Why do you plebs care so much about race?
So what, there are brown people in your countries? Get over it. Who the hell cares if you become a "minority?" Ideology matters, not skin color.
Why do you plebs care so much about race?
So what, there are brown people in your countries? Get over it. Who the hell cares if you become a "minority?" Ideology matters, not skin color.
How about you travel back in time and as the blacks ca. 1950 how they felt as a minority?
in europe nationality is tied with ethnicity.
And brown people almost exclusivly vote democratic. That’s a big problem.
It isn't though.
Because they're brainwashed by the media.
Because I live in a nigger heavy city and it is like a bunch of fucking drunk shiftless and violent monkeys are allowed to run wild, and you have to pretend like there is nothing wrong.
How about you start living in some country in the Middle East and see if they think the same way?
Well move.
Why? They're not civilized like the west is.
Would that somehow make me not care about race?
Now you figured it out.
race is the determining factor in the rise and fall of civilizations. It isn't we wuz to suggest that the people that inhabited the Mediterranean areas of Europe, North Africa and the Levant thousands of years ago weren't the smelly brown retards that inhabit them today
Yea, I mean if everyone acts white who cares if actual white people exist, say no to racism.
>Ideology matters, not skin color.
>he still doesn't realize that different ethnicities have different ideologies on average due to their historical selection pressures
why do patricians care so much for identifying plebians?
People are interchangeable and replaceable. Society constructs people. This is what people believed last century. Things change.
What makes you think failed multiculturalism can work?
What makes you think we are not allowed to organise our society as we see fit. The majority of pol's in western countries show that people are against imposed immigration. Why are we not asked and why is it forced on us?
>Get over it
Why can't we decide what sort of society, culture and people we want to live with?
It is though
Because America sold her solidarity and liberty for cash. They strive to divide us to blame each other for their own failures and misgivings and to keep getting reelected.
Demography is destiny, once whites go, you will see civilization collapse due to civil war as other demographics tear each other to shreds and that the same order and technological progress that people enjoyed now collapses
yes it is. If I go to Germany and get a citinzenship I won't magically become German.
Yes it is cuck.
>Ideology matters, not skin color.
You have no idea how wrong you are...
Race and ethnicity play a large role on politics and ideology.
Not an argument. It is just a culture, not race.
If that's true, then there should be no objection to deporting all the niggers. It's just a crime problem, nothing to do with race.
Not because of race though. I never said that. If race did matter, the U.S. would be a third world country because of it's diversity. But it's not. It's one of the best countries.
behavioral traits in humans are partially determined by genetic, and those genetic variants are not distributed equally across all ethnicities.
Why do you?
But it's just a skin color. Why would it matter if they died out naturally? Pop out more kids if you're so worried.
On average. But there are many people of color who are equally as successful as whites.
Blacks and hispanics have always voted for the dems. You either convince them to vote red, which is very unlikely, or the dems will have a permanent majority when whites become a minority.
lol nigger you could just look at the economic policies of the world and see that all minorities in america will go towards socialism
Because these losers want to blame their failures on a bunch of people that have barely been there 50 years. Instead of blaming the whites that run their countries for fucking them other. They're doing exactly what their jewish overlords want. It's not pakis that fucked england. It's whites like Cameron.
Eastern European countries barely have any minorities yet are still 3rd world tier shitholes. All they can blame is themselves.
Also nationality and ethnicity are not necessarily the same thing.
Hahaha, look here, its an American trying to tell Europe to give up their homeland because they said so. Typical. Saged
Except it hasn't failed. USA is multicultural and doing fine.
Plus, you're wrong. If so many people were on board with what you're saying then why do so many people protest against people like you? Why would (regardless of how I feel about these groups) Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other anti-racist groups exist if they agreed with you?
get out of my country shit skin
Not true. There are plenty of striving countries without a majority white population.
If you get a citizenship, you are German.
Could you explain, why Eastern European counties are such shitholes? They are white countreis
>Eastern European countries barely have any minorities yet are still 3rd world tier shitholes. All they can blame is themselves.
They lived under a Communist regime for 50 years.
Stupid nigger
Again, it's brainwashing from the media telling them they are victims and pretending to care about them.
0/10 bait
Who the hell cares he we have more crime than we otherwise would have?
What's a few rapes compared to delicious ethnic food?
Even then. What about the 33% of whites who want to ban hate speech? That is one in 3.
A communist regime run by whites. Also none of that matters. China is run by communists and has great growth. Eastern Europe is mostly stagnant.
To be honest by blaming communists you're really agreeing with me. You're saying it's ideology and culture that's the problem not race.
>Why do you care about race?
>Get over it.
>You will become a minority
gosh, it´s like a terrible bait
42% of whites is a lot of whites too.
non whites bring down the quality of life.
why do they have to come to white countries? why can't they stay in their own?
