Requesting the picture of that Neo-Nazi that looks retarded.
He was carrying German Empire flag.Can't find it anywhere.
>pic unrelated
Requesting the picture of that Neo-Nazi that looks retarded.
He was carrying German Empire flag.Can't find it anywhere.
>pic unrelated
Evo je
lol the guy is dutch
Yeah,I know.
>implying dutch lowland faggots arent jerry
ofcourse except for the franks they aren't white
>shiny and chrome
...Wiene keningen*
Frank gedetecteerd
maar ik ben een saks..
>Requesting the picture of that Neo-Nazi that looks retarded.
Reallly need to narrow it down.
fucking degenerate
this picture
wait i'll be back in 10 minutes
I actually like threads like these. You end up with the same 5 pictures of two or three people and you can look through the background at normal folks while looking through pictures of leftists even the background is a display of Bette off dead incels and the morbidly obese.
Requesting that one thread where OP is a faggot-
Oops nevermind found it
why neonazi looks like shit? are they trying to hide they black curly hair?
now and look at those guys on the photo! who looks more respectable and more cool? they even not a neonazi lol
Huh a photoshoot done professionally versus 4 or 5 photos of the same 3 people....
The real question is why have they run out? Why was the picture of the tranny faggot mod from /leftypol/ deleted? How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a Tootsie Pop? These questions keep me awake at night.
For every strong man their a stronger woman
gys namefag
I guess i mean this one
The reason i choose not to be an user is because am not a normie like you baby balls
This shit is hilarious. As a proud white man these cunts need to be gassed.
Check your white privilege boy
just look at this shit
no real argument
bijela rasa
Can't be privileged when the ancestors sculpted the land and toiled to build a great future with their descendants in mind. The privileged ones are the ones not of us who take advantage of living in a modern advanced society.
black people kept in chain forge this future with no one in mind so fuck you check your privilege