Is climate change a Jewish trick?
Is climate change a Jewish trick?
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>Is climate change a Jewish trick?
Fuck at this rate Sup Forums will think creation was a Jewish trick.
The climate keeps changing you retards. We're between two ice ages. Climate change is not a Jewish trick.
But scaring the shit out of people and making them buy hybrid cars, yes that's an NWO trick.
You know good and well that "climate change" doesn't just mean changes in global temperatures
>You know good and well that "climate change" doesn't just mean changes in global temperatures
Yeah you dumbfuck. I know that. But when you conflate two different things - inevitable change in the Earth's climate and the NWO's propaganda that it's caused by man - you get retarded threads like this. How the fuck are you fuckers ever going to convince anyone of the NWO's tricks if you speak shit like this?
nice arguments
here op. a real answer
ask Al gore how much money did he make on climate change
watch the video for more than .0 seconds you pollack
>the most entry level newfag redpill consists of the following:
You have been lied to
>after a year of lurking a newfag has learned the following:
You have been lied to. You have been lied to. You have been lied to.
>every last red pill is summarized as the following:
>One of the last red pills before becoming a wizard is:
Every last thing the kikes say, even if it sounds like it is in your favor, is a fucking lie. Period. They continuously rewrite the dictionary of the times so that subsequent generations can not understand the words of their ancestors who figured it out. Their science is a sham, predicated on faulty data, and anything that calls it into question is explained away as an "anomaly". If it weren't for this medicine would be light years ahead, science in general would be light years ahead. One of their favorite ways to lie to you is to corrupt but not remove the truth. Because even with their evil deities they still fear God enough to follow that one law. The bible, in fact every major religion including those that are now no longer practiced, contains the truth but it is made enigmatic through the corruption of the dictionary making metaphor seem like a fantasy novel.
If you research etymology, and trace words back to their ancient roots, things start to make a whole lot more fucking sense.
lurk moar faggot
Nah man climate change is real. We're fucking up the environment pretty badly. Honestly, probably should do something about it eventually.
Antarctica is the entrance to the hollow earth
The only thing that’s changing is the Earth is getting greener, directly as a result of CO2 fertilization.
>You have been lied to
>You have been lied to. You have been lied to. You have been lied to.
Ok ok. I understand that you're a disillusioned newfag. Calm down. In due time you'll have the biggest blackpill shoved up your butt. You'll feel alright after you cum all overself due to the blackpill stroking your prostrate gland.
Kys faggot. Fucking noob. But before you do.
>Every last thing the kikes say, even if it sounds like it is in your favor, is a fucking lie. Period.
Stop watching CNN. It's not good for you.
>They continuously rewrite the dictionary of the times so that subsequent generations can not understand the words of their ancestors who figured it out.
Are you 18? Live longer. You can always find information if you're willing to seek it out.
>Their science is a sham, predicated on faulty data, and anything that calls it into question is explained away as an "anomaly".
Only propaganda. Not all science is a sham.
>If it weren't for this medicine would be light years ahead, science in general would be light years ahead.
And then? The purpose of all life is to survive, reproduce and then die. Science and Technology only provide humans weapons to compete with. There is no difference between living in huts and living on a spaceship. The fundamental drive to fuck pussy and produce progeny is the drive for all men. Fucking weeb.
>One of their favorite ways to lie to you is to corrupt but not remove the truth.
Fucking high-schooler. Learn to critically analyze the information you absorb instead of blaming the kikes for your retarded development. No one in the world owes you anything you stupid fuck.
The fact is that your pussy was taken by a kike and you're really frustrated about it. Grow up you stupid fuck.
Also, the bible is indeed the truth and so there is still hope for you.
The true red pill on climate change is that it is most likely going to be more severe than the mainstream analyses that are for example presented in the IPCC Assessment reports.
The issue is presented in the media as if there are two sides - the mainstream and critics who reject the idea ("climate deniers"). In reality, there are at least two groups of critics - the "climate deniers" and scientists who think the situation is much more severe.
While the "climate deniers" are mostly made up of either non-experts, a handful of contrarians/experts who have their personal pet-theory or just outright charlatans, the other group includes leading groups of scientists who are prominent in the literature and have repeatedly been proven correct over the years.
