Sup Forums thinks that the guy on the right can become like the guy on the left by not eating soy/nofapping/lifting

>Sup Forums thinks that the guy on the right can become like the guy on the left by not eating soy/nofapping/lifting

Why is Sup Forums so delusional? The reason there are so many losers/nu-males is not because of their diet or some fucking masturbation conspiracy, it's because they are ugly and women are hypergamous. 80/20 is law, deal with it.

Other urls found in this thread:–Feil_syndrome

He'd be completely fine if he had a decent haircut

Lifting wont save you

> You'll never be a 10/10 so you should never improve yourself?

Are you Retarded?


that guy on bottom right corner wtf is his neck

bottom right cracked me up

>Implying the only reason to lift is to look good.

What a surprise, eurofag is vain.

Wanst he the guy who roided and still couldnt build muscle and lied about being a SEAL or some shit like that?

Posters who hide behind memeflags will always approach topics on a surface level

It's clear that he has no idea about the benefits of lifting!

That has to be photoshoped, right?

The real problem is, if you don't start lifting, getting and education, nourishing skills and making contacts IN YOUR TEENS you are never going to be able to catch up. You are either a natural winner or you are the rest. The problem is overpopulation, there are just too many fucking average people and nothing for them to do, that's why really pointless paper shuffling jobs are made up. Earth should be more like a planet sized wild life reserve where only limited numbers of the extremely intelligent and tough are allowed to dwell.

Saged fuck off
The guy on the right might have been taller if he ate correctly as a juvenile.

Also he can still lead a productive manlet life and find a shorty.

No idea but it looks similar to the webbing caused by Turner's Syndrome (which he can't have or he'd be a woman)


The guy on the right is the bf of the left one and every nights he smashes his ass.

>and that's why I don't exercise!
you don't need to share your excuses with us, stay fat, faggot.

Ripped is steroids and starving.
Bear mode is lots of calories and dead lifts.
I choose bear mode.

I don't understand your argument meme flag,what are you trying to say?
Btw when you stop being a horny incels and finally manage to wet your Willie more than a few times you might get bored of fucking random bitches and want to improve yourself realising you're the only asset you have and the only thing you truly own.

i choose neither because both of these will die at age 31

>t. fatass

It's a lie, i can assure plenty of women would date the guy on the right, especially if he is a funny and lovable guy
Go outside and get a life before talking about your own insecurities

Women will be obsolete soon after artificial wombs and sexbots are perfected, so becoming like the guy on the left is pointless.


>includes the Golden One
delet this

So how do I get big shoulders, medium chest and arms, and a swole looking abdominal (I hate how a 6 pack looks)? Skelington who randomly started doing military and bench presses but has no idea how to continue btw.

fuck of virgin
Seeing and pushing your body to it's true potential is a biggest gift most males choose to waste. At least all the guys in the pic have great self control and work for their goals.

They're doing the best with the hand they were dealt with. Don't bully!

Why would anyone want to look like that faggot?

Muscle bears are tops. Ripped pretty boys are bottoms.


>after wetting your dick you might get bored of fucking
Dunno man in my case with a gf I've got sex fairly regularly and still crave it as much as I can.
You might have low test, get yourself checked.

>ancap no less
>80/20 is law, deal with it
you are nupol op and confirmed fagut

he won't, he'd get his face smashed if he talked bullshit like that near any of them

im kind of uggo manlet like those fuckers on the pic related and trust me i don't really think it helped me that much when i was lifting and doing pk

smiley badge for good effort at least eh?

>working out every day + steroid abuse + other shit straining your heart doesn't kill anyone
half of /fit/ dies every year my man, they have to bus redditors in just to replenish their population

>roiding for "aesthetics"
>true potential

Stronglifts 5x5

Who cares, women would prefer the guy on the left if he was more lean, had a suit on and was selling them cocaine while choking a guy out. The guy on the right can still find a normie girl who wants to settle down. You will never be able to please a woman permanently, because if you are in her life more than a week without beating her, she will already lose respect for you on a primal sexual level.

Guys can improve their facial aesthetics by being fit for many years. You'll be less bloated, your body will raise IGF1 levels leading to a slightly more mineralized and muscular jaw, your cortisol levels will be lower leading to more firm skin, you'll smile confidently and naturally, you'll lose your baby cheeks and other facial fat. It won't make you a 10/10, but it can take you from a 3/10 face to a 5/10 face. That's still significant.

Guy on the left is on steroids and other drugs. The second guy is also very short, since the guy on left is barely 6'0 (he has been exposed on /fit/ fit lying about his height.
.He's nowhere near a 10. His face is weird and feminine looking and his body type is not for me. He looks skinny and weak.
I prefer men with strong looking bodies like pic related.
T. Woman.

