I assure you my friend I'm 100% white
>Isle of Skye is white
>forced to live in a country with Scandicucks, Anglos and Balts
How horrifying
If I were Southern Europe I would pay for it
Just like Mexico is paying for ours?
No thanks
South German here. Could you please start the wall a bit to further to the north?
I don't want to live with Nordcucks.
This is a Jewish "divide and conquer the goys" post.
There's no need for a union, you can build a common defense wall without letting go of your sovereignty
I assure you my friend I'm 100% white
Fucking Prussians reeeee
But I don't want to defend Poland
You are forgetting about the incoming swarm brought about by global warming and lack of food due to loss of arable land.
Global warming is a myth and you just exposed yourself as an Israeli kike
the upcoming Little Ice Age will destroy it:
>race realism is real just look at the science
>global warming is a hoax, ignoring the science it's just jewish propoganda
Global warming is a hoax because science says an ice age is coming.
>Nordic Union Yes!!!
As a parting gift we will give you all the muslims. I know you want that cultural enrichment really badly.
Are we really going to pretend that global warming isn't a euphemism for climate change?
Fun Fact: the Nordic Union / Nordic Wall meme started before Trump ever mentioned a wall.
Is Trump, dare I say, a meme copycat?
As everyone can imagine. Poles get easily triggered even by a simple thought of foreign invasion.
>I assure you my friend I'm 100% white
hope that wall keeps in all the gyppos we have sent you
Over my dead body
Most of that area speaks English anyways (save for Poland). It wouldn't be that hard to force assimilation.
Do humans make the climate warmer or cooler? Until this is answered the whole thing sounds like bullshit.
as a mediterranean, I cant wait for that wall to keep the cucks out
Climate change is real, it has happened before in history.
>Little Ice Age
I'm not going to argue over semantics
No we're still coming
Should prolly start with shooting those "WE ARE HERE TO HELP!" boats to stem the flow of 3rd world immigrants. I hear a lot land on Malta and Southern Italy.
Fucking Italy.
yeah, and so are these new citizens you wanted
Of course the climate changes. The question is what effect do humans have on it if any?
its your moabs and your union, we merely transfer them to you, as you wished
*NGOs not moabs
>including Germany, Sweden and the UK
Iceland, Norway and Binlan or bust.
No, maybe the Scots and York.
No, no. Not those kind of boats. Government and Private "help"organizations.
I'm confused, is this to keep the Muslim's out of Sweden or in Sweden
No the question is how will it effect humans and how we can keep europe white.
>Mr Macron, a former investment banker, who is Marine Le Pen's rival in the race to become president, made his views known during a climate change debate.
>He told the crowd: “We have entered a world of great migrations and we will have more and more of it.”
>“In the coming decades we will have migrations from geopolitical conflicts that will continue to play, and we will have climate migrations because the planet is in a state of deep imbalance,” he said.
What about Celts? There aren't that many of us outside Ireland but still.
>implying you would not be deported / gassed
>building walls around infected countries
for what reason?
Really hope this is a meme
just shut it mutts
Sure, all American's are white... lol
2030 I think it was.
the gypsy subhumans are going back Roma
I've visited 5 of the blue countries, can't support this tbqh.
Based york will never leave its yorkshre empire.
Leeds and bradford are within the boundaries so youre gonna have to send some berserkers to raid leeds and bradford to remove paki, and then we'd gladly join
>implying celts exist except for highly inbred west irish
Americans count North Africans, Turks, Central Asians and all Middle Easterners as “Non-hispanic whites”.
...just saying.
>pic related is the only union worth perusing
>thinking we are going to take them back
also no one likes them here either that means nothing
Why is germany part of that nordic union? They are spearheading the collapse!!
Finland can be in there too, if they want. Not sure if they would.
>Why is germany part of that nordic union? They are spearheading the collapse!!
Good question!
Muslims represent about 1% of the USA population and 10% of legal immigrants. Hardly a noticeable population.
remove Germany, Sweden and Britain and you will have a beautiful Union
We still exist, look for the printer paper skin and thin faces.
I absolutely despise Amerimutts. They are so fucking disgusting. They make you G*rmans seems somewhat decent.
nope then it would not work. Scandinavism is the only thing that would function. Funland is great and all but they are too different.
>implying anyone gives a shit what you Romas want
you will do anything for gibs poorfag.
good idea
stop the sandnigs entering the rest of europe
include france and we are fine
>including Germany
Fuck off the Baltic Sea is ours alone.
Also Vladimir give Königsberg back to the rightful owners.
germans count all africans as german
Denmark is not white
>German talking about owning the sea
landlocked continental eurotrash
pooland is a fucking cucked shithole
they literally just care about "muh ebil islam", but mass immigration is not wrong when it's fucking negroid cathocucks who migrate. They even welcome them on their cuckfest every 11th of november.
Oh man i´d love that...
what about us?
exclude austria bavaria and bw
>Nordic union
>Slavs included
>Some Gaels included, but only BASED gaels! Who wants icky irishmen?!
no Denmark is Danish. Fuck off back to the colonies with your new world speak. "White" my ass
>I absolutely despise Amerimutts.
As a Holsteinian, I agree. Anything south of the Elbe is Morocco so fuck off
this would benefit the rest of the world instead of the countries surrounded by it
>you will do anything for gibs poorfag.
>implying we wanted your gibs and not just dumping our prisons on you
get with the program this was always the plan get EU money dump subhumans we were trying to deal with them unsuccesfuly before you came and now they are just leaving
tell me when the french payed them to come back what did our government do board them on trains and send them back
Nope, we actually count everyone who isn’t Aryan under Aryan law doctrines as “migration background” person. No kidding. You need to be 3rd gen pure blood German to be considered a true Bio-German.
Even Russians, Brits, Frenchies, Italians, Poles are “Germans with migration background”.
the map is made by a new worlder. I dont think any thought went into it.
I must admit is it a pretty good scheme you got going there steppe Indian.
Thread theme for """""""nordic""""" union
fly the colours meme flag faggot
This is the REAL theme
>literally have the Atlantic along our West Coast
Well let´s start the cleansing and build the wall afterwards
why would you say that about your country?
its the GDP supposed to get a response from me mate?
cause its not working i would rather eat grass than have those people here in my town again
>not hungary
yea nice try, Björn.
Because it's the truth + I am Silesian, not Polnisch :)
Also I hate these retarded kekistani brainlets whrepeat myths of "le polan is based :--------DDDD", where it's not. Disliking muslims =/= being based.
You're not getting it back Olaf.
York is Dane clay. Come to think of it; Norway is Dane clay.
The ice age is not because of human influence user. Carbon/methane make it hotter.
but Polacks have good work morals, they come here, they work decent for minimum wage while living in a small box. Also they drink and have good banter.