Why does Mexican american hate america?
Why don't they want to be American rather than "Mexican"-American?
Why does Mexican american hate america?
Why don't they want to be American rather than "Mexican"-American?
Cuz they are subhuman spics barely above a nigger in intelligence
turns out that ethnicity matters a lot
I got lucky because Im a 3rd gen Texan
I'm a proud Texan which is a state that is a mixture of cultures due to its history
So as someone of Mexican origins in not Mexican American I'm a Texan that likes tacos and country music
Because mexican culture in a "daily basis" is more enjoyable than
>wake up
>150k $ in debt
>go to mcdonalds
>in a automatic "car"
>Buy a brand new AR15 (even the weapons feel souless)
>get shot
>can't go to a hospital
>die with a maga flag in your ass
My grandparents were Mexican but I don't identify as one. The ones who do are first gen anchor babies.
...origins I am not Mexican american...****
and that's why spics flood the good ole USA cause they're better than us, and really want to live in their native shithole, only here...
It’s only the recent immigrants and their offspring. My girlfriends family and my great grandmothers have been in south Texas for as long as my ancestors from England have been in America via Virginia. My girlfriends mestizo grandmother is a Hillary supporter, the rest of her family is conservative. Her grandfather is half Spanish half French, looks white, and watches Fox News even though his wife fucking hates it. My girlfriends Castizo mother thinks she is white and looks down on Indios and mestizos. She voted Trump. My girlfriend hates lgbt and Jews. Her brother was the first nazi/pollack/ I knew, even before I went on Sup Forums
Red pilled mestizos can marry white girls that burn coal, and their kids can do the same or if they look white enough just marry a white and their kids kids will look white.
go back to breddit
They "want" to live in the USA because most of the times the mojados were meme'd. And cuba/puerto rico/central america really IS a shithole.
This makes no sense. The US has their problems but Mexico is a shithole compared to them.
I don’t know. They blame a lot of their personal problems on the country that has given them everything. It’s not like you have to flee America before you starve to death or get your hands chopped off for not being a drug mule.
If it’s so great and you’re so proud... go back.
Im only talking about culture there, but yeah, the corruption in mexico is pretty high
this too
Because the global community has found it fashionable to shit on America while begging for financial and or military aid when their own shit goes sideways.
>united states culture
>eat mcdonalds, work, spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want
>mexican culture
>get beheaded
that's a lie by Sup Forumstards, don't take these fuckers seriously. if you have ever went to Texas you'll see Mexicans everywhere and most of them are proud of being Texan and have the Texan culture.
It all stems from the fact that the white identity was invented in America to help white immigrants integrate into society, but still keep America's former slaves from integrating as well. The identity evolved, but this core concept never changed. A "Mexican American" represents a failure in America's ability to integrate non-white people.
Whiteness creates these identities when we reject them from the American identity. They come to America wanting to be American, and by the second generation realize they will never be American no matter what they try and instead embrace being "Mexican American". Only the white Mexicans ever become American. It's the same reason we have African Americans and Indian Americans and Asian Americans - but no appreciable population of "German Americans" since they integrated and became American.
Realized I'm not Mestize, Castize, or Criollo since I have black, Mulatt, and Morisco blood.
I'm Gibaro.
~El Peruano
if you have any amount of Native American on your blood and one can see the characteristics of a Native American on your outside, then you are a mestizo.
Yeah! You tell em Juan!!! Spics being absolute trash, and entirely unwanted wetbacks is all WYPIPOs fault!!!!
The question should be...Why inmigrants hate america so much? Well because of they feel discriminated and denigrated. But i doubt u know what Mexicans that live in Mexico thinks about america and americans. And the answer is that we don't care much about the US we don't spend much time thinking bad or good things about u americans. U are funny persons for us. Because that's how we see u in tv. And that's all. I don't have the necessity to live in ur country so ya whatever.
White people don't exist. There's German people, there's British people, there's French people - whiteness is political. Hence the endless debate of "is x white???" No one can agree on what white even means, because it's not based on anything objective.
hey I get it, you are very proud of you country that you can't see reality, that's okay tho it's expected from an American, I forgive you my friend
Its a class thing. While Mexican culture is mostly the same, mexicans vary widely between the higher (and whiter) educated upper class, to the lower educated (and darker) workers. I'm Mexican American, parents came from Mexico, but they were doctors, my family are mostly all professionals. All the higher educated Mexicans who came to america (legally) that we know became instantly Americanized, and love America more than the majority of the people living in it. Hell, I cant even speak Spanish that well.
However the darker and lower income people and families that I know, many of which came illegally, are all america hating liberals with no real jobs that are only obsessed with how Mexico is better somehow.
