I've designed a mock-up for the new era. I figured every new movement needs a new symbol. I present the 7 sided star, the Septagram. Christian symbol of protection, symbol of Venus/Love, God's perfect creation. Certainly this can triumph over that goddamned 666 star of david.
New symbol for the aryan race
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Do you mind if I take the liberty of using this symbol in the posters I'm designing?
haha, no. I didn't invent it.
Perfect! This will look incredible plastered all over my college campus, thank you for sharing.
Jesus was a Jew though, and why would a religion that supports love have anything to do with the Aryan Race?
The Aryan race has more to do with Mars than Venus, though?
kike. Jesus' symbol is a cross, because you fags put him there.
The best symbols are easy to draw and easy to get right
Thats why Christianity is so popular.
a " |" line
then a -- line
Lets clean up the streets goys
but I am not Jewish though,
Christianity is an Aryan religion.
Mars and Venus were the patrons of the Roman Empire, so it is fitting that we should draw on them
We already have a symbol jew
Wut wrong mit Spurdo :DDDDDDDDD
Maybe this one?
There's no such race
It just sounded like an grand word
Found the retarded kike.
Nazism is the most kiked you can possibly be.
Nazi = Ashkenazi Jew
I hate to break it to you all, but nazism was a Jewish psy-op. The Rothsechilds were playing both sides of the war the entire time. Russian Bolshevism was operated by Jews. All of the Jews got out of Nazi Germany and hung out in palestine, by order of the naziis. They even got to take their money. Why would you want to be associated with those cucks?
Being jewed is terrible and Jews do terrible shit, but being a mongrel nazi is playing into their hands.
that symbol is saturnalia, the god of the Jews you psuedo intellectual pissent
It started in the middle-east and there are A LOT of black-evangelists, there are people who worship it all around the world.
this is retarded and shows you are retarded. If you want to make symbols first you have to know wtf they mean or you look like an idiot. If you want to know what symbols and why and how to design one that shows you have the arcanum go here
stfu kike I am in the order of the black sun and we were never in league with kikes
(((Christian))) symbols are for exoteric retards no one in power would use a Christian symbol it only shows you are a retarded goyim
uhh we already have a symbol
pic related
if you don't know what every symbol on this decal means leave the symbolism to us pro tip: they aren't about "cool" they tell your enemies and allies you have the arcanum
Order of the black sun isn't cucked like the jude. They aren't even in cahoots.
They just unironically believe in the same bullshit that the jude were cucked into.
oh no you are an idiot, here is a novel idea, actually know what you are talking about before spewing nonsense other people have to read. I know this is a difficult concept for brainlets to entertain but try it
What you believe is the bullshit, what we "believe" is the truth, exoteric clowns like you cucked by the church and kikes can never understand, because well you are either not very bright or lazy
There is a reason the swastika is the Aryan symbol
Because it is from our Aryan ancestors the Atlanteans
and the global dynasty they created where they left their calling cards all across the globe the kikes and Church has tried to hide and destroy with their moronic Chrsitcuck zombie goyim army
understand now brainlet?
try to avoid talking out your ass when grownups are talking ok?
you should read the bible more , you don't know much of it
I understand all along. Understand that saturn IS the false god. The Titanians are false.
The light is true. The darkness is light. It just takes a blind man to see.
Prophets walk in this light. Do not be decieved by the priesthood of Amun-Ra.
>Understand that saturn IS the false god
No you don't understand at all if you did you would not be talking about "Gods" all of this is about math and science and ciphers and you worship and "Gods" other than the source it is because you were bot smart to crack the cipher
but here I will help you out
must try harder rabbi
Just no
now I showed you where to find the rest on your own whether or not you find the truth is up to you. The truth is not for everyone only those that seek it out
the nazi ufo stuff (the "bell", antarctica, thule society, etc, etc) whether true or not is my fucking jam. i love reading about that shit.
the fact that you even mention Amun at least you were here before when our people were explaining all of this to you all, but just like the goyim you are you did 5 mins of research or believed whatever horseshit you heard some other moron on Sup Forums say and decided "hey this fits my own view" rather actually finding the truth, typical again this is why they call you goyim because you live in whatever illusion they create for you instead being your own master and finding the truth
everything you are looking for is here start with the playlists
Odd how offensive you become. Or maybe not, I guess I did call you a cuck.
In any case, math is part of God. You aren't looking at the whole, despite claiming so. You have much to learn, but I cannot guide you through the cloud of your arrogance. You are close. So close.
How the hell does someone like you tell other people they ahve been deceived when you don't even know wtf you are talking about? Seriously guy grow up
I've got some bad news for you...
