>this is what cuckservatives actually believe
This is what cuckservatives actually believe
This is what happens when you're not redpilled on race.
Look at these brand new Republican voters!
> Natural conservatives !
Stay stupid Op.
Based Trump ! Based spics ! MAGA
I don't get American politics so I'll just say he's wrong
Hispanics already vote Republican like never before! BASED Reagan giving them amnesty and all
>As long as they stand for the anthem
>You have a problem with my biracial grandchild?
>Democrats are the real racists
Any other clueless conservative statements I missed?
Poor people aren't even getting a tax cut, because they don't pay income taxes.
do they still want them to speak english? or is that racist now?
These are literal cancer
They lose money because Trump wanted to break healthcare just when they were starting to enjoy it.
>gets Wall
>gets rid of chain immigration
>gets millions of new voter
4D chess at its best.
i'm surprised they never learned their lesson seeing mexican still vote predominantly democrat for the gibs and muh racism
it never works
Trump's twitter boomer army is almost as bad and insufferable as the leftists that shill his every tweet. That Wohl faggot isn't even the worst of them, there is the "ISRAELISFORTRUMP" handle that posts the same scripted responses and blurry facebook memes of Jesus praying for Trump. Fuck, sometimes I just want to gas everyone above the age of 40, is that normal?
not normal but i understand boomers have that effect on you
>Israel is our greatest ally
>[Insert European country or city] has been taken over by immigrants ! It's so unsafe, i definetly won't visit !
Where is your wall then?
>le natural conservative meme
>>gets rid of chain immigration
You do realize that the courts will strike this down based on the 14th amendment before Pres. Trump finished his breakfast right?
>BLOGGER - CONSERVATIVE - CHRISTIAN - MOM - #StandForOurFlag #StandWithIsrael #MAGA #TrumpsArmy #Yoga MSM SUX
Love the 4D chess memes
The most interesting political theory discussion of our time is whether mainstream republicans figure out that non-white minorities vote as a block before or after the midterms
you forgot DEPLORABLE
Democrats lose either way. They can cave in and fund the wall in exchange for Republican votes on reinstating DACA, which would disgust their base so much that many of their voters completely buck the party because of their "support for fascism". Or, they can do nothing in regards to DACA because they believe resisting Trump's agenda is more important than the Dreamers, which would likely cost them a majority of their Hispanic voters (not to say they'd start voting Republican, but they wouldn't go for a party that let thousands of their own people get deported for political reasons). Don't know what's gonna happen, but when the March deadline starts to come up things should start getting entertaining.
Conservatives unwarranted belief that minorities will act rationally is one of the biggest threats to our future. These idiots don’t seem to understand that they are selling us out.
Nigga raised our taxes, but we can’t vote anyways
Not even remotely true. The health insurance portion of Obamacare started collapsing the day it was set up. It was nothing but a cover for dumping 15 million more people into Medicaid.
If they were going to figure it out, they already would have.
It's literally their job to understand how demographic blocks vote. Their existence as a national party depends on it.
I don't get why they are failing so hard.
>which would likely cost them a majority of their Hispanic voters
Repealing DACA would be an absolute windfall for Dems.
This isn't 2010. It's very clear to the voting public republicans are in full control, which means any political decisions are theirs to own. If abortion didn't get hispanics to vote against dems DACA will send them to the polls in droves to vote out le evil white man.
>It was nothing but a cover for dumping 15 million more people into Medicaid.
Honestly how it should be. As much as Sup Forums likes to bitch, Medicaid is one of the better insurance programs you can get.
I love how the wheel turns.
Conservatives think they're on the up and up because no one voted at all in 2016 except evangelicals. Just like Clintonites it's going to be a fun election cycle when shit flips like Alabama
please stop it
I can't take it anymore
They're not. They've welded themselves to a base so rabid they can't choose to change their platform to reach out to minority voters.
If they show any weakness on immigration, half their base will simply not go out to vote. It's the same problem Democrats faced when they didn't double-down at least in campaign promises during the last cycle.
You're supposed to talk up shit in elections, then compromise during legislation. Then you can bitch and moan about how your opponents nickled and dimed your grand plan down to something weaker.
Democrats are great at doing it, but they're shit at campaigning. Republicans are great at campaigning but can't get shit done in office
At this point I'm convinced half of his voting block are just boomers mad their grandkids called them racist at thanksgiving and enjoying the thought of their hispanic neighbors getting deported for letting their dogs shit in their yard.
> Medicaid
And it is 100% funded by white people. Only whites pay taxes. The average Hispanic is worth -2000 per year in taxes. Who is going to pay for it when there aren’t enough whites left to cover it?
Who the hell doesn’t want a tax cut?
Sort of true.
Most recipients of medicaid are poor whites, and 70% of zero-file tax payers are whites.
The problem is less hispanics and more a lack of middle class whites as population shrinks and jobs vanish