
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs pastebin.com/0znNg4MM

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>WH Vid: Important moments for Pres Trump in 2017 1/1/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron arrive in DC 1/1/18
youtu.be/mi2oVgaxj1k (JBA)
youtu.be/nJWe8Z-Dazs (WH)
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron depart Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump NYE Speech @Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Mar-A-Lago 1/1/18
>Pres Trump New Year statement 12/31/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #44 12/30/17
>This Year @State 12/29/17
>Pres Trump golfing w/Coast Guard members 12/29/17
>Pres Trump speaks to firefighters in FL 12/27/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania 2017 Christmas Message 12/25/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Midnight Mass 12/24/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania taking kids calls to NORAD 12/24/17
>Pres Trump Christmas Eve messages to the troops 12/24/17
>Pres Trump motorcade en route to Mar-A-Lago 12/22/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R


Other urls found in this thread:



Jake ARYAN Paul might be the Savior of the white race and might be the next leader of the invisible Reich empire based in the united states.

>Aryan hair cut
>Hot white gf
>Has a elite death squad known as team ten
>Team ten consists of whites and other white races (mexican slavs etc)
>Has Wheremacht equivelent known as jake paulers.
>Jake paulers mainly consist of youth members who are white who will be trained for the upcoming race war in los angeles.

Jidf have attempted to shut down the "team 10 house" AKA The paulereichstag by listing it as closed on google and hiring SHILLS to pose as neigbors who call the police on him daily. other shills like h3h3 and Keemstar. are payed off to talk shit.

Other youtubers like boogie1488s videos are being edited by the jidf to seem like they are against the Jake paul uprising on youtube.

Pandering to Illegal Mexicans is a sure way to screw over your base voters. Good job Civic Trump faggots!



>war with Iran
>BASED natural conservative Hispanics will start voting Republican because of muh tax cuts

Holy shit, Trump went from 0 to neocon boomer in no time flat

Jewish Dad & Off topic

Do you guys think that there's still time for Trump to save the US?


>meme flag
Evacuate yourself

Trump is completely uninterested in "saving the US". He will do whatever flatters his ego the most.

Pls no amnesty Don..

Funny, the Jew on my local radio morning show said the same thing. Really got my noggin a joggin

Ha it is you Malta I’ve found you!!!
IDK he clearly keeps saying the wrong thing.

-8% really ruins the flow of the image.

What should I do for breakfast?

he's bitching that they wont take his deal on it (daca but with RAISE etc.)

/our Joe/

Didn't he just write a column about how he wishes Hillary had still won?

well, its new years. time to get to work.

post link for Joe article please!

Why would he tweet something so stupid?
Is he just waiting the media again?

It wasn't Joe.

Double fish burger

>>war with Iran
I know, it's horrible. He totally betrayed us.
This is just like when his jewish masters ordered him to invade Syria to overthrow Assad and install a pro-USA democracy just because Ivanka cried about the beautiful brown babies.

>likes trump
>still cries about jews


They don't sell that for 3 more hours.

there's a singular thing you buy for breakfast from mcducks

Uh what??? I’ve made my point, this board in general has nothing to do with this gay shit.

>not moving east to get McDonalds lunch that much sooner


Is that you (((Cernovich)))?

I just realized we're coming up on the one year anniversary of "THAT" incident on Sup Forums and still no answers.

>hes not based bcs muh jew relations

It was nothing and an incredibly annoying forced meme.

>not moving west to get McDonalds breakfast for lunch.

>that incident
The awoo purge?

these guys have some really buff legs

There will never be a proper explanation
Just like the events in las-vegas
We time traveled and that's that

Yeah no, once you've spilled innocent blood your immortal soul is damned for all eternity.

never even got to see the original. said to make you feel sick inside.

If I were an anchor baby, I'd want Dems to take the deal. I get a path to citizenship in exchange for more restrictions on everyone else? That could be a wedge issue if Republicans had a messaging strategy.

one janny-troll comes to delete all the awoos every time they hire new ones

it gives a "I wont be heartless" angle

and to be fair if you decide to let one group of them stay trading daca babies for raise and the wall seems plenty reasonable

>oh you’re hiding from slide threads in /ptg/ I bet you enjoy thinking about Ivanka getting fucked
Guess again

>It was nothing

t. glow in the dark nigger

No. The one that temporarily shut the site down and wiped from the archives and anyone who talked about it was silenced.

>ywn save joe from eternal damnation

In 2018, Neocon Don is going to

- start a war in Iran
- amnesty the BASED natural conservative Hispanics
- give up on the wall
- fail on infrastructure
- lose Congress

Screencap this.

i must of missed this. quick run down?

embrace the end
embrace the darkness

Oh that alien picture one?
I missed the whole thing it like an hour.
That's when I become a phone poster.
I'll never be away from here again.


