Name someone who DOESN'T smoke weed, but thinks it should be legalized and why.
Name someone who DOESN'T smoke weed, but thinks it should be legalized and why
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I don't smoke weed because I'm scared of dealers and getting caught. But I'd totally do it if it was legal.
Me. And because
I (((don't)))
Ron Paul
>Jump through my hoop; if you can't, it invalidates your opinion
The drug war has never done anything good. It cost a lot of money, it was an excuse to violate the civil liberties of a lot of Americans, and it challenges the notion that people get to make their private choices. Even when there’s risk involved, government is not meant to protect us from ourselves, government is meant to protect our liberties. When people have the right to make their own decisions, they should be responsible for all the actions they take. The drug war is a typical example of how the government is intending to make people better and once they do that they are getting into the business of removing personal liberty.
(((Ben Shapiro))) because he's libertarian. He still thinks people who smoke weed are losers but think it should be legalized.
lots of Danes think it should be legalized, because neo-liberals have convinced them that it will cut down on criminal income from cannabis.
My grandmother has believed it should be legal since she was in her 20's. She's been in South Carolina all her life and thinks the south would thrive off it as a crop.
People who want to smoke will smoke.
Did prohibition work?
Who makes the most money from weed being illegal?
How much in taxes did Colorado make from sales?
Anyone should be for legalization of every drug. It would kill the cartel, kill a big arm of the CIA and people would not do more drugs at all.
The war on drugs is a waste of resources.
I have to pee in a cup for work, so I can’t take any drugs. We’ve spent billions on fighting a loosing war since the 80’s. The more you make some thing illegal, the more people will do it. Sell junkies heroin. Make tax profits. The weak will die off, the next generation will be smarter. We will have a surplus economy instead of constant debt + we will stop throwing away money on war that will never be won.
Me. Let people be responsible for their own impulses and let them face the consequences of having no self-discipline.
either underage or ur a fucking pussy of a man
rural county corrections officer in Washington state here
I don't smoke but I'm glad it's legal here
we have a seriously undersized jail here in my county due to rapid growth and space has been a concern for years
people end up on cots and matts on the floor because we run out of beds and fights break out more often due to stress of space
now that pot is legal average population in my jail is down 12% overall
we still have a full house but I got rid of the hippies camping on my floor and now I don't have to save stoner kids from the real convicts daily
This, when something is readily available it is less likely to be abused. Remember high school parties where everyone got shit faced because they were under age and breaking the law? See if they are still doing that when they are 25+. There will always be a handful of degenerates that binge everyday, but for the most part people tend to do everything in moderation.
I don't like going out or talking to people and I don't want my flat smelling like weed. I think if it were legal I could buy it over counter or online and I could vape it or something so it wouldn't be as gross.
me, banning things doesn't work. Cannot destroy a market only turn it into a black market. Regulate and tax that shit = profit
>LOL it's cool taking risks u beta fans xdddd
Or he is an adult with actual responsibilities and can't afford getting arrested
Fag* xd
Thanks Ryan, came here to post this
-> vote for trudeau
I wish not to name myself.
I think everyone should be allowed to blaze it in the privacy of their homes.
>Name someone who DOESN'T smoke weed, but thinks it should be legalized and why.
-Donald Trump during the primaries
-because of its medicinal properties
Martti Ahtisaari
Human rights
I don't smoke it but if legalizing it means potheads will shut the fuck up about it then yes, please, do it
I DO smoke weed but I couldn't care less if it was legal or not. Because weed legalization always comes with any high taxes and other bad policy. Not a lefty faggot either
While I have smoked years ago in the past, I no longer do. Despite my family being ruined due to weed addiction, I think it should be legalised for recreational use. Here's why:
>it's fact that recreational use of marijuana goes down when it's legalised, and young people start smoking later in life (i.e. at 18 years old instead of 15, reducing societal impacts)
>prices plummet, leaving drug dealers essentially fucked
>huge tax gains from weed, in fact in its first year of recreational legalisation, an american state used solely cannabis income to pay almost its entire education budget
>statistically proven to decrease murder / violent crime rates
>statistically proven to decrease suicide rates
>medically proven and universally understood to be less harmful than alcohol, in all aspects (physical, mental; societal)
That's just the start. Though I won't ever smoke again, if I could have had a joint on a weekend instead of a few glasses of whiskey, I would have been better off.
Lol he's dangling weed in front of you morons like a carrot on a stick
i dont smoke weed because im not a low t cuck.
It should be legalized because police shouldnt waste time dealing with you trash
I don't smoke, but think it should be decriminalized for private use, but dealers should be executed.
