It would not solve the mexico's problems, but its already full of mexicans, so it would be not differences, right?
Should California return to México?
Knowing how cucked California is, they'd probably give it to you without much of a fight.
How about a compromise? Mexico takes the people while the USA takes the land.
The land was originally from mexico
Why would we give up an entire fucking state? The ports and military bases? Just give them away? Awesome coastline? We'll just give it away? I would imagine they would send people in to kill that govenor before we even started talking about giving a state away
New York was once owned by the Dutch. I don't see you campaigning to give it back. Why are you sucking California's dick so much?
Mexico can have my weather and mountsains back when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.
No, Mexicans should return to Mexico
>Should California return to México?
it is literally already yours.
Yeah, fuck it take it. If California stops voting in US elections all the better.
Please take it. We can then invade you for taking it and wipe everyone out.
Fuck off, spic.
And you're land was originally Spanish.
it's already happening
As much as I hate California you know that Mexico could never control it their army is worthless and run by cartels so now they'd have to deal with all that plus all the California Negroes like the rappers and it'd fail and California would probably end up like Zimbabwe
No, Fucker!
these trips
Give Mexico back to Spain you filthy tack muncher!
we paid for it and you assholes lost the war dumb spic
no but california should take the baja peninsula
No, keep that sjw commie hellhole away
Ok. So what if California went to Mexico, but the Mexicans had to take in all the kikes, lgbtq, hippies, niggers along with the land.
After a short while the Mexicans would probably want to give it back.
>People's Republic of California secedes from the US and joins Mexico
>All the Mexicans there immediately flee to Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon