WTF is this? What is this shit? Is he losing it?
HAHAHA, This Is Trump! Are you fucking JOKING?
1D hopscotch
Nah, he is just trying to enrage the Dems. Watch and see.
5D under water yoga dominos.
Lmao, wtf?
>shamelessly shitting on your voterbase this hard
He's right. The Democrats don't give a fuck about minorities or any social cause outside of the votes it gets them.
If Trump sees a way he can get those votes away from them by supporting one of those causes, he'll do it, and good on him.
So you agree that DACA recipients will embrace the Republican Party with open arms and that Trump is literally cool by HELPING the Democrats and their agenda.
5D Intergalactic Chess fellow Pedes. #MAGA
> Get those votes away from them
Based hispanics
MIGA fellow chess pieces
t. Trump
5D halal mahjong, he is running for reelection as democrat
Fact is that the dems won't have a Wall for DACA deal. All Trump did is see to it that dems get the blame. It won't get any hispanics to vote republican, but will get a few less to vote democrat. 4-D, 360 win
Cuz I.. cant... help.... falling in looooove..... with... jewwws
Pakistan tweet has you sharblue cumtards spooked.
>LEGAL rape murder theft arson burglary drugdealing LEGALLY BASED MAGA
not even the most hardcore communist swede understands why you have 50 million mexicans in your country, you are a joke
Better change the subject hard and fast.
This, you don't need to compete against democrats if you are one of them
Fuck pakis, doesn’t this bother you?
Him cozying up to ”dreamers” like this is freaking deplorable
As long as they don't become citizens and we get The Wall, I'm fine with this.
>WTF is this?
Pointing out that liberals think some people are more equal than others becuse they were children when they illegally entered the US is bad?
Democrats love to pander to minorities
You don't need to win 2018 elections if all the DACA recipients vote for you because they fell in love.
why would it mean that u idiot, yet another dig at trump, the most entertaining president, with some of the best fans, that support him through thick and thin, has some of the most exiting young supporters in the world, will provide american politics for years to come. also a leader that finished second
You don't need Citizens to vote for you, when you can just make Mexicans Citizens
It's called guilt tripping, nigger. He's repeatedly said DACA's fate rests on dems agreeing on strict immigration policies and the wall.
+1 for the non-brainlet reply
We have this thread every day
everyday we stray further from maga
Literally impossible since he just tweeted it. What are you talking about, idiot?
So you're saying Trump doesn't give a fuck either, he just wants their votes (not getting it)
Not gonna lie, former drumph voter here, we can't let this guy get the hispanic votes.
he's never going to win the election THAT way!
>look at what trump tweeted
>wtf Madman! Is it over for him?! Has he lost his mind??
I don’t have twitter yet I always know wtf is on twitter
his twitter is "therealdonaldtrump" not realdonaldtrump?
buttmad lib detected. trump is your president, sweaty :p
why does he always use quotes like that?
I'll regret voting for this orange idiot for the rest of my life.
Hillary would have been much better.
*quotation marks
>shartblue fags dont remember GRUHNALD GRMPLFT got more Hispanic votes than the cuck Romney
>Hispanics turning their backs on Dems dooms them in FL, TX, and NV
>we don't need Hispanics to vote for us, we just need them to not vote for you
This is pretty clever of Trump.
Why swedish people are retarded
>Hillary would have been much better.
So More Degeneracy, War with Russia, America becoming an Atheist Nation, Niggers becoming the Majority, and dick sucking is good?
>Democrats love to pander to minorities
so do republicans , they are just not very good at it
All minorities need to be rounded up and shot. Just because "Muh Oppression" Gives them the right to be a fucking bitch towards the Majority doesn't mean you should be a bitch to them.
He's not lying though. Dems don't give a fuck about anything they push. Damn near all of their stances are taken solely because r=they want to be anti-Trump no matter what. And that's going to backfire on them hard in the end.
>Hillary would have been much better.
Trump is doing God's work. Pic related.
>pacing and leading
>scot adams was right
Trump is the best salt miner in the history of the tradition.
>so do republicans , they are just not very good at it
Which minorities do Republicans pander to? And don't say shit like rednecks.
your frustration is delightful and your thread is cancer, faggot
>in all fields
He's right.
