There is scientific evidence that proves black people are direct defendants of the Egyptians. As a proud white ally...

There is scientific evidence that proves black people are direct defendants of the Egyptians. As a proud white ally, I take this evidence as truth. So you retarded white bigots need to stop with this "we wuz kangz" bullshit right fucking now!

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really where is it?

>There is scientific evidence that proves black people are direct defendants of the Egyptians.
Post it then. Or do you just talk a big game with nothing to back it up?


>>Direct defendants

FF 3000 years.

>>Nothing has changed still defendants.

I obviously meant decendants, cracker


>direct defendants

Don't forget to sage, guys. Don't let good threads slide

Fuck off


too late, I can't return my keks


Kek, (((Freudian))) slip

>proud white ally
>Communist flag


>there is evidence
>I can't provide it, but I promise it's out there
>seriously, guys
>no bully
Niggers were never kings, just niggers. You cannot find one credited historian or genetics scientist that agrees that niggers created anything but wood huts and low social standards, give it your best shot.

>As a proud (((white))) ally, I take this evidence as (((truth))).

>>Nothing has changed still defendants.
under fucking rated

Too late faggot!

Blacks slave Jews...

You ever see how much bling those fuckers wore? Enough evidence for me.

>proud white ally
>communist flag
You aren't even human so who cares.

Stop posting with the meme flag shill


yeah you´re obv right..

>No source

Please post this evidence

>direct descendants
So Jefferson wasn't the only one who knew that niggresses need extra protein...



>t. never played the new Assassin's Creed
Are you retarded or something, nigga?
I says, I says...

Blacks are always defendants. Not surprised even the Gyppos prosecute them.

Its called a Freudian Slip, Shitavious.


ok so you were a bunch of racist, slave owning pieces of shit back in the day. no more crying about being slaves at one point in your shitty history.

the sahara desert is a huge geographical barrier that separates north africa from sub-saharan africa, but doesn't prevent travel entirely

ancient egyptians were essentially their own people, but gradually declined (like all great civilizations) and were conquered by many different peoples: the ancient greeks, ancient romans, the persians, and most recently by arabs in the 600s, combined with a steady stream of sub-saharan migration

Aren't most of them descended from the inhabitants of the west coast of Africa? Egypt never occupied that land. So, its very confusing as to how Egyptians got there.

>As a proud white ally
>The first ever full-genome analysis of Ancient Egyptians shows they were more Turkish and European than African.
>Scientists analysed ancient DNA from Egyptian mummies dating from 1400 BC to 400 AD and discovered they shared genes with people from the Mediterranean.
>They found that ancient Egyptians were closely related to ancient populations in the Levant - now modern day Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon.
>They were also genetically similar to Neolithic populations from the Anatolian Peninsula and Europe.
>The groundbreaking study used recent advances in DNA sequencing techniques to undertake a closer examination of mummy genetics than ever before.
>The study, published in Nature Communications, found that modern Egyptians share more ancestry with Sub-Saharan Africans than ancient Egyptians did.
>modern Egyptians share more ancestry with Sub-Saharan Africans than ancient Egyptians did.
>modern Egyptians share more ancestry with Sub-Saharan Africans than ancient Egyptians did.

what time period you talking about?

It says right there "dating from 1400 BC to 400 AD"

Why is this still a thing?

Say this is true. Which isn't hard to see. Have you ever looked at a globe? Obviously egypt is in Africa right? What does it matter? What does that mean? NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. I don't care if Jesus was found and scientific research said he was a nigger. It doesn't mean anything at all. What is your fucking point?