Not bait.
>responding to bait
>claiming it's 0/10 bait
pick one and only one
If we were looking at crime, we'd also be deporting a lot of white men.
Other whites don't care about each-other. Everything is class. Rich whites would have no problem throwing you to the mutts if it benefits them. Which in a sense is what they're doing right now.
Because of threads like this??? Also DELET this Obama isn’t president anymore that’s where this picture is from. Look they wave the flag in disgust and contempt and only because mutt KANG Barack Obammer won
I'm white.
>have a lot of low iq niggers is fine as far they support le god emperor
stop projecting. the ones who care about race are the idiots who design entire movements around race, and what has the left been all about over the last 10 years? pity party identity politics.
> USA is multicultural and doing fine.
I was in Cali the other year, you have people laying in the streets smoking crack. You have corporations running your government which you can't do nothing about and constant social pressures causing the population to go on mental health meds in order to get through the day.
> why do so many people protest against people like you
Because the school system is a indoctrination camp and uni students are bored, they have no futures so instead of breaking away and attacking society they attack imagined enemies like wHiTe SuPrEmAcIsTs and patriarchy.
Marxists groups are nothing more than either hired goons or manipulated fools. Lenin used to call them useful idiots.
By voting democrat just like poor whites??? 60% - 65% of Whites are middle class BTW
prove it
Plenty of white people commit crimes too. Remember Charlottesville?
If I get an African passport am I African?
If no then how's getting a European passport make someone European...
No, illegals do. Not non-whites.
>Latin Americans aren't white
>the whole argument is about race, not nationality
there is always the sage option.
as if califonia is representing the entirety of the US. please don't pretend to be this retarded, bonger
Poor whites are sheep. Constantly tricked into pursuing what's against there best interest by democrats and republicans. Middle class whites are just apathetic boomers who all deserve the rope.
I agree. The left uses a lot of identity politics. But the right is just as SJW.
>african passport
>checks flag
Makes sense.
Actually middle class whites have a median age of 35. Rich and poor whites are mostly apathetic boomers who deserve the rope.
nice bait.
It really is. If I say I have a German friend, people will not think of Rashid but of Bernd
Nah there are people stupid enough to believe this. This is what happens when generation after generation of people are allowed to be raised as empty husks with no identity of their own. They adopt a collective one such as "fighting le racism" and wearing clothes with logos because without all that they're nothing.
No. Getting full citizenship would make you African.
not true. all non whites bring down quality is life
>They lived under a Communist regime for 50 years.
So, slavic whites supported Communism.
Does this mean that slavs are niggers?
How is it bait? Did a neo-Nazi not run over and kill an innocent protester?
Europeans aren't allowed to care for each other. That's racist.
That's complete bullshit.
>China is run by communists and has great growth
15% of the population lives in EXTREME poverty.
> Eastern Europe is mostly stagnant.
Romanian economy grew 5.7% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2017, the fastest rate in the EU.
Now can you explain why Marseille|(40% muslim) is the most dangerous city in Europe??!??
Their IQ is lower.
Their likeliness to vote leftwing is extremely greater.
In the case of muslims, when we become the minority and they the majority, we get sharia law and civil war.
Best to prevent all those problems. It's a lesser sin to evict a stranger than it is to kill him.
Reading the report it appears indirectly so yes.
They don't though. You guys hate eachother. Poles are hated just as much in Britbongistan as pakis.
>slavic whites supported Communism.
that's a weird way of saying conquered by Russia after WW2 ;^)
All of this is due to problems like poverty, single mothers, and brainwashing from the media.
You just proved my point..
Of course it doesn't but it's part of the US and it's very diverse, which is what the retarded OP claims is working great there.
no it's fact. all you need to do is look at neighborhoods where shitskins have taken over. it's common sense.
>Russia after WW2 ;^)
So, you are saying that Russians are non-whites.
What point???
>15% of the population lives in EXTREME poverty.
Ok. A good chunk of Americans and Europeans live in extreme poverty.
>Romanian economy grew 5.7% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2017, the fastest rate in the EU.
That's still pretty shit. Especially considering how shit and small their economies are.
>Now can you explain why Marseille|(40% muslim) is the most dangerous city in Europe??!??
Poor people and a lack of french will to enforce the law.
Yet in America, people are obsessed with their genetic ancestry and identify themselves with it.
My country may be an exception, we have Nordic, Romantic and Germanic genetic heritage.
Other countries are less mixed. Germans are very much their own people, and if you tell a Polak that he's ethnically no different from a German, he'll punch you in the face.
Prove white people commit more crimes, show me the stats. I'll wait.
Tip:Be careful to not post statistics mixing hispanics and white people
Different races create different cultures. This is just the fact of the matter.