How many whites are there really in America?

It is not 56 percent, is it even 40 percent?

Does it matter? 93 percent of Americans say the more racially diverse America becomes, the stronger it will be.

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>93 percent of Americans say the more racially diverse America becomes, the stronger it will be.
whered ya pull that from rabbi?

>the more racially diverse America becomes, the stronger it will be
I'm not entirely sure how. I believe quite a few left-wing figureheads would agree that a homogeneous group contains more trust. Why would should we push a society to become less trusting? Is not trust a key component of strength in groups?

Middle Easterns and North Africans are Caucasians, however, Amerimutts are so fucking stupid they consider Caucasian to be synonymous with White.

Please reserve the Amerimutt plague on the English language by using the terms as following;

White = European
Middle Eastern = Middle Eastern
North African = North African
Group of the people(s) above = Caucasians

It is called “a polll, Tyrone. You love your diversity.

They don’t come from the Caucasus, so that makes no sense. North Africans are a mix of Africans and Med people. Middle Eastern are a mix of Asians, Africans and Med people etc.

Europeans are mostly ice age people wandering North 15,000 yrs ago mixed with a few “indogermanians” and other Central Eastern peoples.

Is he angry that we didn't rape more natives and slaves??

>They don’t come from the Caucasus, so that makes no sense. North Africans are a mix of Africans and Med people. Middle Eastern are a mix of Asians, Africans and Med people etc.

I assume you are using the term of African to describe sub-Saharan African ancestry, the sub-Saharan ancestry of North Africans are a recent addition from the Egyptian slave trade.

Middle Easterns vary a lot in amounts, but most have a shared ancestry to the Caucasus.

>Amerimutts are so fucking stupid they consider Caucasian to be synonymous with White.

even the white nationalists, when pressed to define white, say they mean everyone that is Caucasian.

Depends on how you define white

Many “Hispanics” and persians/Armenians/turks/Arabs are quite white or at least get bread into whites within a couple of generations

Same with japs and Koreans, I grew up with plenty of girls that were like an 8th or 1/4 Japanese and they look like Taylor Swift with dark hair

So while technically we are 56% white I would say practically with white hispanics and Hapas and Persians we are more like 65-70% white

Makes white state, if Jew could had Jew state, whites could had white state.

Most people when they say white, they mean European.

When Americans use the term Caucasian it normally means white or someone with European ancestry.

y'all be böck soon

Worked for us.

>muh polls
A tenth of Americans think there's nothing wrong with being a National Socialist. A majority of white Americans believe white people are being discriminated against because of their race. A majority of Americans believe that non-corporate businesses should be able to freely deny service to interracial couples.

no but because so many natives died while we raped, there were so few left to rape and now we have pretty much returned to normal European phenotype.

>Most Americans believe diversity = strength

They don't. There is a reason Trump won the election.Promises to build that wall being one of them.

All whites are Caucasian, not all Caucasians are white.

Original caucasian race lands in bright green.

Anyway on topic, I'm not a NEET and I've travelled this place extensively, I feel a good rough guess of actual whites in the US is around 40-45%; and thats including the oldfuck Boomers.

Adjust it to reproductive age...20% maybe?

A place for Jews to be Jewish together is tolerance and love.

A place for whites to be white together is hate and evil.

That map doesn't show original white lands lol. The Levant was never white, nor was North Africa. Persia and Central Asia, yea, we went as far as the Tarim basin in western china. Iraq, the Levant, Northern Africa, etc, not so much. Those places are inhabited by Semites (Jews, Arabs, Syrians, Assyrians, etc), who aren't white and never were.

The Levant (and North Africa) was white.

The four races of the world: a Libyan ("Themehu"), a Nubian ("Nehesu"), an Asiatic ("Aamu"), and an Egyptian ("Reth"). An artistic rendering, based on a mural from the tomb of Seti I.

(Asiatic=Levant in this context).

Semites (or their ancestors) existed far to the south when farmers left the Levant for Europe. Suggesting said farmers weren't white means Europeans are 10-90% non-white, depending on ethnic origin. If you're meaning to say that white people developed later, fine, but one of the two genetic mutations mostly associated with fair skin was brought by those farmers, the other by Indo-Europeans...

It is ~50% realistically.

Not really, genetically speaking, the Levant is and always has been Semitic and or Neolithic caucasoid. As for North Africa, the people there were berbers, who are also not white (haplogroups L and E1b are dominant there, and neither of those are white).

However, there were a lot of Mediterranean immigrants from Greece, Italy, and Anatolia (all white places) in the Levant, Egypt, North Africa, etc, but that doesn't mean white genes were the most common. People were either mongrels or Semites, whites were a minority and definitely not native to the regions mentioned

I define white as generations of your ancestors have come from areas which have predominant blonde or reddish or light brown hair, blue or green eyes and white skin.

Any other arbitrary classification including "Med people are white" or "North Africans are white" or "Egyptians are white" or "Saudis are white" or "Turks are white" or "Indians are white" etc. is, sorry to say, bs.

And this is why "white nationalism" will always be a meme tier ideology.

>I define white as [...]


If you are not directly from the encircled area, you are NOT white, you fucking mutt

That's retarded. That ignores genetics. Yes, Turks aren't white, nor are saudis or northern Africans. It's about genes, not phenotype. By your logic, Sami and Mordvins are white, when in reality they're finno urgric, which is Siberian Asian. Genes are the way to go. If you have haplogroups R1a, R1b, J1a and other European clades of J, N1 (not N2 or N3), G2a, I, H1 (not undifferentiated H, that's Neolithic caucasoid, not white), and a few others that I'm forgetting.

so why did the KANGyptians make their "average" representation from those tow regions noticeably fair skinned?

