Black people are literally just white people who fell down.
Cant we show our clumsy brothers some love?
Black people are literally just white people who fell down.
Cant we show our clumsy brothers some love?
Other urls found in this thread:
I know this guy that used to fuck a black chick for a few months, he said no matter how clean she was her pussy smelled pungent and foul as did her skin when she was perspiring. He told me she left oil on everything she touched. They're oily like possums.
Unironically I've asked about this. They have really dry skin so they are always slathering themselves with cocoa butter and moisturizers.
From great aryan warrior to ice cube
>t. 56%
Dem Honkeyz sqashed mah fayuze
call da BLM fo dem progrums mumma !
I don't see how he was able to do that. Black women smell horrible and leave grease everywhere. They'll go weeks without washing their hair, and they brag about it. The same goes for bathing - They might bathe once a week. They skip out on bathing so they have to use less lotion. They smell like scalp, coco butter, and their clothes are musty.
This is exactly why I'd never buy a used car that a nog drove or rode in, they are dark greasy messes and you can never get the stains and smell out. I learned this as a kid playing football. The greasy bastards made my leather footballs turn dark as hell. Never have that with whites and asians.
The squashed face is a result of never evolving beyond beating each other to death with their fists.
The white man developed iron to stab with so we stopped fist fighting. We started having sharp attractive features because the attractive get women.
Tl:Dr niggers look the way they do because over millions of years they couldn't even make a knife.
u havin a giggle?
fucking kill yourself, degenerate
>vaseline promotes demon worship
is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
stopped reading right there
OP is a faggot.
sage goes in the options field
What am I looking at?
Holy shit OP my fucking sides
>Then the face drop.. so the IQ.
We're still best state
Unwashed nigger hair.
Talked to an american gay guy who said the same, which is why he didn't like niggers.
Weird reason, but whatever
Why does the northeast corner vote blue? I know a guy from the really big (geographically big) county which is apparently the lowest by population. Surprised it's not republican.
Negro hair is pretty damn ugly.
Just the hair alone is often enough to make people divide dogs into separate races.
But have to deal retards insisting the negro is the same race as us.
Wh*te people are blacks compared to Asians
>asians don't commit crimes, whites do
>asians don't live off welfare, whites do
>asians have honour, whites are just greed
>white people are chavs, asians are not chavs
>white people act like blacks with rap, asians don't
>asians don't form street/soccer gangs, whites do
>whites do things like weed and drugs, asains don't
And I say this as a fellow white male.
I knew a black girl when I lived in Canada and I called to her door one day am when she opened the door her apartment stank of ass and manky pussy. I worked with an Nigerian lad too who always stank of body odor too. Both were nice people though.
it's from the close proximity to canada
Asians and whites do different crimes than blacks.
Blacks rape, rob, kill.
Asians and whites do more organised white collar crimes.
>eu flag
>garbage post
made me think
>as a fellow white male
>Juden** male
Confirmed. This Algerian guy told me black pussy is radioactive
it's ok hans, we know you can't stop sucking somali cock.
Yes, this is why they cover their furniture in plastic.
>fellow white male
thats not negro hair thats part of a weave, niggers hair is so pathetic & disgusting that they have to use other peoples hair and they cant wash it so it rots on their head
only way youre gonna be white is after i shovel you out of the oven
>asians don't like rap
This is one of the most idiotic things I've heard. With the exception of japan rap is popular in asia along with the westernized Asians here who think they're black because they're also minorities and this pickup nigger culture. Stop worshiping the yellow's and start picking up your own traditional European culture which is the most sophisticated and civilized in the world.
>As a fellow ((white male))
I could pick this apart but the answer is a simple no. Firstly you are talking primarily about East Asians not Asians in general. South East Asians for example are a whole standard deviation in IQ below whites. Once you remove recent additions from European statistics such as IQ, crime rates etc you end up with numbers fairly similar to East Asians in countries like Japan or South Korea.
Btw, here's some Chinese people for you.
