Youjo Senki; Saga of Tanya the Evil

What are the chances of a S2 for Little Girl Hitler and Her Big Sister?

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Considering it's sales it is very likely a second season

What's wrong with the subs? There's a lot of them missing from this episode for some reason.

crunchy rushed it. it even came out an hour early.

They weren't missing, but the timing of some of them was done so that they didn't remain on screen the entire time the characters were speaking.

Zettour in the LN: Old sack of bones that might crumb tomorrow
Zettour in the anime: Clever old guy with a sadistic side
Zettour in the manga: F O X Y~ G R A N D P A

>There will be a VN where you will be able to seduce Tanya in your lifetime
>There will also be a Mary route for those who are mentally handicapped

I want to protect this smile.

>Little Girl Hitler
You mean Loli Rommel. Being Hitler would go against everything Tanya is all about. She'll probably be pulled into some plot to take out notHitler before or after his rise to power.

Are you ready to give your life for the Republic Sup Forums?

I know it was meant to be unnerving, but I was wanting to read all kinds of sexual tension that scene with Tanya and Rerugen talking about the armistice.

I like anime Zettour best, mainly because of the VA if I'm honest

Rommel already exists in her world and Tanya really isn't a libertarian, at least not anymore.

Tanya is a very beautiful young lady.

Loli red baron would what's best to call her, Rommel is coming in season 2.

Why is Zettour so best boy?

Yes, she will be some day.

>republifags trying to hide from the kaiserreich

Get ready for two miserably divisions to shit all over the "free" republican army made up losers and native north africans slaves

>Duck Monkey

Is the Major okay?

She's fine.

Even if theres s2 the threads wont be as good.

Ye of little faith. Maybe someone should push you onto the tracks.

Buying my Youjo Senki goods now, should I buy this or a regular shirt instead?

What's the deal with the v2 HS release? I haven't watched the episode yet.

Probably some fixed or formatted subs. It was pretty rushed in some parts.

>he actually comes to Sup Forums to participate in the threads
Oh, to be 16 again.

Tanya conveniently calls Sonzai X God whenever she wants. Doesn't it mean that she has accepted it?

I was quite annoyed this episode when Tanya went on about "human nature" instead of getting to the point. She should have just predicted the inevitable about the "Free republic" and then told the HQ to remember what she said.

Bonus marks for stripping off her badge and saying things like "Think of our citizens and children who will suffer from constant war. If you don't let me act now, I will resign. Don't come begging to me next time when you realise I was speaking the truth, etc. "
It would be great for them to realise they fucked up and go back to her begging (and story could still continue).

Also, the way the writer managed to drag her tirade, from the moment they started drinking coffee, to her walking to the fireplace, and then back to the window, all the while speaking in circles, is just bad writing.

Is this version 2 of Horrible really just a joke as the sole comment says or is this actually a fix for the bad subs?

Wrong fucking time to do this kind of shit.

She cant say "existence X, who put me into a girl of a little girl btw" to her soldiers now can she?

I can't be the only one that thought this when I saw her pose.

She could explain why she calls him existence x. Or not go full edge in front of her soldiers like that. Or simply qualify him or superior being. I think the author wrote it like that for the sake of edge.

kek, good one.

>That patch on the arm
Holy shit user I hope you only wear it at home, I wouldn't want some fukn spaz to assault you because of poor eye sight

It's a fix.

Some people fantasize about getting assaulted, wearing nazi inspired anime clothes might be a good idea for them.


What is NUT's next anime going to be?
Great debut for the studio.

Should say 'It's Being X. I ain't gotta explain shit.'

No its should be "Penis goes where? I aint gotta explain shit".

>Bonus marks for stripping off her badge and saying things like "Think of our citizens and children who will suffer from constant war. If you don't let me act now, I will resign. Don't come begging to me next time when you realise I was speaking the truth, etc. "
It would be great for them to realise they fucked up and go back to her begging (and story could still continue).

I really don't think that meshes with Tanya's established attitude. She's still a loyal corporate salarayman at heart. No matter how dumb her bosses are, she won't deviate too far from their orders, especially if there is no clear payoff for herself.

I agree with the rest though, that speech dragged on for much longer than it needed too and didn't really resolve anything. It felt like unnecessary exposition that could have been summed up in a 2 minute internal monologue.

more like pic related.

sasuga tanya-sama.