>Pence is from star trek
>Melania is an angel
>Trump is from 40k
what kind of messed up anime universe is this?

ayyy pic in a desert scene. purple and yellow with scales. /ptg/ had a thread that went like 3000 deep and no one could start new breads for hours.

It's still hurts

I remembah naow

ah that was just a cgi alien though

>threads about the alien get deleted
>hurr durr conspiracy
>get btfo by mods about it being off topic /x/ shit

it was and IS /x/ shit

Why do we need to trade for it? Win more seats in November if we don't have the votes yet. Use the nuclear option or something.

You will never hold this much power.

I think it was posted on b

Checked, this still triggers the shills.


The answer is, sadly, no.
Jews have been at the center of (((America))) since it’s foundation.
First they ruined it by letting in thousands of Chinese and dirty fucking Italians.
Then they went full shoah by pushing for more Irish/nigger immigration.
At this point, it is so past the event horizon of over, it’s sad just seeing the last couple whites pretend there’s any hope.

>give someone something they want in exchange for what you want in a situation where you have all the leverage
>expect the senate to do something based

Fuck off, you glowing kike faggot.

Thanks Ray.

PIkachu is and always will be NOT /ourpokemon/
This is a mimikyu thread.

top zozzle, they certainly want you to think Trump is on good terms with them

Why is it stupid?
Isn't it obvious that he is pulling the old divide and conquer on Democrats?
While DACA is already kill and will stay dead.
All that's left is the possibility of granting amnesty to the current "dreamers" which will only happen in exchange for thingslike the wall and end to chain migration.
Things that are impossible to agree on for Democrats. That would hurt them even more than just failing to give amnesty to the "dreamers".
They have nowhere to go.
And all at the cost of a few concern shills.
It's genius.

there's one way to seek forgiveness...

You kids and your damn pokey men.

We got the tax bill passed without Democrats didn't we?

That's the one claim that feels fishy. But something definitely happened.

"Someone" supposedly posted a very high quality photo of a real alien at an air force base in a desert, along with coordinates to said base. Multiple people who said they saw it described the same thing. About a minute or less later, the site went down and any trace of it was wiped from the archives. People who claimed to have it or saved it said the files were corrupted and they were prevented from uploading it. After everyone began freaking out when the site came back up, bans were everywhere and no one was allowed to talk about it, even on /x/ for a while until it became too popular.

To this day, no answers have been given and the real photo has never been found. Although many recreations and fakes were made.


>they will vote republican
That right there is cat claws on a chalk board to me.
I remember Reagan..

Should've been permanent. You fucks still ruin everything.

>I remember Reagan
Old fag GTFO

>fucking filthy yids putting their hands all over me.

hello newfags

yea but you have to make compromises when you pass something filibuster proof in the senate
it is too much to hope to get how ever many demoshits to get to 60 votes on healthcare, trump immigration or taxes but you can wish



ALSO: The coordinates posted check out and were verified. The air base is real. Though I forget which one it was.

It was autist mod
He shows up at random hours and starts banning people for 6 days at a time for simple things like uninteresting comment replies
He needs to be gassed

d&c shill

Heh. Nothin personnel.

Fuck Breitbart

>Drumpfstein hates the Jews like us!
Oh sweetie, um no...


>took them less than an hour to start this shit meme again

>Trump says illegals will fall in love with him.
>he doesn't say they get to stay.

first time I read about coordinates, sounds like added bs to muddy the waters.

Holy Fuck that was fast..
How'd they write an entire article that fast?

>>they will vote republican

I didn't say anything about that.
Did you actually read my post? Because it sounds like you didn't.
Non-whites will never vote Republican in significant numbers by the way. No matter how conservative, rightwing or religious they might be.


/ptg/ literally can't refute this.

Some Iranian guy is on MSNBC saying that the reason the people are protesting in Iran is because Donald Trump brought uncertainty to the future of Iran, that no investments were done in the country because Trump might leave the Iran Nuclear deal and kill any economic incentives to go to Iran. Bill Krystal then got on his soapbox and said that Trump didn't do anything and that Iran is protesting because they want human rights. Then the Iranian guy told Bill Krystal that he has been advocating for Iranians be killed for years and that he has no credibility to ever speak on the issue.

It was really fucking fun how mad Bill Krystal got mad at that. I recommend people watch it on Youtube. The Iranian guy said Trump, for bad or good, is bringing uncertainty to Iran and the entire MSNBC panel had to immediately turn on him and shit down his throat for even saying one positive word about Trump.


>no wall or deportations