What are some gifts that a fellow Sup Forums user would enjoy?
Pic related, it's a survival kit
What are some gifts that a fellow Sup Forums user would enjoy?
Pic related, it's a survival kit
Already got our gift
>tacticool garbage
make an Altoids survival tin you degenerate
>no cell phone
A torque wrench.
Go to the patch thread on /k/, some Sup Forums themed morale patches should make for decent, cheap gifts.
I know this is some kind of joke probably related to a recent news story, but in all reality tools are always a good gift. It allows the man to work with his hands, repair things to save money, and create things of practical use.
If someone got me a tool of any kind, I'd gladly take it.
M993 or M995 cartridges, with tungsten penetrators. Capable of defeating NIJ Level IV body armor.
I was completely serious user
Chinesium flashlight found on Amazon for $3, $0.50 compass, a rape whistle, Chinesium card tool that will bend at first use, crap knife that won't hold an edge and a 1 Candle Power LED light.
Wow, what a great gift!
God dammit Germany, not everything has to be torqued to a specific value. Just make it tight with your muscles. If the millenial can't get his lugnuts off tell him he's a soyboy and needs to get swole.
It's all about Ordnung
Good whiskey or a cigar
Waifu body pillow and furry convention
Can of Zyklon B for your Jewish "friends"
I always enjoy threads that talk about happenings and going innawoods by leading with some tactical tools and cool operator looking gear.
There is a reason the modern mountain man, or even self sufficient hermit isn’t going around with a tactical vest, 7 different knives and 5 flashlights along with an “emergency” blanket.
I genuinely wish shit would hit the fan and i hope i die in the culling, but in the off-chance i do survive i am Definitely NOT going to follow or work with a team/person/group that has individuals all tacticooled.
Most of you larpers have problaly never even went hiking, much less camping.
But don’t take me too serious, I just think the idea funny.
Personally if shit hits the fan i think the people most likely going to survive amd prosper are those off-the-grid psychos and self sufficient homsteaders.
Think about it, do you really want to live with them?
"Why German cars are better than American cars" the post.
>one hundred abbos, 100 rattlesnakes and 40 emus block your path. Its 50 Cº out there.
>"hey... at least I have my magnesium bar, compass and pocket knife"
On a more serious note, a racing drone would make a good gift, but the price range varies wildly.
It would help if we knew more about OP's friends hobbies and whatnot.
forgot the action themes
Prostitutes and weed
A real survival kit needs some kind of little bottle of accelerant so you can make a fire with a broken arm
I drive a Land Rover. Kill yourself you piece of shit.
so you got a president that does jewish rituals, and praises jewish israel, and a firstlady has nudes online.
a nice lampshade
Why do you drive an Indian car? Do you hate clean streets?
a torque wrench is an amazing gift you fucking manlet
Do those emergency blankets really work? I have seen them and think they look like bs...
You've clearly never rebuilt an engine or anything needing specific torque values.. the break style torque wrench (shown) is much easier to use than the beam style..
I had one instance of doing a repair where I legitimately needed a torque wrench. Found some soy boy selling his dad's tools on Craigslist well under their value. While inspecting a generations old Craftsman torque wrench, I had the overwhelming urge to beat the soy boy to death with it for not understanding the value of these tools or the fact his dad probably had hopes his son would at least grow up to change his own oil.
I ended up buying a bunch of the tools including a beautiful tap and die set ust because this faggot pissed me off so much for selling them.
I am the son that guy's dad never had.
Stop.. please stop... We (ppl of value) use torque values when rebuilding engines or tuning guns (action screws)... You need to let your parents know you're on their computer little Johnny
Hey Land Rovers are still designed and built in Britain, the manufactory is in Solihull
t. work for JLR
The only things good in that are the multitool thing, the fire starter, and the compass. What a waste.
Here's one that would give me a nerdgasm.
A rope
That firesteel in the containter is complete shit. I bought it a year ago and through it away after I used it. The striker is great though
Yes goy, buy me some.
The dad even had an old box of vacuum tubes that were NOS. I'm not even a ham radio guy but I asked if he was selling those. He shrugged and said, "I was just going to throw that junk out."
>More rage ensued
He gave them to me when I said I had a use for them.
I sold every single one on Ebay and made $1,200; far more than what I paid him for the 10 tools I bought from him. One tube sold for $300.
that has a magnesium stick, which you can scrape shavings off of to use as an accelerant.
