a strange amount of people into ghetto culture are also into anime and other weeaboo things. It’s really strange.

I want to be a faggot

get it right


There's no real culture of strength, excitement, danger, adventure, and competition in "white culture" these days. White culture has a stereotype of being privileged, in a bubble of comfort and safety. White people, any youth, is going to look for examples to look up to in being strong and attractive, especially according to qualities of lesser developed cultures and people whom overly value the superficial and shallow in concepts such as feats of strengths

***They*** put the image on Tell-a-Vision Programming and injected into minds of public school indoctrinated youth.

Why would he kill himself, he's literally the Apex predator.

A lot of white bois who get into nigger culture do so because they have high test and want to fuck nigger women.

the fuck, Pierre?
This kid is ugly as sin
also thin pecker

good question

was thinking the other day how so many talk like niggers too. how nigger slang has been used by younger people for the last 20 years.

feel me? :)


>anybody wants to bed a she-boon
Blacks don't even want black women. Tell them you have to go back to training to post again.

>Not being old enough to remember Metallica stopped being on MTV and P. Diddy was literally the only artist you saw on there for two years.
This shit was injected into the culture systematically fagot. Lurk moar

>t.black woman

It's just city kids, punk/metal/math/prog/emo/folk/rock are ever prevalent in the the suburbs and rural areas. Stop watching/listening/looking for black people shit OP. Stop the Soy-boy meme and start listening to music from your own race for one goddamn second before you start deriding it.

>I like EDM

you're just as fucking bad as a nigger.

that guy doesnt even look white

>shitty life = consuming shitty media

not that hard to figure out.

>that guy doesnt even look white
nice proxy amerimutt

What the fuck? where was EDM mentioned anywhere ever in this thread. You're the goddam worst disrupter ever. suck all balls in your vicinity faggot

boomers sucked jew dick.
now they reaping what they sowed

Some white bois prefer nigger women, who are you to judge? Where another white man puts his dick is none of your concern.

Mass amounts of people in the millions all into the same thing aren't actually people. Real whites are getting into black, death and thrash metal and letting the subculture survive, when a white kid picks up a guitar he is fulfilling his duty to his race. When a white kid does anything niggery he will never ever understand or be accepted by the tribe, the average braindead wigger teens are the true outcasts even if they're in the millions. No one will reach out a hand to pull them from the dark.

I'm not the one consuming/making nigger influenced music dude. unwad your panties. You even use the same gear as those fucks.

I didn't judge anything homo. I'm calling out facts, aka nobody finds black women in general, your five pictures you googled and saved notwithstanding. Its pretty common knowledge that niggs luuuuuud dat whyee puzzzeee

jesus christ you are fucking stupid

While mainstream EDM is hot garbage, some electronic music is objectively better than anything else

No, I see his point perfectly. When was the last time you say classical music on mtv? or for that matter folk or a capella? That user hit the nail on the head.

You have answers galore brother. Two posts and absolutely zero information. Hell yeah man you ARE an intellectual.

Only if it is strict like Kraftwerk, when the rhythm gets anywhere near anything where you can nod your head to it, it is nigger music. I don't care how many "John Carpenter" tones are slathered over those faggot nigger beats, they're still fagclub nigger beats. Be a fucking man and listen to metal.

Yeah, and water is wet. A computers isn't an instrument faggot.

I prefer black over white. Whites smell like fish man.

kraftwerk uses the same gear and methods as those shit for brains. It's all bad user, all of it.

Agreed, computer instruments are mostly gay. Also the question from OP is WHY do people try to be niggs. I posit (quite obviously) that the (((mainstream))) fake media has pushed the culture on us like crazy. Look at who owns those companies. I'm sure someone will post a meme of what religion they all are.

thicc ass whiteboi

That's my best alternative, at the very least, Kraftwerk were German and actually built their own instruments which included an ancient programmable drum machine, because none existed. The pioneering phase of any genre is always the most interesting.

white kids don't have any real white role models. literally all they see is black sports stars, black singers, rappers, etc.

Just call them niggers openly when you see them behave like this.

Nasty pussy smells like fish ya dumb kraut. Tell em to get in there and clean that tussy for tha sauce boss!
Also, flag... loves dark meat. Merkel's Men.