Because our government allowed them to. It's as simple as that. None of this would have happened if they just enforced immigration laws from the start. It's very similar to the mindset of migrants/refugees who fled from the Syrian war and entered Lebanon for example, they setup their own shops, hired their own workers, didn't follow the laws, and claimed Syrian superiority all while staying in Lebanon and reaping the benefits from it, in exchange the legal citizens had to suffer. It's basically the same shit here going on. These are all symptoms of what happens when people overstay their visa and jump the border and the government has no enforcement, people start to think that it was the USA all along causing their hardship, and what better way to show that by jumping over the border illegally and demanding "Equal" rights. I fucking hate mexicans man, whenever you try to talk to them logically about the problems of illegal immigration, they just cannot accept basic fact.
You must forgive him, there are actually a lot of illegal mystery meat spics here. Many of them can't speak any English and have their fucking anchor children translate. I wish I was shitting you. On top of that, they're usually retarded, dirty from painting/landscaping, and have all the aesthetics of a burrito goblin. Some of them aren't even Mexican, we have discount Mexicans, like Guatemalans and shit.
>this logic
You're throwing all mexicans that are of darker skin tone under the bus just to get approval from an anonymous forum for your fee fees
Because they believe America stole their lands and that New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, California should still be part of Mexico.
Nah, just noting a trend
They are like muslim
Invaders looking for conquest
Mexico is shit and full of rapist
White pride
LOL, no. Come on.
>Invaders looking for conquest
do Sup Forumstards seriously believe this?
>The murder rate in 2009 was 8.4 per 100,000 (Mexico)
>between 2005 and 2012, the average homicide rate in the U.S. was 4.9 per 100,000 (U,S)
Mexicans get shot more mate it's more like:
>be Mexican
>get shot
>border jump to the U.S
>shoot someone else
All third world trash hate seeing constant reminders that they are trash. As amazing as it is living in white nations, it is also an inner burden. A constant painful reminder that you are fucking garbage, a literal sub human. You had to flee your home, your own people just to try and survive. And like the terrible human plague you are, you move to a foreign land and act the exactly the same as the people you wanted to escape from.
In other words, Pure Mexicans are savage spics without general sense.
Those taco niggers do the same thing here in Chicago. They bitch about America being awful, fly Mexican flags, then soak up entitlements and pop out kids.
T. Beaner with darker skin
Fucking lel
Question is If they love Mexico so much and hate America why the fuck are they complaining when their asses get send back?
Some of the people who were deported lately lived in the US for decades, never bothering to get citizenship and somehow seeing it as their right to live somewhere without contributing to their society, but rather sending what they contribute home.
Why didn't the Spanish do the right thing and create colonies without natives?
t. Great mathematical minds that don't discuss random vague nonsen-
oh wait nvm, all mexicans are bad, blacks r eveeeil, whites rape kidssss, school shootingsss always white kid, asian kids smart and yellow lelel, forgot I'm in 2018 Sup Forums
They don't hate America, why would the move to the USA if they hate it? they hate the government and the average American cause they discriminate them and make them feel uncomfortable, that's why
>why the fuck are they complaining when their asses get send back?
idk, if you were living in a country, following it's rules, being good member of the society, and suddenly they kick you off, how would you feel? would you be happy?
There are really great places in Mexico like Merida.
Sometimes the truth is stereotypical or racist.
I think you are being intellectually dishonest with yourself, but hey that's fine man, if you wanna lie to yourself that';s totally cool. But living in California my entire life I think I can agree fully that if Mexicans/Guatamalans/Elsalvadorans fucked off out of this state and back home, at least the illegal ones, this state would fucking flourish. They are the vast majority who are doing it and well, there is no running from that. Don't get me wrong, my people aren't from here either, and we try are hardest when they step out of line to correct the problem, you fuckers just ignore it , fucking deny it exists, that's why i'm saying you guys are being intellectually dishonest with yourselves.
Im spaniard, is not about your look its about your ancestry, however over the years we got diluted so its only a term you use to despectivly judge "ugly" mexicans
seriously if i was mexican right now, or anywhere from central or south america, i would be praying they implemented something like everify, because really, aren't you guys tired of the shame this shit brings? aren't you tired of the bullshit ? being constantly accussed of being part of illegals, tired of the hate? you can end that all by just enforcing immigration laws, so the fuck heads who do get busted no longer make a mockery of you? I would be ashamed if the country I came from started coming here illegally and making peoples life miserable. you can't do that, and you know why? because you have these huge extended families and someone always doesn't have their papers in check, so you all fucking defend it. that's why it's a lost cause with you guys, there is no fucking helping you unless something like everify comes, fucking you have to be forced to obey the law otherwise you fuckers like roaches enter.
