Post in this thread if you are supporting Hillary Clinton's 2020 Presidential campaign!
Post rare Hildawgs.

It's her turn, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


Hillary Clinton is unfit to hold any public office.

>t. butthurt blumpftard

It's time for a woman to be President. The future is FEMALE, bigot.

Clinton 2020? That's impossible. You must mean Clinton 2022, after she takes the office in 2018.

She's very fit she's just not likable enough in Amerimuttia.


only if she publicly declares herself black, heading the spear of the transracial movement in all the world

I'll register Democrat and vote for her in the primaries. Pied Piper.


oh totally. they love her in Haiti....

Sup Forums's with HER

Wouldnt their still be an election in 2020 even if drumpf was impeached and she took power in 2018?

wtf happened to Sup Forums


>It's time for a woman to be
jailed for her crimes

That's only if the vice president becomes president, he finishes out the term.

people broke rules 1 and 2. not to mention all the media attention
shh. dont remind them

>supporting soros' obvious puppet

left cant meme brah

Hildawg did nothing wrong. Unlike Drumpf who won't even release his tax returns

Only three more years, trumpkins. Time really flies when you're losing huh?

except his tax returns were illegally obtained by rachel maddow.
are you retarded?


Even if it was, there are better women than her.


>did nothing wrong.
charity fraud for starters

Um no, sweetie, Hillary stands for all women

can someone explain why her nickname is hillary the 'road ham' clinton

I came here to post this.

those pedo-swirls kek
carry on

Why? Last election already proved it didn't matter if you were democrat and voted for Bernie or some other libshit candidate because they were just going to force Hillary in anyway.

Like the fact the democratic nomination committee rigged for Hillary isn't even up for debate. That really literally happened.

I think you are pretty stupid bro.

Hillary won the election FAIR AND SQUARE


I know this is bait... but the fact that every "pro hillary" post in here is from someone not American is fucking hilarious.

You have to understand americans don't know how to count. In their heads 62 is greater than 65.

When will Drumpftards come to terms with reality?

I know and they say we are bad. I swear there are shills even overseas working for her.

That's one of the most retarded thread i've seen in a long time.
Great bait, good shitpost

I support Hillary 2020 yes she can!

agreed she nearly died during the election. imagine 2020

Please wake up.
Living a lie is a dangerous thing humans can do.


C'mon Sup Forums Help us stump the Drumpf!

This didn't age well.


Anyone but her, and I do mean anyone. I hate the man, but I would get a fucking Bernie tattoo if it helped keep that demon Hillary out of office.

The Hillary memes are so perfect. With all the blatant IRL pandering and "Pokemon GO to the polls!" that happened for real. They ride the exact line between leftie memes and parody.

Not wanting to watch Hillary fail three times and fuck over Bernie a second time.

t. buttblasted Deplorable

Hillary will win in 2020

The rooster one was better, but its still great to see the Chinese actually give a shit about what our president again.

I cant believe lefties thought it would piss him off.

He's not going to get impeached.

When your this retarded.

When you ignore the fact that Millions of illegals voted in the 2016 election.

Proof? Didn't think so.

If she lives to 2020, which she won't. Sorry Mr.Ilovedikinmiazz.

But it's obvious. The dems will do it to get votes.

I'd rather have Lil Pump be president if I had to choose between him and Hillary

give it a couple of months and this news is one year old


>drumpftards believe this

A dead presidential campaign if i ever saw one

Hillary and leftism/communism will be dead by 2020. Nice try faggots

I got lots



> the future is female

Libfags still don't understand the irony of this statement.

Illegals. We need voter ID laws NOW.

I would listen to styx if he put a fucking shirt on nobody wants to see that shit.




Fake news. Hildawg is Queen

But this is different because Putin helped Trump steal the election.

>rig the election against your primary opponent
>rig the election against your general election opponent
>manage to some how lose anyways

Hillary Clinton and her dumb voters are the pinnacle of dishonest sub-human shitbags.
This is the part where some foreign island dwelling cousin fuckers calls me out.
Don't bother. You're fucking just as stupid and are equally if not more worthless, as you can't even vote in the first place.


Popular vote doesn't count, dumbass.

Otherwise California would have decided the winner. Those three million votes came from that state alone. Considering the absolute state of California, do you really want that?



This looks like the output of a pro-Hilbitch AI that's been feeding on Sup Forums for the last year i.e. like the Tin man tryn to dance.

The left AI cant meme.

>2020 Presidential campaign
She'll be dead by then. Remember those films showing her being supported and carried? Or her spazzing out for seconds at campaign events? Her brain disease is degenerative, it can't be stopped, it will only progress.




Hillary rotting ham supporters are true autistic retards.

>implying she would be even alive at this time


If he got impeached she doesn't take over.
Another Republican (Pence) would.
She's never going to be president and will probably never hold a public office again in her life.

Beating that vapid cunt again would be like the second coming. She’s going to wreck the democrats for not getting her elected.






They included the four superdelegates who were committed to Killary. Superdelegates are why Dem primaries can't be trusted.


Sometimes I wish whites revolted like that

Libtard states' (barely existing) voting ID laws



I legitimately believe Hillary will die this year


Not so fast, Hillahry.

We won't let you threaten the rise of the true conservative priesthood.

Now...hand over the e-mails...or the Bogdabots will force you to hand em over...

>Pokemon Go to the polls
>Russia used Pokemon Go to influence the election

If we ignore every proven connection Hillary and the Clinton foundation has with Russia, maybe we will eventually find something on Trump.