Democracy and "Freedom"

Young people with nothing to turn to, deep down they're still masculine, they're just taught to be weak. So of course when nigger music comes on, they see these strong, masculine men talking about fucking women, and doing "badass" shit like doing drugs and killing people, whites just naturally turn to it.

Literally weak governments fault.


Gee I fucking bet that's a coincidence.

It didn't work, still says USA.

I said "nigger slang has been used the last 20 years"

moron comes along and says I can't remember when MTV stopped playing Metallica.

who's the idiot?

Homo-sexual. I've played the drums since 4th grade you faggot. John Bonham has been my drum idol for fucking years. Eat racoon shit.

Also if they fail to unfuck themselves there's always gas.

ironic he's chasing one with a mask on

Moron comes along and actually answers question.
>Fugg datt guy ambirite?

Maybe if you acted like drummer I wouldn't have seen an issue.

>droopy willy
Is this inherited or just a hydraulics problem?

even the seemingly white people they see in hollywood are mostly jews. only when you are at least one step out of the mainstream and start to visit places like Sup Forums do you start to look back in history and see white heroes. really sad. at least we have a white president now.

Gayest comment ever. Go play with yourself. NOBODY ever mentioned EDM fagggggggoooottt

Mentioned black culture and why white kids are being attracted to it. I consider EDM a tendril of that destructive culture. Deal with it dude.

Trance is white. House is slower and more niggerish, but at least melodic subgenres like progressive sound white to me.
Like most pioneers in anything, they fucking sucked.

You make music with it. What's the difference?

EDM is black culture. Dear lord, you do not understand people do you? EDM is DRUG culture you fucking queer. Your shit disruption is not contributing and therefore you are a faggot m'lady.
>tips hat

>I'm calling out facts, aka nobody finds black women in general

Yeah, but why are you telling me what people in general think when all I said is that there are white bois out there who prefer nigger women. I never said anything about what people in general think. You brought that up out of nowhere because you got triggered about me pointing out that some ppl prefer something you don't like, so you resorted into shaming and insults. That's faggot behavior. Stop catching feelings about the activities of another man's dick and worry about yourself.

Good that id did not say France, Germany or Sweden.


I act like a normal, white guy
>inb4 moortugal
Spare me that meme

To be honest I can give shit less who fucks a sheep or a dog or a monkey. Honestly you can shoot heroin in your dick all day and I wouldn't care. It's not my penis. The SIMPLE FACT is that most people think black women are disgusting, ESPECIALLY BLACKS. I'm not triggered in the slightest except that you are flat our lying that anywhere near a significant percentage of people of any color are attracted to black women. Just because some dude has a fetish for vomit on his stomach doesn't mean we should discuss as any kind of significant factor in human culture. It's more of an outlier than anything.

Around Europe it's the muslims who imitate the American negros.

Black people are simply a plague, your country is better off without them.

If you take a closer look at nature, you'll notice that inferior and underdeveloped species, like bacteria, rats and cockroaches, tend to have an exploding birth rate in order to sustain their survival as species to balance their mental stupidity.
On the other hand, taking a closer look into superior and more mentally developed species, like dolphins or elephants, they tend to have an incredibly low birth rate compared to other species. It's nature balancing non-human demographics. If the best had more children they would rule the planet and the others would dissapear, but nature thinks it's better to mantain the best in low numbers and to keep the inferior in huge numbers.

The same happens with humans.
If you take a look at the countries with the lowest IQ and at the countries with the highest birth rates (i.e. Sub-Saharan Africa), you'll see that there's a clear correlation.
Inferior humans with low IQ (i.e. niggers), aren't able to create a sustainable civilization that can ensure a long life expectancy to its members because they are mentally handicapped enough to not being able to invent things like penicillin, etc... ; so basically, human nature made for them a culture which is based almost on promiscuity, because that's the only way in which they can sustain their demographics.
Now, we should also talk about if being addicted to sex (like the Africans are) is correlated to a declining IQ (and I would say that so it is), but thats another topic.

But what happens when, due to globalization, the inferior and promiscuous culture infects a civilized but declining culture?
Well, that's the main topic of the thread, when the degenerates of the declining civilized culture meet with the attractive features of the nigger culture, they basically reject the traditional Western values given by their own forefathers and adapt the values of the infrahuman culture, and the stupid and Cultural Marxist education given to children has a lot of influence on this.