GOP, having majority, would be the group to appeal to and the Dems haven't done shit so far to keep DACA. If they were smart they'd stop "resisting" and work with the ones capable of accomplishing something.
He's turning the DACAs against the Dems, like previously when the DACAs protested against Democrats who used them as a political tool. Make them hate the Dems enough, and the Dems will stop trying to fight for their amnesty. Then they have less reason to oppose the wall and deportation of all illegals. Speaking of which, why are Democrats and neocons allowed to oppose securing the borders and deporting illegals, and no one seems to realize how traitorous that is? They're being blatantly anti-American with their open borders and pro-illegals.
>SJWs thinking they can anyone else retarded
Trump is just a master troll.
Trump didn't kill Daca though, it returns the end of the month.
Then Trump will claim how much he loves those bull Mexicans pozxing his ass as Pence just suicides with straight lightning from the sight.
He is doing Reagans mistake
muh natural conservatives
Every time he tweets everyone reads it. Regardless of how much they hate Trump they'll still read his message abd discuss. At first its "
>"fuck this guy is stupid fuck donald trump"
And then it becomes...
>"what HAVE the dems done for us anyways?"
That pic is modern le epik trollz in a nutshell.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
because actual people's lives are more important than theoretical masturbation
It’s true. Shitskins keep voting that way because they literally do not process information that far in advance or with a single shred of empathy to the point they can comprehend how welfare is bad for the country.
>Pic Related
Holy shit Reagan's Amnesty is the reason cali will be solid blue from now till kingdom come.
literally Reagan all over
he is really a boomer
>Holy shit Reagan's Amnesty is the reason cali will be solid blue from now till kingdom come.
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
He's literally just shitposting and nothing he just said implies he's pro-DACA. Maybe the results he is referring to is shit that has already happened. Nothing pro-DACA will come out of congress so people will in 2020 need to choose a candidate whose party accomplished nothing for DACA or for their economic wellbeing.
>people unironically defending this
Trump fanboys are like a cult. Trump could take a shit in their mouths and they would defend him.
>people's lives are more important than theoretical masturbation
you have to go back
So the US is giving back Altzen and whites are leaving for Europe?
Spics were here first
The developmentally delayed
lol stfu u lazy greek cunt
Like how Trump was wrong every time in Alabama?
>Like how Trump was wrong every time in Alabama?
Trump had no choice but to support Strange to appease the Republicans. Trump knew Moore would lose due to his transgressions and that's there was only a single tweet of support from Trump at the end for Moore. Strange and Moore are out, which leaves the door open for Mo Brooks in the future. Face you moron, you don't know jackshit about what's going on.
Is it time for the daily “Amnesty Don” spam again?
Your fucking joking right? Your country is becoming a nonwhite shit hole and you think this is going to benefit it in anyway whatsoever.
> if I claim the plan is longer it works
Soo, Hillarry 2024?
OUR countries are turning into nonwhite shit holes.
At least we get a laugh or two along the way.
You probably get a visit from the unacceptable chuckling police if you laugh at the absurdity of your collapse.
OMG Republicans will never win California now LOL.
>Dems r da real raycists dude!
God i hate this faggot shit.
>h-he wanted Alabama to swing 29 points to Dems, retard!
What is Trump going to do for DACA? Is he going to get the GOP to pass the DREAM act?
black , hispanics, jews , republicans love to parade their token non-whites and claim that the democracts are the real racists and how they love based minorities
If Pence is still alive by valentines day, you owe us all .005 bitcoins
Getting dumbass Hispanics to vote for him while he lets Congress fuck around and take blame for it, learn some goddamn strategy you fucking imbecile
she won't make it past a year
>Soo, Hillarry 2024?
Don't you mean Shittary 2024?
>When OP is baited by his own bait
he's finished
How do you make sure a DACA deal never happens and democrats take the blame? Sow seeds of division and pour gas on the fire as time runs out. Ultimately he'll be forced to deport them with a tear in his eye because the democrats wouldn't make a deal. 4d chess faggots.
While all this baiting is happening the dreamers are being told to pack their bags and prepare to leave.
Nah, cant be shit, it smears and splatters along the entire crack.
Looks more like a moist moment.
How so?
They are legal residents here until their lease expires.
this scene where he gets all rapey has taken on new meaning now that LCK supposedly is rapey IRL
Bring back based stickman!