*and the sale of it prohibited.
I mean, if it gets decriminalized, the price will drop immediately. no dealers implies no gov't sanctioned dealers either
Exactly. It's legal to posses on an individual level, but illegal to sell in all regards, State and black market vendors are outlawed.
Me, personal freedom and liberty- Thought you americunts would default to that.
Most people I talk to. Because it’s harmless, and the state shouldn’t be allowed to decide what it’s citizens put in their bodies. Statist nigger
i smoke and dont want it legalized
>perks of legalization
sandniggers lose their source of income.
More money to honest people
Freedom to be a degenerate is irrelevant. If we want to build a better society the focus should be on sculpting our fellow man into a productive member of society. If he's a dope addict he should be put in a work program to make him contribute while we taper him off the drugs he's addicted to. Destroying someones life with a criminal record does nothing to improve society.
Now dealers...They should be shot on sight. I also think mandatory military service would greatly deter the would be doper.
Me, because it isn't terribly harmful to people, because enforcement of the laws against it is a financial drain on the country, and because all the nigger weed dealers won't be able to compete against private weed companies which will force them to get involved in other criminal shit that has a better chance of getting them killed.
Why not contribute to your own thread instead of sitting back and data mining OP?
>tfw your mother is a weed crusader and shoehorns the topic about pushing acceptance for cannabis oil in every conversation you have with her, knowing full well you don't want any part of it
Weed should be legal but everytime you buy you get beat with a stick.
i dont own a gun but think guns should be legal. stop making these retarded threads, faggot
>everytime you buy you get beat with a stick.
>mixing pain and adrenaline with pleasure
this is how fetishes start
This is why I don't like libertarians they think that their personal choices don't affect the rest of society, well they do. This is why the divorce rate is at an all time high. At some point you have to accept that the state does have a role in telling people what is and isn't moral. There has to be some semblance of order where everyone is on the same page. Without cohesiveness the State crumbles. Drugs and alcohol are degenerate, promiscuity is degenerate, feminism is degenerate, gluttony is degenerate and so on and so on.
The personal freedom crowd only understands what they don't like, but don't lay down concrete values of their own. They need to establish what their ideals and values are and then from there establish what measures need to be implemented to safeguard those ideals and values. Once you take a stand for something you eventually realize that personal freedom is a sham that only erodes the foundations of your beliefs.
>Now dealers...They should be shot on sight.
so you should probably get to working executing the entirety of the CIA, DEA and the countless soldiers that were commissioned to places like S. America and Afghanistan to guard poppy fields. Dumb nigger
George Soros
Yes, I agree with this sentiment. Major reform needs to occur.
I think all drugs should be legalized.
>everyone without impusle control will OD and die
Undeniable benefit to society
>cartels and gangs will have to go get a job instead of selling on the blackmarket
Debatable benefit
>Drugs now taxable instead of spending billions militarizing our police force to fight a war on our own countrymen
Undeniable benefit
>most drugs could be produced for next to nothing, its just as hard to refine cane sugar as it is to refine cocaine, yet you can buy pounds of sugar with pocket change. This no need for addicts to rob people, they would be more than capable of ODing and dying with a few dollars worth of crack.
>drugs being legal would mean there is one less reason for white kids to associate with niggers and spics
Pretty sure the cost for awareness campaigns and orphanages/relocations for niglets with OD parents outweigh the profit taxation brings in.
But would it redpill? Possibly. Permission granted.
I'm the opposite. I smoke weed and think it shouldn't be legalized. It's not an important enough issue for me to pay attention to the people who want it legalized.
I'd legalise most drugs DESU, so long as they didn't cost the NHS anything. Let people poison themselves and remove their degenerate genes from the gene pool.
noone gets arrested for having it on them, police have better things to do then arrest people smoking weed
>Pretty sure the cost for awareness campaigns and orphanages/relocations for niglets with OD parents outweigh the profit taxation brings in.
Very good point, but on the other hand the niglets might be raised to be less niggardly. If nothing else, the fags that want to adopt a kid can have a niglet and molest them instead of russian and asian kids.
Not to mention nu-males will effectively stop reproducing due to their SJW girlfriends virtue signaling a black babby into their household. I wonder how a generation of adopted nu-nig SJWs looks like. Maybe a legion of Jayden Smiths.
Because the government shouldn't tell you what to do. Period.
>people are scared of a plant
are you guys botanophobian or something?
Isn' t it legal now in Commiefornia?
one of my friends who doesnt consume any kind of drugs thinks the war on drugs is retarded.