Someone got there first.
you when you idiots talk shit and have no clue wtf you are talking about guess what, you are shilling for the kikes, so please try avoid doing this in the future if at all possible, thanks
what's with 3, 6 and 9?
the reason white people don't make good slaves is because they are too smart and rebellious, feels good man
you know god exists......right???
it is how you find God user, how you find God, the source, the architect
brexit buddy!!!!
oh, i have that channel in my bookmarks
gotta start watching one of these days
The Jews have associated the hexagram with themselves, but they didn't invent the symbol any more than one could say they invented the number six. Anybody can use numbers. The real question should be what it means, and how they use it, and why. Gematria, Jewish numerology, is something they adopted from the Greeks' anyway (geometry).
There is much truth within your order. Yet, many of your conclusions are simply steps toward the conclusion. You're order has misinterpreted many things, and you are blinded by your "superior" knowledge.
You have found the rules of creation, but they have led you to believing that another crafted entity is the creator of the rules. Look for what lies beyond the rules of this realm.
Symbols are appeals drawn to humans with a specific kind of arrogance.
How do you know what we know or believe? I am well aware of what you are saying I don't know how you came to the conclusion I don't
congrats you get the most arrogant and blue pilled post award, at least the other user talking out his ass knew something even if it was wrong
because it is not a hexgram it is a merkaba and represents many things namely fractals
Ya Ku Sah?
thanks broseph that's my evening sorted
yw teach others what you learn, int he past were killed for revealing this information outside of their order. This information takes years to put together if you ever could on your own, it was given to you freely with the expectation that you give it to others
What is your conclusion, then? If you believe my words false, or partial truth.
You came to yours by study, but I came to mine through both study (likely a lesser amount, although your infographics and videos could be the extent of your personal study) and through vision.
i live for these bodhi threads. still on Flavius fuckery. i love all these kikes4christ
That's even more jewish than the star of David
No offense you seem to just be talking out your ass, except for the last part, you should be well aware it is not something can be explained only experienced once you have the arcanum
> DAE think Saturn is ebil
> Noh Saturn is tr00 patrician
> Fuk u, deus vult
> Fuk u, kike on a stick worshipper
the universe is electric, everything is plasma given form by the source through sonic resonance. The signal appears to be coming from orions belt for this pseudo random reality, some kind of simulation created from thought by the architect also our own, that is all I can tell you in words the rest you can only find by looking within and communing with the architect. The dhammapada is a better source for this than any "science" book or line of thought. All the answers are there
Gave me a hearty chuckle
what practical advice for living would you give?
lol yah they are lost desu, be patient with them. It is their karma, you cannot force people to see truth. You were reincarnated with the curiosity and intelligence to find the truth to ascend tot he next level. Nothing we can do for them but show them the path the kikes chose the material over the spiritual they are fucked when they die and they know it which is why they are so greedy here it is the yin and yang however hermetics polarity the eternal struggle, somehow has to be the villain
Then maybe you aren't nearly as cucked as I thought. So why then is it that your information points people first toward saturn? Maybe it is just by nature. One must deny the deciever to find the truth?
How did I point anyone towards Saturn? It is only one small piece of an amplifier either we amplify it or it boosts the signal form Orions belt one. It ha sit's own consciousness
Sorry some of my post was deleted somehow by accident. It is the time keeper, the original sun. It is the embodiment of the source
Maybe not your information, but the information of your order. When first digested, it seemed as if truth, then pointed to the same direction that (((they))) do, but now I see that you have a much more firm hold of truth. Most of what you have posted in this thread I have already read many times.
Then again what is electric? We are electric everything is electric, we have synapses in our brains and every thought we have is an electrical signal we are possibly in a dream of the creator or an active creation impossible to know everything is about scale, infinite fractals
>Maybe not your information, but the information of your order
ahhhh that is your interpretation, your reality. You should well aware symbols hold objective and subjective truth, they are interpreted in the eye of the beholder, we did not give you this impression but rather you came to this interpretation on your own no?
>Most of what you have posted in this thread I have already read many times.
Indeed we have been working hard for years trying to get this information out glad to see people are waking up.
Very few are in their level of understating as you are so this conversation seldom comes up, the symbols are breadcrumbs to follow to find their own answers. They have to search it out themselves and put the pieces of the puzzle together or they will never understand it, this is the way it is, the way it has always been
We followed the same sources and I'm sure asked many of the same questions. When I was lead to saturn by your own order's information, I was reminded of the words of Odin: One may make friends with a friendsman's friend, but never with a foeman's friend. And so I denied the intents of your entire order and continued my path. All truths are temporary, friend.
>All truths are temporary, friend.
Indeed, my friend, indeed