>What are some gifts that a fellow Sup Forums user would enjoy?
A fleshlight
Autographed copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Varg Vikernes box set
A subscription to the milk of the week club.
we finally got a white christmas in the whitehouse. when does ramadan begin for you guys?
Don't buy anyone that can of shit. Nothing in there is as good as the individual tools that could be found with some effort. This is the " throw shit at a wall and see what sticks" approach to buying tools for a guy, and every non soyboy that actually uses tools can tell you it's still just sit on a wall.
You're way better off picking any single tool from that collection, putting in some effort to find good quality, Abbas get that instead.
I've become a little obsessed with flashlights lately. Not sure why. But it's all I've been craving.
Surefire specifically. Absolutely patrician
I wonder if some would have been good for guitar amps
They are pretty decent at reflecting heat, but depending on them is a result of poor prior preparation. Your kit should be tailored to your goal.
Holy shit. Lavender and tea tree oil? Seriously? That's almost more than half the shit in my bathroom.
Yup. Had some 6V6-equivalents in there. I think 5 or 6 of them. I sold them for $20 each including shipping and I know they were used in guitar amps. A few others were probably useful in amps, too.
>a nice lampshade
Merino wool baselayers bro
Get back to work NYC CNC
Merry christmas user.
Water filters.
drones are a great idea.
i always thought some motivated Sup Forumsack would attach a camera and a can of CS spray to a drone and livestream teargassing rapefugees but maybe i'm wishing for too much.
dare to dream Sup Forums
lockpicks are nigger tier gifts
My suggestion is ammo. I get that for parents and family from time to time.
Especially if you have some land with some trees to yourself.
I can see in the not too distant future people racing them on their property with their friends at cookouts.
They're probably also going to become such a nuisance they'll be banned in all national parks and public gathering areas will have lots of rules about them.
My kit is my M1A Springfield
I will just shoot you and take your kit....your girl too if she is hot
>accidentally cut jugular because you fell for some gay numale "art of shaving" consumer bullshit
>bleed to death on bathroom floor while being late for work
so, what gift would a murderer AND rapist enjoy?
>he actually believes he can survive in the wild
We're going to need lots of it!
Looks more like an emergency circumcision kit.
>Pic related, it's a survival kit
No, it's a fake pelican case full of chinese garbage. Perhaps the firesteel and the emergency blanket will work as intended, the rest is literal trash.
Visit sometime. Putting together a nice preparedness kit is a good exercise. Make a medkit too, for yourself or your family. Get a car survival kit too.
this. i cant even get ppl to put the fucking hammer back on its hook on the wall where it belongs and end up having to use hand ax to drive a nail. real 'preppers' learn to improvise
thank you...thought for a sec only mexicans know how to wrench on your cars. is you name pedro?
You jews will be removed from power.
I don't encourage tattoos but that's some damn fine work.
fellow AvE fan here too!
a good chest holster would go well with this as well
Lock picking is a great skill to have. I've saved myself a few times by knowing how to pick a lock. I often practice on the couch while my GF watches meme TV shows.
I know sharp objects tend to scare faggots, but the rest of us can use tools properly without fucking things up. A razor is no different than a gun. If you fatally fuck yourself up with one, you're a faggot that deserved to be culled.
A girl.
Best gift two years in a row
>brown belt
ugly AF.
pic related is where it's at.
>Hello? Nineteen Thirties calling. Can we have our shoe style back?
>Sure thing, Nineteen Thirties! And hey, watch out for that Adolf Hitler, he's a bad egg!
a hand tool. e.g. a circular saw.
Something thta involves self-improvement. e.g. a Coursera course
The creation of the ethnostate
no, is the classic style for that particular boot.
(And that boot has a cultural resonance that you may not be aware of)
blanket amnesty, higher taxes, and neodegeneracy!
and slavic whore brides from Khazaria making a clown show of the white house, nice!
Good score. Press f for dad.
it's not for shaving, you massive pussy newfriend. Geez!
A Zippo, a leatherman, nice handmade gloves, a hip flask, a nice cigar, fingernail cutter, beautiful drinking glasses, a dead animals bone head with horns to put your keys on
10 bucks of useless shit packaged together and resold for 3 times as much?
>Stealth Bomber + 1 or 2 nuke + enough fuel to make to the mecca and back
>Best gift ever-made
>I'm not even a ham radio guy
why not? it's an educational hobby
the gift that keeps on giving. Nice!