>a fellow white male
>asians don't commit crimes, whites do
>asians don't live off welfare, whites do
>asians have honour, whites are just greed
>white people are chavs, asians are not chavs
>white people act like blacks with rap, asians don't
>asians don't form street/soccer gangs, whites do
>whites do things like weed and drugs, asains don't
((((((((WE)))))))) don't like whites.
>someone being smellier and grosser overall is a weird reason for not liking them
You deserve everything happening in your country. In less than 20 years you will have it worse than us Amerimutts with the 52% face.
Can confirm. My friend said this as well. Also terrible oral hygiene.
Why do blacks have flat noses?
Because that is there the doctor puts his foot when he pulls off their tail.
I have fucked several black girls and confirm that black girls smell and taste more rank. They also do this which is why they are so damn greasy. Plus you can't even pull on their hair when you are fucking them because most wear weaves or braids. They really are shitty but there always these faggots spewing bullshit about how great White Male/Black Female relationships are with outdated and poor marriage statistics claiming they somehow have a lower divorce rate when it's actually higher.
Honestly, I didn't even start out racist. I just became more racist after hanging out with black people and seeing how they behave.
Asian here. Thanks but we’re not superior, we’re about equal when you do the math. You have to throw out SE Asians, because they’re retarded, and include Ch*nks, Gooks, Nips, Mongols, Kazakhs, Uzbeks and Haz*aras. And still half these countries are high-IQ shitholes.
>Why do blacks have flat noses?
Even the child holding this book up for scientific comparison knows why.
The removal of a Sheeboons hairhat after months of not washing.
Explains why they're so stupid.
This is what most people in your country are like. Brits are like American blacks.Very Loud
le protruding muzzle face
In my head
>Where is this going...
End of clip
>lol wtf?
>New respect for Asian drivers
It it just a coincidence that Caucasians and Monguloidals have Neanderthal DNA and are superior, while Negro's have no Neanderthal DNA and are basically retarded?
>mutt trying to be funny
Somalians are a swedish thing, newfriend.
It's a weird reason to be redpilled about them when you have crime statistics and the way they speak and act in general.
Why are americans always so fucking retarded?
Pic related
I'm revolted
Well they tried to warn us.
>It's a weird reason to be redpilled about them when you have crime statistics and the way they speak and act in general.
>Why are americans always so fucking retarded?
Says the kraut that imported countless amounts of this exact same type of trash into his home country. How embarrassing to make such a hypocritical statement.
We still have nearly no niggers, it's mostly arabs, not better, but different.
The other american got the somali thing wrong as well, how can you people be so incompetent?`
Also, let's not forget
>52% talking shit about importing non-whites
luh mayo
REminder that whites came from albinism and basically built a matrix out of shame. Can you imagine? Not being able to handle the truth? Ofc you can. Youre deficient. Its not in you. Keep barking up that racist trees racists. You wont see karma coming but this is what she looks like. Stings doesnt she.
No damn them all.
Niggers belong in the noose.
Ill show the the love of a stake.
>REminder that whites came from albinism and basically built a matrix out of shame.
Actually you need 2 genes together to have dark eyes, having one of them missing gives you light eyes.
And the oldest human remains we've found came from europe.
Your move, yankee.
why? in this case it is actually semantically correct
>REminder that whites came from albinism
Are you retarded?
I don't even know what you are on about because in less than 20 years you guys will be more mutted up than our 52% mutt face.
Also Arabs still have nigger blood in them. If anything, you just let in more dangerous and more capable type of cockroaches into your home.
But please keep throwing stones from a glass house Kraut.
Koreans don’t produce body odor....but I’m sure they would trade it all to have MUH DICK
No it's better bro I can tell.
Azn > Indians > arabs > magrebis > niggers
Niggers are the worst. Well I don't know abos so maybe theyre worse.
Muslims don't mix with the whites though so the mutting is minimal, they live in their own ghettos.
No I don't think so. I woulndt trade my place with a nigger for a inch or two. Koreans are proud.
>I don't even know what you are on about because in less than 20 years you guys will be more mutted up than our 52% mutt face.
>believing bullshit shills write on Sup Forums
Also, why are you redditspacing? Oh yeah, because you don't belong here.