>steroid abuse
lol what
>regular exercise is unhealthy
lol what

nice logic incel, all the dude on the right needs to do is not be a whiny faggot like you and hes set for life.

He was clearly talking about getting bored fucking random sluts, which I can empathize with. Once you know what it feels like you really only need to get your dick wet every few months while looking for a girlfriend.

I don't get it... over half of these guys are either average looking or reasonably attractive. Are you saying that only guys with 10/10 faces AND 10/10 bodies get laid by women? Most chicks will take a great body and charisma ANY day over excellent facial structure. Just go to fucking cams and meetups and check out the "rate me" threads. Guys with beautiful bodies DON'T EVEN HAVE TO SHOW THEIR FACES to get the thots on that board to flood them with " perfect 10/10. would bang" posts.

Some disease that fuses the neck or some weird shit. Saw a woman with it once. Maybe this:–Feil_syndrome

If you actually have muscles and are not fat that turns any 3/10 person into at least a 6/10 except for the deformed.

Go ahead and put on 100 lbs and see how attractive you think you are then.

dunno about you, but i'm pretty sure all of those guys can get laid more than me

>t. Fatass

Hey everybody it's Jason Blaha here, and today I wanted to talk to you guy's about why OP is a fag. You know, it's funny *chuckles* I as a gay man have lots of experience with being a fag. But even though I suck massive amounts of dicks, it doesn't even compare to the amount that OP sucks. Anyways, I hope this has been informative, and I will talk to you guys next time.

sure babe (dude) sure. your pussy (penis) would not be contracting (extending) when standing next to the guy irl. he's just "not your type"

>obviously gl guy
>h-he looks like a fag!!

Classic cope.

Jeff pls

Most women will take 15% bodyfat over the starvation look.

>T. Woman.

you fucking attention whore, i would prefer you as an user going full fucking homo than knowing you are a cunt
you fucking know the rules

post tits



Light exercise is best
No exercise or heavy daily exercise BOTH ruin your body in different ways
It takes heavy daily exercise to maintain bodies like those, you WILL die early, period

he is at the gym. Why would he fix his hair up.

So you're saying both are faggots.

Coping much?
I've rejected plenty of ripped guys. I prefer the strong look.

Ancap also thinks that Auschwitz supplements make REAL ALPHAZ TM. Imagine that.

80/20 is legit you coper.
>b-but dating apps don't represent REAL women, NAWALT! REEEE!


he was being sarcastic

yep, to reach high end performance you must make some sacrifices.
You can still do some martial art and lift for a total of 5 days a week and be in optimum health (save for injuries which martial arts are incredibly prone to).

im a skinny-fat manlet and i did put some chubby flab love handless

im gonna be honest, whole /fit/ phase was very weird to me, did some lifting, martial arts and pk but everything felt forced and i was very much aware that im just overcompensating. To much aware even. This also did nothing to fix my shitty character.

at least now im my own man
then again im kind of degenerate now to just siting on my ass enjoying a beer and shitty food

>I prefer men with strong looking bodies like pic related.
>T. Woman

I always kind felt bad that the dude in your pic is my body type, and I could never look like the due in OP's pic. Feels good man.

Also checked. For that I won't even ask for tits.


no they won't. a fatass will die much earlier. it's always good to exercise, and yeah, you can exercise too much. but it's still better to over exercise than to stay unhealthy.
Bodybuilding is more for impressing other men than it is women. It's unnatural to be in starvation mode, it's just marketing bullshit and you fell for it.
Look to what women really go for. Sure, if you're built and 10% it's probably preferable, but 15% will be taken over these powderfags any day.

>t. Dumbass

did you completely ignored the part about muscularity?

what does that graph mean? that wymen think that better looking people have better personality?

>what girl wouldn't want the D
I see what you did there

Show us your shirtless. With time stamp please. Also please sage.

>The guy on the right can still find a normie girl who wants to settle down

For what purpose? Why get married to a slut who has hopped on 20+ dicks and will more likely than not cuck/divorce you? Marriage is suicide in 2018.

Also, why you have Cate Dylan twink photos saved?

>better to over exercise than to stay unhealthy
>translation: better to be unhealthy than to stay unhealthy

fun fact: the 80/20 rule applies to all sorts of stuff, like 20% of the carpet being walked on 80% of the time, or a company selling 80% of their products to 20% of their customers.

guy on the left looks like a 10 year faggot

>translation: better to be more healthy than a fat fuck
it's not like any of you retards will exercise, so trust me, you don't have to worry about over exercising

Yeah, I did 20-25 hours a week MMA for a bit but cut back after feeling it in the knees.

yeah like 80% of the men in Germany being cucked by 20% of the refugees