>You have to go ba-
You have to go ba-
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What level of chess is this
Based Trump bringing in the based spics to BTFO the Dems!
Its no level, u guys elected a liar. At least its not hillary.
Jews gunna Jew and nu/pol/ just sucks his dick more and more
Trump loves the latin poonani BASED
Based! Hispanics will turn on Dems after the Republicans amnesty all of them!!! #MAGA #NaturalConservatives #TAXCUTS #JOBS
To think that there are still people actually supporting Trump on Sup Forums is beyond me.
It was fun back in 2016, but we're way past that.
Reddit really needs to fuck off.
He's forcing Dems to negotiate for DACA ans give him the wall and immigration reform. How retarded are you, he's made no secret about this.
wtf is wrong with this cunt he won by calling them rapists.
Suck it down, numale goy! Suck that long shaft till you feel the hot cum run down your throat. I said, suck it, bitch!
Trumpfaggots really are mentally ill
>building a wall after legalizing millions of dem voters
That’s a lot like locking your door after a thief robbed everything of value. His compromises will ruin the country in the same way as Reagan.
Sad part is there are some that actually believe this
I don't understand why do non whites vote blue? Is it solely for welfare?
It's sowing seeds of division on the left you dumb faggot.
I hope 2018 is the year the civic nationalist is beat to death
>"falling in love"
what does he mean by this? why does he put random quotations around certain words?
"b-but maga right? The Based God Emperor is just playing 6 gorillion dimensions of underwater checkers r-right?
>boomer fucks still support this dotard
The democrats don't want to grant citizenship to dreamers or any illegals. They want them here but they want them to stay undocumented.
By passing the ball to Congress to reform daca, Trump has absolved himself of the responsibility of ending it while also showing, for the millionth time, that democrats don't care about minorities.
i think he's trying to provoke a division between Dem leadership and DACA activists. remember his earlier tweet about how the Dems know that the wall and chain migration is a prerequisite for a deal on DACA? this might be his way of pushing this forward.
but i really don't like the idea of 800k future Dem voters if DACA amnesty is provided. maybe the path to citizenship should be put off for 10 years if they're allowed to stay
Yesterday's tweet was like anuddah iraqi war and today's tweet is anuddah amnesty. We should've voted for Jeb!
Jeb is a Mexican, you fucktard
Try 1.3 million that qualify not counting the family members that flood in after possible chain migration. Not to mention all the potentials that will overstay their visas once DACA becomes a permanent program with guarantees of safety. I swear to God you guys are fucking blinded by some type of cult worship to the personality and hold absolutely no objective convictions on this shit.
they vote for the party that is anti-white. this ain't rocket science.
because hes fucking old, nigger
>War with Iran
>More gibs for Isreal
Wow guys so much winning.
I assume he quotes random phrases he hears on Fox and Friends
It's a con artist who's only in it to enrich billionaires like himself and his droid offspring.
DACApedes are based, duck off shareblue
Imagine being so cucked as to swallow this after all the campaign lies.
amnesty don
>brainlets in this thread don't understand that this is another example of Trump knowing exactly how to play his hands
Trump understands
>spics want DACA
>Trump wants wall, a proper border and end to chain migration
>this way, Trump signals he is willing to do DACA but Dems are obstructionist retards
>so DACA will end because Dems didn't co-operate
>every time Trump gives a public appearance he reminds the world that the Dems could have had DACA
>Juan Pablo Illegal Beaner thinks "heyyyy, essayyyy, choo Democrat pendejos coulda made me legal here but you refused to... I don give a fuck about no wall if I coulda stayed here legally cholo"
>if the Democrat globalists are prepared to co-operate, Trump can at least tell his base that this DACA shit is the END of the spic invasion and the drawbridge is now up
>and when the Dems get BTFO in 2018, they may end up getting a wall, a strong border and an end to chain migration with no DACA anyway
>in which case they are permanently BTFO in the eyes of the beans they pander to
>this is the optimal scenario
Hey Stan, you still going to the cum tasting event after this? Mind if I borrow your extra pair of anal beads?
lmao obstruction of justice
When did he tweet this? What a C U C K
Yeah but Sup Forumstards know that he's a liar
They just don't care
He could do literally anything and wouldn't lose support
Hot take!
We love our based beaners don't we folks
>implying a process crime will make any difference at all given the deluge of conspiracy that people who are paying attention are currently learning about involving Hillary, her campaign, the Obama FBI and DOJ and Fusion GPS
brainlet confirmed
it's fake. you can tell by the punctuation at the end.
Pretty much this, it isn't 4d chess, but simply exploiting the double bind and sacred cows the dems and libs got themselves into. They will have to make a choice, aid an enemy to assure their ideology isn't seen as hypocritical, or stick to their guns and betray those same individuals down the line.
The left always places itself in a double bind at the end which leads to it's inevitable losses.
He is right, we havent done enough about DACIA
they have to go back
>but for now we need to be practical
The kind of chess where Americans lose and the Jews win
The sad part is most Trump voters are too low IQ to notice this.
Sadly, this.
Is this the ultimate 56% tweet?
You're right that the Dems obviously don't care about minorities and hold them in contempt (as opposed to the extreme hatred they have for independent white people). But...
>The democrats don't want to grant citizenship to dreamers or any illegals
I don't think it's quite like that.
They absolutely DO want more inbred retards as citizens who they can easily manipulate in to voting for them with pandering identity politics and promises of gibs (and medicare gibs for grandma through chain migration).
But they ALSO want an endless stream of new illegal immigrants.
They literally want to flood the country with these stoned, stupid little criminals.
The sad part is most Drumpf voters are so low IQ, they actually believe this
Let's MAGA with our DACApedes!
Sure thing pal
Do you guys really think that the majority of those who vote in the DACA group don't vote Dem already? Legally or illegally, they are already working for the Dems.
Trump has ALWAYS basically said, "get documented or get the fuck out of my country." There is nothing new about this tweet, other than he's pointing out that, like with healthcare, the Dems are going to dig their heels into the dirt and REFUSE to compromise about ANYTHING, will vote a hard NO to ANY immigration bill the Republicans push forward simply because Republicans wrote it. Many "Dreamers" will see the Democrats as their enemy when this happens. Democrats are only interested in population replacement to get the votes they need - They don't give a shit whether these people get to be citizens or not. They'd probably prefer that they remain non-citizens, so they'll have that carrot to dangle in front of them to get votes.
in the hillary timeline blanket amnesty passed along with a right to citizenship for all who seek it
Ellen DeGeneres was confirmed to the supreme court and the second amendment is was replaced by the right to very late term abortion
Trump is playing 6d Dreidel and I want off his wild Israeli ride
>Dacas still can't vote
>Still deported if they commit a felony
ur retarded