> I'm not triggered in the slightest except that you are flat our lying that anywhere near a significant percentage of people of any color are attracted to black women.

Lying??? Cite me exactly where I made the claim about a large portion of X being attracted to nigger women. You're so fucking triggered that you're literally imagining arguments that were never made, and even worse you're using these imagined arguments to accuse me of lying. Please, kys you delusional faggot.

You're on the wrong board schlomo


Damn this thread will go down fast

Because deep down. Sup Forums is just a tsundere and all white people copy blacks because being black is one of the coolest things you can be

Wiggers have always been dumb white trash garbage people, and embarrassing to other white people. Nothing about that has changed.

They are typically children without a father figure that watch too much (((tv)))

Ignoring the fact that most people find black women disgusting just because a few jungle fever nigger lovers do is pretty retarded kid.

It's the only acceptable hyper-masculine subculture apart from like heavy metal or just literally being a criminal.

t. scarborough scum

Call me whatever, but I'm pretty sure everyone here sang along to his beat at least once.

Good post user thanks

black smarter, prettier, stronger, faster, slower, thicker, thinner, etc.


Its Television...

Because nigger culture is the only place left for you when you are fatherless.

This is how i got into it in middle school. It was Oakland CA in 2004 during the "Hyphy" movement. Some good times I might add. I have since grown up tho. I secretly dig black chicks and their super easy if your a white nigger. A little harder now but still easier than any other girl

It's been really hard to come back to Christianity after all the bullshit. This is just one example. I couldn't escape frosted tip chain wearing white guys shamelessly chanting Jay Z and DMX lyrics in high school. I had tremendous desire for the death of these degenerates I was forced to be around, and it took until finding this board 15 years later to not feel so alone in such urges. These guys got married and started families and now wear button up and polo shirts, go to church, and larp as standup Christians. They completely ignored how close we all came to destruction time and time again, they never noticed or cared. They were probably watching TV and unironically enjoying it just as they did the zogbop niggatunes when they were younger. Now these absent minded cretins benefit from the hard work of others who made chess moves to hold back white genocide which they themselves would mock you for believing such a thing was ever planned. They largely contributed to the globalist's evil through their ignorant indulgence in its poison fruits, and yet they were rewarded with the dream life, a pretty white wife with no STDs, children, and a nice sized house in a nice neighborhood in that sweet spot not in the city but not quite in farmland either. These people othered me to the extreme, abused me mentally and physically, rejected me for my appearance because I was underdeveloped due to being fed soy dust formula as a baby instead of breastmilk, and made me feel like a ghost. Their behavior made me turn away from God at a young age because they were horrible people and the only example of Christians I had to go by. Think about what life was like before youtube, your only examples of other humans were the people you actually knew, or whatever the telavivsion showed you. I hated Christians because of these impostors. Yet they have been given the dream life while I rot in loneliness. This world is a torture chamber created by God specifically to torture me.

I think we've strayed far past "real" christianity. We are no long Christians. Just people who believe in God and his son I guess

>tfw wiggers are my weakness

Just watch the first 20 seconds


>white girls listen to rap and burn coal
This isn't new. White women were lining up to fuck Jack Johnson from 1912 to 1917. Young socialites were especially intrigued by him. It was both fashionable (due to his wealth and fame) and taboo and this excited them at the time.

>Johnson was pompous about his affection for white women, and imperious about his physical prowess, both in and out of the ring. Asked the secret of his staying power by a reporter who had watched a succession of women parade into, and out of, the champion's hotel room, Johnson supposedly said "Eat jellied eels and think distant thoughts".

Better marketing

They can't dress up like Adolf Hitler so what do you expect them to do?

They aren't allowed to be proud ouf who they really are or their race so yep this^

Because white men are too stupid and too lazy to create any quality form of mass media, and to fight back in the culture war in any meaningful way. You autists literally think normal people give a fuck what is going on at 4chin and Voat...

>m-muh Lord of the Rings movies almost 20 years ago!


go to bed grandpa

Seems like the low iq extraverted whites gravitate towards ghetto culture while moderate iq introverted whites gravitate more to Japanese culture

Poor colorblind whites who sympathise with the "struggle" and middle class whites who want to rebel against something (current generation nu metalheads)