I think they took this from the novel, I don't know thought but I get the feel from it, the novel is filled with long conversations.

Amiami, lotsa shit but they're a bit overpriced compared to CDJapan
I live downtown so I always carry a weapon for protection

But this user is right. Read about Rommel in World War I and you'll find stunning similarities.

I really wish they didn't make this show literally 15fps.

At least watch it for Hat, his VA is amazing

She needs your help! Would you fight by her side, Sup Forums?

Heres hoping Tanya orders her men to rape her.

High considering the ending was a clear cliffhanger and there's chinese rumors it was planned as a split cour from the beginning

No wonder they write each other love letters constantly, it's literally a match made in heaven

I can't wait for the doujins of tanya being punished by all the faceless old men at strategic hq which likely won't happen since good doujins for seasonal shit have been lacking for a while now

I need a doujin of this immediately.

>Betraying Tanya.

>choosing fedora lord over god

Mary's last name is based on a large group of native americans. One of the most famous members is Sitting Bull. Looks like this shows how much of an opponent she is going to become.

I can't wait until 2020 when the LN translation catches up to the anime.

Let's cry together for the agonizing wait for manga chapter translations, LN chapter translations, and season 2.


>Strategic HQ had a perfect chance to end the anime conclusively
>fucked it up and now our battle is just beginning

Die infidel

I want to protect this smile!

>implying being x won't win in the end

From the thumbnail I thought he was that Nam-vet from Dead Rising.

>Insurgents in the ME are shitposting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW in the Narutard threads before dying.

Technology has gone too far.

I thought it was fine for her to go on like that. It was to explain to Rerugen why the Republic would continue to fight for no benefit. That question was brought up to explain her actions when she tried to bypass the command structure. So Rerugen pretty much knows the full story at that point. No need to explain it to HQ since he has their ear. One point I do agree on is that they should have acknowledged that Tanya was right in some way.

Also, you can't just quit the military. That's how you get executed for insubordination.

We should really thank'em for not being 100% competent.

Why is he sleeping outside without a bed?
Thats like asking for a cold and or back pains.

the technology isn't there yet

Victory of defeat, that doesn't matter.
What matters is that we fight!

>which likely won't happen since good doujins for seasonal shit have been lacking for a while now

That means it likely WILL happen.

Tanya will catch Sonzai Eksu by his naked tail and cut him into little pieces.

For those that want to know, it looks like this guy was in Hezbollah due to his patch. And he appears to have been killed by hamas due to the tv logo

I want to protect this smile.

Also i think its quite likely we will get a season 2. They did show allot of the stuff that would be happening later on.

I don't think she needs your protection, ESCPECIALLY when she's smiling.

I also think S2 is looking possible. Fingers crossed.

I want to serve that smile with all of my power!

>They did show allot of the stuff that would be happening later on.
It just means, "buy the LN"

What about this smile?

Western people are know to care a lot about the deaths of nigger muslims and wars in the middle east.

The way it was presented was season 2 bait with future enemies shown and for Tanya to be stationed in Africa, the question is whether that bait leads to season 2 or it's just a hook and a fishing pole.

I really can't wait to see what the Russian and American mages use to fly.

I hope that the Americans wear Superman-esque capes

I want to marry that smile.

I cannot remember allot of series that ended with this much foreshadowing. I mean the last 4min was all preview for what to come.Hopefully i need more Aoi Yuuki

He did a really good job voicing satou. Wonderful work


Let me correct that half the episode was foreshadowing.

Immediately: Crime Edge.

There better be a season 2.

I imagined the US strapping eagles on their backs, as for the russians what could they use?

Me and my buddies were talking about the American at length.

We surmised that they probably use Motorcycles with side-cars, tandem Mages would make shit OP plus designated snipers.

You should tweet the creators "there better be s2, OR ELSE." in japanese.
That'd practically guarantee a new season.

Is Onii-sama the greatest, most absolute and correct use of the words "marty stu" in anime history?

danloading it now. I'll let you know when I finish it.

The second I recognized his voice I knew I was gonna have a good time watching Youjo.


Bottles of Vodka. But in all honestly I have no idea, they don't really have any "Items" that come to mind when thinking of Russian culture WWI era.

What about this smile?

Already gone. Only tears now.