>Also Arabs still have nigger blood in them.
So do you, mr 52%, let's not forget that in America arabs are counted as WHITE.
>But please keep throwing stones from a glass house Kraut.
>literally a nigger president
>source of sjw cancer in the west
Be honest, do you hate yourself?
Why can't you Amerifuck just stop your racism?
>>asians don't commit crimes, whites do
Organized crime groups like Yakuza, the Triades etc.
>>asians don't live off welfare, whites do
Socialist Asian countries.
>>asians have honour, whites are just greed
Which is why you breech your contracts to scam money all the time.
>>white people are chavs, asians are not chavs
Chav (/tʃæv/ CHAV) (charver in parts of Northern England) is a pejorative epithet used in Britain to describe a particular stereotype[1][2] of anti-social youth dressed in sportswear
What are Asian neets.
>>white people act like blacks with rap, asians don't
Do you mean LAP???
>>asians don't form street/soccer gangs, whites do
Stop deluding your self. The only difference between Asian and White street gangs is the type of motocycle they drive.
>>whites do things like weed and drugs, asains don't
Said the descendant of Opium addicts.
>Muslims don't mix with the whites
You are right, they just rape them and molest their children.
>Kraut herp derping about plebbit, 52%, and trying to hide his butt hurt
It's cool Kraut, I know time is on my side and that not all mutts are created equal.
>new friend
kek, I've been here since 08.
They must have gotten one hell of a concussion when they fell.
Keep making your boohoo claims. The bottom line you derived from albinos (OBVIOUSLY. OBVIOUSLY) And you collective and actively cover up the truth. Out of immense shame of reality. Because your betrayal and looking down upon ALL of mankind its just too much to swallow after a lifetime of hubris. Now I forgive you, because you were MK ultraed to to hate. You are my simian brother, but if you do not stop stepping on the heads of others. IF you do not control your HUBRIS, your vanity and pride. The forces of nature itself, the balance between light and dark. They will make your albino descended, bipedal simian, asses wish you never larped so hard.
No you live in a fake world. As if 9/11 wasnt enough to get it through your head. Race doesnt exist, never has, never will.
Don't worry fellow Amerimutt he is just jealous that our country will be more white in about 10 or less years than his.
>herp derping about plebbit,
If you don't want people to call you out, do not format like somebody from there, how about it?
> trying to hide his butt hurt
The mutt is immunized against all insults, but call him out on his ethnic make-up and he shrinks back in fear "I am found out."
> I know time is on my side and that not all mutts are created equal.
>american quadroon is happy because at least he's not as dark as his neighbour the mulatto
>I have no proof or point so I'll write it's obvious
kek, stopped reading there.
The amount of butt hurt in your post is delicious, please feed me more.
>that gif
the mutt cries as he strikes you
>race doesn't exist but whites came from albinos and present a discernible phenotype
>n-no u
That is very unlikely desu.
It's for the better to separate violent negros from the rest of mankind.
Even if you don't like to call it race, it's just more practical.
Isolate negros to Africa so they can rape and kill each other instead of killing and raping whites.
Whites are what you call yourself. What you really are , are albino descended great apes. Albinism, coming from the latin word albus, literally meaning white. Top left david duke
Why would anyone make a clay kevin nash?
Statistics say otherwise but maybe wishful thinking works better in France.
Hello Bino.
>Albinism, coming from the latin word albus,
Contrary to you I actually translated entire latin books in my life, do you really want to go down this path?
>Whites are what you call yourself.
Look up the definition of race, friendo.
That aside, success breeds jealousy.
The krauts will never understand our blessed god given right to free speech.
Seriously, at least we can question the holocaust without getting tossed into jail. Those poor Krauts are bigger and more whipped slaves of Israel than we even are.
You til you get reborn as one in the next life you small thinker. Your world is small, seclusive. Im not even black yet I am aware of the truth because its OBVIOUS. My world is INFINITE. My legacy will span for eternity. Just as the body sheds old clothes. The soul sheds old bodies. You should be careful.