In fact, a much better case could be made for the idea that climate scientists are being unrealistically positive with their findings (rather than alarmist). Michael Mann for example said a while ago that when climate scientists inform politicians about the state of the science, they frequently paint an intentionally rosy picture, because learning how difficult, if not impossible, it is to hold to the 2°C limit (and if 2°C can even be considered "safe") could promote a kind of political apathy and surrender.
>CO2 is bad for the planet
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds
From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.
Man made climate change is a hoax.
Although the concept of climate change is true.
T. The ice age
now all we need is proofs the resulting forest fires and increased droughts wont kill all that greenery faster than it can grow.
The real redpill is that CO2 is good for the planet.
That's the vegetation biophysical feedback and it's well-known. Why do you think that this invalidates either climate science or anything I wrote?
In fact, human activity in the form of land-use strongly over-compensates CO2 fertilization, so much so that current vegetation biomass is only ~50% of what it would be in a world without humans.
Climate change? No.
Catastrophic anthropogenic climate change? Yes.
Follow the carbon shekels.
Increased CO2 makes plants more drought resistant.
Effects of Elevated CO2 and Drought on Plant Physiology, Soil Carbon and Soil Enzyme Activities
The results indicated that elevated CO2 and drought stress significantly affected plant physiology. The inhibition of plant physiology by drought stress was mediated via prompted photosynthesis and water use efficiency under elevated CO2 conditions. Elevated CO2 resulted in a longer retention time of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soil, probably by improving the soil water effectiveness for organic decomposition and mineralization. Drought stress significantly decreased C:N ratio and microbial biomass carbon (MBC), but the interactive effects of drought stress and CO2 on them were not significant. Elevated CO2 induced an increase in invertase and catalase activities through stimulated plant root exudation. These results suggested that drought stress had significant negative impacts on plant physiology, soil carbon, and soil enzyme activities, whereas elevated CO2 and plant physiological feedbacks indirectly ameliorated these impacts.
I never said climate change was a bad thing. I merely implied it is as natural an insurance as our oceanic and atmospheric currents and any affect (((man))) had on it is somewhere
between insignificant to nonexistent.
What does CO2 fertilization have to do with deforestation?
*As natural an occurrence as our oceanic and atmospheric currents*
>you are a newfag if you arent a blackpilled homo
Wrong. The blackpill is for weaklings.
>saying the kikes lie means you watch cnn
that is the shilliest comment I have ever fucking seen.
>you can always find information if you are willing to seek it out
No shit. If it weren't for the kikes constantly obfuscating the truth it wouldn't need to be sought.
>not all science is a sham
One of the most fundamental units of measure in science is time. All units of time are either based on the rotation of the earth, which is not a universal constant, or based on the frequency of caesium-131 (133? I forget) the reason this frequency is used for SI is because it correlates with the arbitrary, non-universal constant of the earths rotation. This is but one example of the kikes fucking with shit in a detrimental way. Not every scientific theory is incorrect, but the very core of science is gigantically fucking kiked up.
>And then? The purpose of all life is to survive, reproduce and then die. Science and Technology only provide humans weapons to compete with. There is no difference between living in huts and living on a spaceship. The fundamental drive to fuck pussy and produce progeny is the drive for all men. Fucking weeb.
That is the purpose of animal life. The purpose of our lives is to conquer and explore all that exists. Kike medicine, which could be said to be genophage, limits our ability to achieve that purpose. Why would they do that? Because they know they are stupid and rely on us to create shit and the second we leave this planet they are doomed to going back to living in shit filled caves.
>dont blame the kikes for the shit they do
>your pussy was taking away by a kike
I'm married and the blood of my ancestors will live on. You should consider gassing yourself.
It is true that the ice caps have been melting for 19,000 years.
Or maybe because the earth is tilted on its axis and the reason it projects that on the oceans currents is because that’s where the suns influence is strongest
because you're obsessing over an increase in leaf area (by human activity and its effects on the atmosphere), while humans are in actuality completely wrecking the vegetation at the same time.
Deforestation and CO2 fertilization have nothing to do with each other.
