continued from last thread was a lot of fun, lets do this agen!
What is your guilty pleasure that Sup Forums would never accept?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dude weed Lmao.
I fuck married muzzie women in the ass. Im not even kidding. I fuck a lot of them. A LOT!
I eat live baby birds sometimes.
>inb4 fuck a niggress
It was like 50% of the posts last time
interracial porn.
bump keep em coming
I fantasize about transforming into a real life furry, a lot.
I put things in my ass because it feels good sometimes
atta boy. anything less is jewish feminism
I have Yakutian girlfriend.
i let my jewish gf peg me after we dude weed lemeow
I fantasize about giving alphabet agencies even more information about me.
Closet furry. I watched The Shape of Water because I wanted to see a woman get FISHED!
If I had a wife I'd be a cuck
I hate all the politics surrounding transgender people and acknowledge it's a mental illness, yet I still enjoy passable traps. I'll probably never kick the fetish yet I think it belongs in the closet.
Licking prostitutes
Owning two Amazon Echos
Working for a bank
I really like sucking dicks
I love a black woman. I like to be dominated.
I also see suicide as a viable option. I just can't reconcile myself with my world views.
I have no problem with that
I like drinking alcohol and playing diablo 3
also, data mining thread.
I like shitskin women more than blondes
Smoke weed
Jerk off to nigresses sometimes
Play video games a lot
Family wanted me to get a facebook account and I didn't want to bother arguing
Quitting weed though, since I'm working to become an ICE agent in the future.
If you quit weed I'm quitting fapping
I like Japanese men. I'm a weeb
I quit it before for 5 years when I was working in 2006, started smoking again when I got a job that allowed it.
Cocaine, meth, and heroin. I also like fapping to lesbian porn, and fuck conservative Christian values. This boards filled with degenerates LARPing as holier than thou anyways. I also have a job, so there’s that
however they are abominations outside of sex
Disgusting,it's like they have had white kids with monkey features
You should get off meth
I'm into degenerate BDSM shit where my gf and I have roleplayed every possible rape scenario to the extent that I have had an anal fissure for a year because I let her fuck me up the ass with a wooden spoon handle while I was trapped up pretending to be her loli daughter
I don't know how the gays do it that butt stuff is dangerous
My gf is literally as close to a 10 as you can get, at least 3-4 points above me in attractiveness(i'm a generic looking manlet).
My guilty "pleasure" is keeping her around because she's so beautiful and she makes me happy, but I can never marry her, because she's so fucking unintelligent... my family consists entirely of engineers and doctors, very intelligent bloodline... but she is just dumb as rocks.
Feels bad because she's so hot and so loyal, when I finally break up with her for this reason, I'll be ripping my own heart out.
Am I wrong to consider my bloodline over a loyal beauty that I love, anons?
I hate Islam so bad I now love Jews just so I can be opposite of muslims
>I also have a job, so there’s that
This isn't an accomplishment or something to be proud of. This is like being proud of breathing. You're SUPPOSED to have a job.
I fap to MLP: EqG porn, there.
We are all fucking degenerates... sigh..
He won't be doing either in fifteen years time if he's still on meth.
Where do you meet them and how do you propose the idea?
Any reason why they prefer anal?
Any tips?
I sometimes hang out with a few Arabs that I know from my boxing gym. Redpilled them all on the kikes, at least. Still don't want them in my country lol
If they are Shia that's ok.
I'm a 'Boat Nerd.' I like going to the Detroit River Walk and taking pictures of the Lake Freighters and ESPECIALLY enjoy seeing a foreign Salty coming in (a RARE on the Great Lakes) while listening to their communications on my scanner.
You thing those skyking guys are Finnish levels of autistic? Talk to a Boat Nerd.
I'm a cuckold. A literal cuckold. But I justify it since I have shitty rotten disgusting genes, my wife is attractive and quite smart, and the baby is with a guy much superior than me. He's white too. The way I see it is it's better to raise a kid that will become an ubermensch than another version of myself.
