American national capitalist party

This change is already coming to the GOP, /ourguys/ like nehlen and the God emperor are leading the revolution in the US, and it would only fit for the Republican party to save everything the (((democratic))) party destroyed. Also, post black sun symbols

>national capitalist
Nationalism and Capitalism are polar opposites

The future of American conservatism depends on evangelicals, and evangelicals would not associate with pagan imagery

I unironically dislike capitalism. Corportism plagues America like cancer plagues a small child.

Economic nationalism ftw
Marxists eternally btfo

I completely agree, and so does Paul nehlen and Rand Paul, corporatism isn't capitalism btw

NatCap leaf here from previous thread where we decided on the flag

Some people call that Mercantilism, Goy
I call it Judaism
It's in all the prophetic literature of the Jewish Bible.

>God emperor

Yep, NapCap is the future, whites are almost always the only ones who succeed under a capitalist system, remove the welfare state (or reform it to be like Maine's system, my preferred system) and most minorities won't get anywhere


pronounced "nah-see"

National Capitalism is the needed solution, I agree. Hope that's not the flag though, rather have something like pic related that would break tradition and connect to mainstream right-wing culture.

Also, National Capitalism would be trump-style protectionist, not kike-style global free markets... right?

NatCap is like Paleoconservatism, so yes

Blow it out your ass

>god emperor
You guys are such faggots.

No it isint. Natsoc is the only way forward. Capitalism is (((enlightenment))) jewish cancer.

>Schwarze Sonne in flag

I wouldn't replace the Republican symbol or anything like that, I just think when it comes to like someone running it would be a nice symbol to use, easy for us to know what side he's on, and not known well enough to draw a realistic muh nazi defamation

corporate monopolies can only exist through government regulations

I wouldn't say that, but the fact we subsidize Google makes me fucking furious. It's why rand Paul is so kickass

NatCap is an exercise in realpolitik, NatSoc is an exercise in futility. You should stop saying NatSoc when you mean Fascism regardless.

Living for profit only is to live for self only. Foreign nations will always assist the capitalists gains and he cannot help his greedy self from abandoning his kin for sheckles.
Capitalism is individualism. Seems Americans are the most brainwashed and can't see past this.

No i mean natsoc. Natcap will juat bring us back to where we were. Capitalism is always a merchant's wet dream.

And that's bad how? I'd live by famille, patrie,and travail (Family fatherland, and work) in that order. Looking out for your family above all else will push people down the path of looking out for your own race, and your home(fatherland), work is also important in this because you work to live.

If you put your family and race above profits you're a natSoc, put profits above family and folk and you're a (((capitalist))).

>capitalism is the liberty to participate in the free market and the right to your own economic autonomy
>socialism is central planning by an authoritarian state
Which one do you think is the merchant's wet dream, lad?

Yeah ok, what part of nationalist do you not understand? Traditionalism (the nuclear family) should be taught and supported by schools, homosexuality outlawed, and anyone who doesn't follow under the nuclear family should be treated as an outcast. People would soon realise just how important the family is, and by investing in children, you would essentially live forever.
Metaphorically anyways.

Lol the one Andrew jackson fought against and won, unlike Hitler.
Don't bully him though, he doesn't know anything about the US obviously

OK, so what's wrong with just admitting you're natsoc? I agree with you completely

1. NatSoc has waaaaaaay too much fucking baggage, you need to ease people into this. It doesn't come all at once.
2. I disagree with censorship. Completely. People should see what the world can become if we go astray, a simulation of hard times if you will. Also, censorship and control is the jews biggest weapon, oppose all censorship, because the next step can be "You're anti-Semitic goy!"
3. I don't agree with dictatorship, granted I completely see its uses and begrudgingly respect it.

If you're crippled by name calling from zio media then you're not going anywhere.
Natsoc is the future, and the truth will be exposed in time.
Also why do you oppose censorship? Consider that our opponents whether zionists, Marxists, or SJW lefties, all use their free speech to end ours. Look at the state of the west, people going to prison for questioning the holocaust, hatespeech laws, etc. Our opponents use free speech to censor us, you can't win a war if you refuse to be barbaric.
Free speech and separation of church and state are things they have drilled into our heads, but they're the #1 tool used to push marxist, feminism, and continually shift the political Overton window over time. Freedom of religion allows jews to serve their own interests in our nation's. These ideas are corrupt. A nation needs unity of faith and law, and needs to stomp out those who wish to chip away at its foundation.

I agree with you there, but hate speech and muh holocaust is a direct violation of freedom of speech, and should be punished accordingly.
The media is currently being destroyed, and are resorting to censorship in order to save themselves. If you haven't looked up nehlen and his law then you should pic related.

Also if he loses I'll probably become a lot more authoritarian, but I doubt he will.

>Natsoc is the future, and the truth will be exposed in time.
>Also why do you oppose censorship? Consider that our opponents whether zionists, Marxists, or SJW lefties, all use their free speech to end ours. Look at the state of the west, people going to prison for questioning the holocaust, hatespeech laws, etc. Our opponents use free speech to censor us, you can't win a war if you refuse to be barbaric.
You've just described censorship. We aren't free to discuss the holocaust, demographic replacement, immigration without being branded a bigot or being charged in leafistan here. Free speech is the freedom to discuss ALL ideas. Censorship is the reason we have hate speech laws and why germans go to prison for posting something criticising merkel and the refugees.
>Free speech and separation of church and state are things they have drilled into our heads, but they're the #1 tool used to push marxist, feminism, and continually shift the political Overton window over time. Freedom of religion allows jews to serve their own interests in our nation's. These ideas are corrupt. A nation needs unity of faith and law, and needs to stomp out those who wish to chip away at its foundation.
Sounds like you'd support and islamic caliphate. No degeneracy, patriarchal rule, religion and law united. Freedom of religion is best when you have the freedom to worship without the state imprisoning you for heresy.
You can still have traditional values embedded into the culture without having a theocracy. See post-revolution America until the 1960s

Fucking this^
Although, America's economy was already fucked around 1915 with the creation of the FED, everything jackson stood against. The immigration act of 1965 did our culture in.