I think people look wrong at this dillema.
If climate change is real, how much can we actually change for the better and does the government really need our tax money?
They waste billions of dollars only to TRY to lower celcius by a 0.1 margin... is that really worth wasting money on?
CO2 is good for us otherwise we might be in another ice age.
>Wrong. The blackpill is for weaklings.
I'm not talking about those disillusioned newfags who take the redpill, can't handle it, and then say everything was rigged to begin with. Being truly blackpilled is understanding that you're playing a role in the universe. You may think things are under your control, but they're not, and even if life was redone with the current settings, we most likely would end up in the same situation we're in now.
>saying the kikes lie means you watch cnn
>that is the shilliest comment I have ever fucking seen.
You're right. That was unwarranted and incorrect on my part.
>No shit. If it weren't for the kikes constantly obfuscating the truth it wouldn't need to be sought.
The point is, someone will always find it in their interest to obfuscate truth from you. Because there are finite resources and finite number of good pussies in the world. Blaming the kikes for lying to you is like losing the information warfare and then blaming the victor for having better tactics. You want to beat the NWO at it's own game? Then fucking stop blaming them for lying to you. Evolve. Critically analyze information and don't be dependent on someone to spoon feed you the truth.
>Not every scientific theory is incorrect, but the very core of science is gigantically fucking kiked up.
I understand what you're trying to convey. So I'm going to disagree with what you're trying to say. Instead, I'll just share my opinion of science with you. Man wants to control nature because nature is cruel. Nature doesn't care if man survives or not. Man wants to survive. Nature has a small flaw - it follows the laws of Physics. For me, all science is observing nature, understanding how it works, and then using it to make decisions on how to survive and get pussy. That's all I'm trying to convey to you.
look I don't care, I think a lot of it is true and some of it is just a gigantic lobby. We should defund whole conventions based on global warming. We literally can't do anything about it.
The only thing we can do is start to litter less and care more about our direct environment. It's uneducated (immigrants) who litter the streets.
If US ceased all greenhouse gas emissions it would only affect overall global climate change by approximately >.001% IIRC.
>The purpose of our lives is to conquer and explore all that exists.
And then what? What will you do after you've conquered everything? If you fuck someone, then you proved my point. If you don't fuck someone, then evolution marks your gene set for extinction.
I'm not saying this because I like it. All of us are stuck in this universe. Our purpose is clear - to survive and reproduce - that is the purpose of all life. Everything else (politics, jobs, news, wars, space exploration) is just a prop to achieve that goal since all of us can't be farmers.
>Why would they do that? Because they know they are stupid and rely on us to create shit and the second we leave this planet they are doomed to going back to living in shit filled caves.
Yes. Just like you, the kikes want to fuck pussy and expand their race.
>dont blame the kikes for the shit they do
Blaming kikes is for weaklings. You want to move ahead? Then learn to beat the NWO at its own game.
>I'm married and the blood of my ancestors will live on.
Then focus on your kids and train them in surviving in the new age where information warfare is rampant.
>You should consider gassing yourself.
Not a kike.
so it's literally just a wedge for votes and money.
Yes, the guy who came up with climate change denied it on his death bed. Let that sink in to your normie skull
They're both effects of human activity on vegetation, are they not? And the land-use that diminishes vegetation biomass is largely due to agriculture, which is an emissions source of comparable size to fossil fuels.
Besides all that, I really don't see how the vegetational feedback is supposed to make up for all the other effects. Not only does the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio decrease with higher pCO2 (which has to be compensated by herbivores through an increase diet intake), losing functionality over every coastal city in exchange, for example, still strikes me as an absolutely terrible bargain.
Have you seen the studies into crop nutrition loss at mid century CO2 levels?
muh greening earth is just idiotic nonsense. It ignores the fact that the plants relevant to us - crops - become less useful. It is also funny how these retards use NASA article as a source that says
>The beneficial impacts of carbon dioxide on plants may also be limited, said co-author Dr. Philippe Ciais, associate director of the Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences, Gif-suv-Yvette, France. “Studies have shown that plants acclimatize, or adjust, to rising carbon dioxide concentration and the fertilization effect diminishes over time.”
The man made part is