Mate with her.
Intelligence comes from the male anyway.
Dont be a fool and dont leave someone you love.
I barely care to learn the difference. The presence of their people on my land is an insult to my ancestors but it's nothing personal against them. At least redpilling them on jews makes things easier for everyone.
I love to smoke weed and eat hallucinogenic mushrooms.
I am having the same problem here, user. Mine is not stupid, but sometimes bafflingly unlogical and a little autistic. I will see how I feel in this new year, but I don't know if I should continue.
Why exactly are you around if she sleeps and has the kids of another guy? I wouldn't call that a relationship.
Loyalty is more valuable than intelligence when it comes to women, especially in today's world. She's supposed to be your partner not your co worker. You would be an unironic retard to let her go.
Swede with cojones, oh joy. Need a funding for a coup?
True, but I just hate that argument
>accuse someone of being a lowlife thief/freeloader/cheater
>they try to justify their sad life by saying they do something that they're already SUPPOSED to do
skip to 2:00
That's not an issue, just breed with an attractive white woman and nature will take care of the rest. Most of the intelligence will be inherited from you, women aren't dumb, you just shouldn't judge their intelligence by male standards. Just like you don't call a child dumb if it doesn't understand adult things. As long as your girl is attractive, loyal and submissive you'll be fine. Don't be spoiled
I have a good job so I provide the money and give the kid a male role model. The guy she had the kid with was genetically superior but poor and couldn't have a house like we live in.
I'm kind of like George Costanza if you want to think of it that way and the guy she's with was like that Chad English guy who cheated on Elaine.
I'm unironically jewish
ut no, I dint follow any traditions or are a member of any synagog
>Need a funding for a coup?
Actually it came out that many of our ultranationalist groups had received weapons from similar groups in Poland and the old Yugoslavia. Feels good man
You two are missing my point. My family/bloodline have a genetic gift of high intelligence. Have you ever seen the Punnet Square in biology class? It would be irresponsible to burn away those genes by taking the risk of mixing them with her's.
Jeez. I think you fucked up badly. If he would have been "genetically superior" he wouldn't be poor and stupid trash. The kid will never be yours and you could have just done it yourself.
Ever thought about going to Israel? You'll have a better life there and I'm sure it will make it easier for everyone
*Three not two
Maybe I am the retarded one here.
Cool, now gib back art you stole during the Deluge!
>slavs and nords co-oping
Baltic Commonwealth when?
Intelligence is also determined by the mother so lol
If she makes you happy marry her user.At the worst you just take a hand in teaching your kids. Talent is never as good as effort in learning anyway.
I live in liberal cuckland and even after the successful election its a disaster to merely suggest he's not hitler 2.0.
>My family/bloodline have a genetic gift of high intelligence
Eh, my family has a genetic gift of height, yet my mother is short as fuck. I'm still very tall. One dumb bitch in your bloodline won't matter that much, if you're so clever your high IQ should ensure that the offspring will be above-average anyway. Look at her male family members/relatives, unless they're retards then you'll probably be fine
By genetically superior I mean physically. I don't think he cares if he's poor since he's very popular and the only real reason to get money is social status.
If i would have had the kid myself he would have been short, ugly, bald by 30, and possibly commit suicide since my suicide runs in my family and i was institutionalized for suicide attempts in the past.
kys hans, you over did it, sry
I fap to pegging porn and I crossdress, it's like as soon as I finish my brain goes turbo redpilled and commands me to turn off the phone, take off the clothes, take a shower and then I get extremely disgusted from what I just did.
Hey I’ve done same. Then i leveled up to married white women.
No, I have no connection at all to israel. I've only been there once. I dont know the language or culture. the only thing I got in common with israelis that they are also born jewish. to make a comparison. do you think a mexican catolic that isnt beliving in god jave anything in common with lets say a italian catholic?
All I want to say is, I'm sorry user. Your life sounds very miserable and you hate yourself. I think you should reevaluate your life choices.
