He is literally everything a white man should strive to be
>fit asf
>filthy rich and famous
>blonde hair blue eyed aryan
>doesn’t give a fuck bout useless betas that commit suicide in a Japanese forest
Is he /our guy/?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you care about useless beta NEETs committing suicide in Japanese forests you aren’t white
He should’ve pissed on the guys corpse and filmed it
You're not wrong. I think he shoulda even left the video up. Its kind of like a scooby doo mystery.
he lies too much for dramatic reasons and tries to emulate nigger culture. So for this reason I give Logan Paul a 6/10
Japanese men literally committed suicide(via kamikaze) in order to assist blonde-hair, blue-eyed Aryans of Germans.
This site is shit
>/ourguy/ etc
OP, you are a faggot, go suck his dick
And you're not what any man should be; e-celebs are shit and you're retarded for bringing this to Sup Forums. Go to rebbit & be a degenerate dick riding retard.
A white man should not be rich you fucking kike
>He has claimed to have Austrian-Jewish, English, German-Jewish, Hungarian-Jewish, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh ancestry.
T. Butthurt shitskins that wish they could be Logan “aryan god” Paul
If you’re broke you aren’t white
>Logan Paul
Jake ARYAN Paul might be the Savior of the white race and might be the next leader of the invisible Reich empire based in the united states.
>Aryan hair cut
>Hot white gf
>Has a elite death squad known as team ten
>Team ten consists of whites and other white races (mexican slavs etc)
>Has Wheremacht equivelent known as jake paulers.
>Jake paulers mainly consist of youth members who are white who will be trained for the upcoming race war in los angeles.
Jidf have attempted to shut down the "team 10 house" AKA The paulereichstag by listing it as closed on google and hiring SHILLS to pose as neigbors who call the police on him daily. other shills like h3h3 and Keemstar. are payed off to talk shit.
Other youtubers like boogie1488s videos are being edited by the jidf to seem like they are against the Jake paul uprising on youtube.
>be ostracized Japanese neet
>find isolated part of forest to escape the worries of society
>end it all
>some loudmouth autist tourist finds your body and makes a spectacle of it while taking selfies
The level of degeneracy and crappy content youtube has achieved makes me want to vomit.
> has Jewish ancestors
>>Team ten consists of whites and other white races (mexican slavs etc)
This is a joke right?
I don't think he is a bad person and I am glad he is the number one youtuber atm over so many other potential people. But he is dumb as fuck. I say this as someone who hasnt seen this little scandle and doesn't give a fuck about it. I have watched a tota of two of his videos in the past and while edited well in the style that retarded youtube kiddies seem to enjoy he is just about the dumbest an adult white male could ever possibly be or at the least he plays a character that appears to be as much.
That said there is no reason he should be punished. He is a genuinely nice guy.
please force this meme i want this to get big, also if you really want it to take off use recent stuff now old shit.
definitely /ourguy/
I hope every single boomer on this site dies a horribly death and gets filmed by Logan Paul after the fact.
Shouldnt you be getting acid attacked or something?
yes, agreed, very good point
Whos this faggot
Jake Paul is jewish you fucking idiot
Here is the video that Logan Paul deleted. Just look at this degenerated psycho making fun of dead Honorary Aryans.
Your inability to recognize your own actions as being cringey and pathetic is really next-level retarded. Again, dick-ride other males elsewhere, faggot. This isn't rebbit, we don't approve of degenerates like you.
underage spotted
>the first meme of 2018 is someone finding a fucking dead body
Will this be a great year lads?
I do have a lot of respect for him
he's a very succesful self-made millionaire and an extremely hard worker
and as you said he's also fit asf
not your personal army faggot
Exploting children with his clothing brand does not make you anything more than a degenerate. He also acts like an entitled faggot with less respect for the dead than I thought even Sup Forums ever had.
All of you gas yourselves
Blue eyed Aryan. Yes, that’s an attractive look, but superficial features. Unless you’re an autistic Nazi larper you probably shouldn’t care too much about blonde hair blue eyes. There’s no science that says they’re genetically superior to brown hair people. And real Nazis never thought that it was propaganda made up about them to make them look bad
He's not an EE.
He's not Rheinhold Messner
He's not Charles Lindbergh
He's nothing but an e celeb, and male or female the e celeb is a piece of shit.
Piss off.
Nah you are just out of it. It is not a cool.thing to fall behind the culture. I am over 30 and know who this guy is because I am paying attention. If you quit at 25 because you think you have the culture all figured out the culture doesnt stop. Emporer has no clothes.
There is no such thing as a honorary aryan.
There are white europeans and shitskins.
aint nothing honorary about those slants after they beta'd out of the war and became a bitch .
the entire country is a propaganda machine to make the white race more beta with animeshit and video games and they already destroyed themselves in doing it .
literally most of them are virgins in their 20s because of the cultural pushing of betaness and the cucked governments their elect vote against USA moving its own embassies in the UN..
2 nukes weren't enough
Kill yourself nigger. You aren't white or even human.
It's a nigger haven.
>shit hairline
those forward haircuts were made up to hide poor hairlines
you can even see how thin his hair is
he's a hairlet
you're right it is shit, but only because it's 10 am in the east coast, and all the retards are posting logan paul and shiet. Someone really needs to cut the internet privilege for these cubicle workers.
hes not Aryan, americans are and never were Aryan, he just has blue eyes and blonde hair, but in reality is a mutt, idk why americans like to larp as Aryans so much, its retarded considering even an albanian is whiter than them
it makes you a smart businessman and rich as fuck
Same for you. Eceleb makes more sense than the shitty jew pocked hollywood ball players. Ecelebs of this age are picked by the 18 year old white kids. I trust them over the kike over lords you love so much. Get with it. Keep up.
This. Fuck off 12 year olds. Jesus.
if i could only convey to you how ironic your post is.
Come on dude, he used a dead guy to get views. Thats fucked up, i dont hate the man but come on.
/k/ would be triggered right now.
Lol shut up you fucking normie
>a jew is asking Sup Forums to do his bidding
What fucking timeline is this?
you dont have to buddy im way ahead of ya
Kill yourself nigger
Why everyone so mad about this? I've seen way worse shit on Jewtube.
He’s obviously not Aryan, I was talking about aryans in general. OP thinks he’s aryan though. Either way, Aryans aren’t better than any other European ethnicities, at least not according to science. Only people who say that are the 88 larping faggots who give this whole site a bad name and drag us all down with them
Somebody post his "controversial" video. Can't find it.
Hungarians are Mongoloids you traitor
>says a white man should not be rich
>calls op the kike
Your /new/ is showing
So he's an amerimutt
Actually kill yourself you fucking ameri-mongrel.
Den Evige
Literal fucking chad
Sup Forums is such dog shit. You think this shithead works hard?
go to 5:43 faggot
Looks like your typical double digit IQ douche, senpai.
don't see what's so bad
fuck normies
Logan Paul is raising awareness
Normies just want to see their hollywood bullshit lalalaworld where everything is bluepilled
Work smart not hard. I give Logan Paul more props for his work than fucking Pablo the construction worker slaving away mindlessly like a robot
but i love you britbud :(