ITT: Sup Forums memes you thought were actual truth
ITT: Sup Forums memes you thought were actual truth
Asians do have sideways.
>butthurt leftists still mad about antique racism
at times like this I'm glad I've already given up on the world
>he's never had to find the side vagina
No they dont. I fucked a Vietnamese swampslut narry a fortnight ago and I do declare her waxed vagine was as vertical and smooth as the ass crevace of a ten year old lad.
>Sup Forums memes
You’re poetic
I like you friend
Mighn't I enquire as to the tightness of the aforementioned celestial snatch?
Twas tighter than a bullfrogs bifibious anal port and twice as clean.
But the downside is now you have AIDS
>smooth as the ass crevace of a ten year old lad
It was a ten year old lad
He said Vietnamese not nigger
>because some people enjoy their misogyny with a side of racism
This writing style needs to stop.
>implying that a southeast Asian woman's genital organs needs must be frenchified and capable of transmitting the clap to a white man
The interspecies transmission of venereal disease is unlikely in the extreme, my dentally-challenged friend of dubious heritage.
>An over the top gook joke from the 19th century on buzzfeed
Imagine being this desperate to make wypipo look bad
Nah, I fucked a Chinese girl I met on tinder a few days ago, pussy was straight, pretty tight too, but goddamn none of my usual moves were getting her off, I'm well endowed and have never had a woman not orgasm multiple times with me.
All my other girls were white, but this Chinese bitch said she only orgasmed once, and that I was a 5/10 in bed, with 1 point added for pity!!
Fuck chinks
Insects don't really have sex so much as they breed.
> Caring if a women gets off.
Stay cucked.
People don't actually think they have a literal sideways vegana, it's just marveling at how tight it js
>twice as clean
I fret i must declare my doubts of your afore spoken statement. Might i inquire as to how thee knows the lack of malicious emissions of that vile coolie?