Gotta love how our government used bs excuses like "we lost the art and the treasures we stole, sry 4 killing 33% of your population btw". If I was a Pole I'd try to get the reparations for deluge before the election 2018 because after that the current cuck government will be gone with the wind.
>>slavs and nords co-oping
I don't want our cuckery to drag you down but it would be incredible to see cooperation in the future when we've cleaned Scandinavia up. I fucking hate all the divide and conquer between slavs and nords here, there used to be Swedish Vasa kings on Poland's throne for God's sake, also the Jomsvikingar were cool. But yeah gotta love how many of our NRM guys receive training in Poland.
fast forward to 4:20 it seems when /ourguys/ in Sweden get trained in Poland, Ukraine and the Balkans they learn how to do things properly
nie pożyczaj gojom na niski procent
I think for who i am i turned out ok i mean i never thought i'd have a job like this or a wife at all
Too busy having fun.
So have a bunch of kids. That way some may not get your intelligence, but others will.
Also, if she's really 10, don't forget that beauty in the bloodline has it's value too. The Halo effect is very real.
Some of children may get your looks and her brains. Those won't be the ones to carry your legacy into the future.
But the ones that receive her looks, and your brains, will strengthen your bloodline.
Have a bunch of kids with her user. Have so many that you know the right genetic combination will manifest, and your bloodline of nerds will become a bloodline of ubermensch.
oy vey
Oh dynasty things are going waaaay back to the past. grand-daughter(?) of Mieszko I was a wife of the Dane's king, who also had some affinity with the Sweden and Norway, so.. that's quite a bit of history.
Rebe, ja to wiem.
how can a german man that posts on Sup Forums works for a (((bank)))? do you secretly fap to mutti?
>Mieszko I
This guy's daughter was Swiatoslawa av Polen, brother to king Boleslaw the first of Poland. She was married to Swen Forkbeard of Sweden and Norway
>tfw I was complete history autist during HS, but got out of the loop during law studies
I need to make up for it...
Shut the fuck up OP this is my thread now.
>the virgin OP vs. the Chad replier
Man I love Chris Rock. Glad he sold out and retired well before this election shit.
yes ok ok very nice your majesty, now this is not the thread to talk about such things so GTFO OR STFU
I actually like Argie stake and wine. And one of my favorite singers is a kike
>but she is just dumb as rocks.
who cares ?
Also, on topic
>Mexican catholic
>Not believing in God
Also being Jewish is way more than religion, you of all ppl should know that
My gf is asian.
But South asian.
I'm going to marry her and make mudblood babies.
I am gay
And I voted for Obama
I am a shill
For the Clinton campaign and the left wing mainstream press
I'm a pussy who gets fucked right up the ass
I am a cuck
I am a libtard
[Verse 2]
I'm a fag
Who wants blacks to live amongst us
And Arabs to have equal rights
I have no love of country, white folks are all bad
But when the alt right folks attack it makes me sad
I am a cuck
I am a libtard
[Verse 3]
Don't talk of trump
'Cause nothing scares me more
I really should call him daddy
He could be the saviour and go down in history
And save us all from douchebags just like me
The Chad always keeps an eye on the Niger
intelligence is genetic, i want my kids to be smarter than me, not dumber
t. Sup Forums
420 blazing and the occasional fap to porn. Weed makes me really horny sometimes....
>why anal
Technically a virgin. Sloots, the whole lot of them.
Uh exactly how far are we talking here?
>trying to trick God by taking miles and miles of cock up the ass
Why do catholic and muslim girls do this?
Fart porn. All the time. With girls of all races.
i got sucked off by a dude when i was 14, i still jack off to it, funny part was he was blond/blue eyed and im a little green eyed manlet. truly meds are the master race
i daydream every day on starting a militant movement much like isis but against muslims and non whites, and i'd start with destroying mosques around europe, i hate this world so much, but i'm too cowardly to start doing anything about it