also why do i have to explain myself constantly with you pendejos? this is not about color, jesus christ man. nobody gives a fuck whether you are black mexican or white people, really, i don't give a shit about that. nobody would have any problems if the blackest mexicans came over here LEGALLY and with some limits started a family, but that's not what's going on, what is going is right now is a free for all where you fuckers are coming in here illegally, whether you are white, or black or green. okay, it's the law that you are breaking is what the problem is here, not your fucking color.
jesus man
you know, the reason why I said that need to have some Native American look in the outside to be considered Mestizo is because here in Mexico almost everybody considers themselves like a mestizo. White people would be considered white only if your skin is actually white, a little tanned skin would be considered mestizo. Nobody here calls themselves castizo, morisco, chino, lobo, etc. fuck all that, is just mestizo
I hate even knowing im mexican nothing but a bunch of retards
> they hate the government and the average American cause they discriminate them and make them feel uncomfortable, that's why
That's really stupid. Don't break the law to come here. If you dislike Mexico, fix it instead of running away.
We don't hate americans. Mexico and Canada buy more american products than any other nation. We coexist, save for the illegal immigrants who are being deported, which is a good thing. I think president Trump is doing a good job
That's pretty much the standard response, their 1-2 punch, always deflecting, it's the same shit with african americans, they want you to hear about their "struggle" in life, yet they don't want you to bring up the crime statistics, the deaths, the robberies, none of that. Like I said, almost the same with mexicans who defend this shit. You guys have got nothing to stand on and are making demands. like I also said, it's out governments fault, they allowed these mother fuckers to have to balls to make demands and complaints in the first place, now everyone has to deal with it.
lol the u.s is a cuck they come over and work a couple of months then they have enough money to just fuck around the rest of the year.you envy that kind of freedom thats why your just sad bitch on his computer talking about laws.you ever torrent fgt...well guess what?you wouldn't download a child...would you?WOULD YOU?
No, you're El Goblino
In this thread, Juan proves he thinks laws are just basic guidelines.
Why dont just all americans call themselves American without having to add some identity politic shit like Japanese-American etc
wasn't murrica the land of free?
why does trigger you too much waving a flag or saying something?
don't they work harder than you though?you must do a lot of construction huh.just not today on a tuesday huh.
Because america isnt a country, it has no identity.
La creatura
eh no thank you. i'm not into living 10 to 1 inside a sardine can where we all chip in $100 a month. fuck that kind of existence. I want 401k, I want good health care, low crime, clean sidewalks and streets, all that other chunti shit can go to hell.
Look up Juan Seguin.
And then stop asking this stupid Q, OP.
You'd think the white mexicans are smarter than dark ones but the white ones are complete garbage.
I'm a full time college student working part time. This would be my 3rd semester and I start my 4th in Feb. My major is manufacturing technology, and will be working in machine shop atmosphere, setting up and running cnc's as well as checking parts throughout its process. There isn't much illegal immigration activity at the machine shops that I have been to, because they are all about hiring american workers, and just hate illegals in general. Also usually you can tell the place you are going to work for has illegals or not. For example, if during an interview and a tour I see or hear broken English, I typically do not call back. Also this trade is not the type of trade where anyone just come along and take it, not unless you want quality parts. So no, you won't see much illegal mexicans, or even blacks for that matter working this position, especially since you have to phsyically be there to learn it and not many people want to trust their machines on some guy who can barely speak english. They do exist however, but again, low pay and they usually get shut down anyways.
Blame the corporations who hire them dummy
Not all of them. The women can be assimilated, such as my fiancé. Took her from a raving leftist, to voting for trump and the wall.
Re-read the thread moron
are you my gf now?
I already said I blame our government which is more than enough since they are in bed together. They are the ones who are allowing lobbyists, who btw have hispanic last names, to get away with paying for cheap labor in this state. The corporations would hire children if you allowed them too, we already know that bullshit, but the main problem here is not the corporations, its our fucking government and this belief of infinity growth, they are the ones responsible.
Not from what I've personally seen. A lot of the kids from Mexican immigrants I know don't even speak Spanish properly and have accents. They identify more as being Americans.
Chicanos are like trans people, neither one or the other and end up resenting everything, since they live in the US they resent America and blame it for their mediocrity, if they were to move to Mexico then they will resent Mexicans for the same thing and excuse themselves with "you being racist against me, hombre, but we are same raza!!! I bet chu just jelaous"
So funny that my father in summer will get tanned and darker that a big majory of mexicans, and he is 100%pure spanish from the north, wich can be traced his ancestry from 1100 ac
That's because they are ashamed to be identified as mexicans. Their own future generation doesn't want anything to do with them.