>Polands line is the shortest
They probably stopped asking after a while because of the disappointment lol

Realistically it's 35-40%.

I live in one of the whitest towns in one of the whitest states, but I still see niggers and spics EVERYWHERE.

The racial census is extremely flawed and whites are severely over represented in it.

You're objectively wrong you stupid fucking turkrape. Your purity spiraling and scientific illiteracy is the reason no one takes us seriously, achmed.

Fucking germ(ans). If you not born within the circle, you're not white.


Nice meme flag. I'm betting Israel.

what the FUCK, Sup Forums told me all "white" americans are atleast 15% black/native.

The Amerimutt meme is truly dangerous

lol, being Middle Eastern is being white in Muttland.

my roots are 100% European, but I am a mutt of different Euro nations.

Our actual white population is well below 56%.

I see a lot of revolting mystery meat here daily.

Yeah, the reason it seems to appear like the overwhelming majority actually like these things in Euro countries, is because American media and ideals dominate our televisions/airways. Once the Mutt plague is cleared from Europe we will start to reassert ourselves my forcefully. But we need to encourage the implosion of Muttdom and their hegemony first and foremost.

I always got a kick out of this.
I'm mid-eastern looking. Olive skin, buzz cut, no beard, clean cut well groomed, unaccented mid-west english.
Go to get a concealed hand gun license.
For lulz, I ask the cop lady handling paperwork, what race am I. She looks me over, pauses for a second
Says "white."
well, I'm a honkey now.
I'd rather put down "mid-eastern" on the 4473 forms though.

Honestly, GOOD. Dearborn shows itself as 90% white, and it is not.

This better apply to Jews

I’m a complete mutt where I can’t really even claim any specific ancestry because of just how mixed I am (not a nigger) and A LOT of Americans are like this. Yeah a lot of the white Americans don’t really race mix often but there’s a sizable handful that are and the rest of the country is pretty happy to mix.

Truly the stock of serfs

73.6% of Americans are white if you're not beating the dead horse with this meme and you're asking legitimately

Not even close. That's just statistical sleight of hand to make white people feel better until it's too late.

Yes, America is the dominant ideological force on the planet as of right now. It hasn't always been and it always won't be, but as of right now you are. And it's your ideology and values that are exported all over the world (due to your current dominance) that is ruining everything in the long run.

I like to feel I'm a mutt in a good way.
I' German, Irish, scottish, and Lithuanian.
But I'm also a tiny bit Cherokee, making me more American than most Americans.

Get off your proxy and stop larping you insecure faggot

73.6% counts sand niggers and white passing spics as being white

Americanism is a subversive ideology like Marxism. Has nothing to do with oppression, and everything to do with how cancerous your national ideology is. People didn't realise enough quite how toxic it was in the past, and the result has been the destruction, or near destruction, of all organic culture. You are a "nation" of serfs; the epitomisation of the rule of the mass, of the pleasure principle (freedom), and the lowest common denominator dragging everything down to the lowest level.

by that logic the continent truly does belong to the mexicans


>I'm a mutt, from a long line of mutts, but we've been mutts longer than you, so you're the mutt
>why did you bully Harry into marrying that?!?
Calm down, friendo.

198 million Americans (61%) are completely European. That number does not include Hispanics.

>he said, apropos of nothing

Bit disingenuous there, lad, 33% say it'll make no difference, 58% say it will improve things. Still shocking, but you can't say that 93% say it will be stronger (not that that was even the question).

>making me more American than most Americans.

Imagine thinking this was a good thing.



>FACE IT, your culture is dominant
I am aware. I also know that America is still much more socially conservative than Western Europe, which is a sad fucking statement considering how hyper-sexualized our culture is. Now be quiet and watch Stranger Things

Go back to Pakistan, Arwa Mahdawi, and take your friends shitskins with you. Only the white British are allowed.

>We are oppressed!!!!
Lol. Doesn't your sister have a date with the Paki son next door?

what the britbong said.

Please be objective with your research. Otherwise it makes you just as bad as the commies and liberals. It also bad optics for our movement.


desu it's true in small spots of the country
mostly the south


I got cheek bones that would make pure bred Nords jealous.

haha fuckin losers, white and brown are inaccurate terms, you all lose

56% isn't even census statistics, you retard

I have a Spanish name.
but thats because Im from Louisiana which was founded by Spanish and French colonists.

I have blonde hair, blue eyes, 6 foot tall, pale skin( seriously I dont even tan). No one can tell the difference until I write my name. My great great grandfather was a Spaniard but the rest of my family is German,French,English and Swedish ancestry.

Hispanics also hate me because they see my existence as a threat and fear theyre being whitewashed in America.

I also anglicize my name on job applications so whites will hire me.

Its no fun being a honkey with a Spanish name...

Inb4 le 56 percent meme

You’re something like a unicorn probably.

We're still mutts, just mutts of different European ethnicities. Also if you consider only the country as a whole, we're not white.

Tfw there are probably more Muslims in that area than people in my country

>93 percent of Americans say the more racially diverse America becomes, the stronger it will be.
For being the strongest and richest country on earth American are fucking stupid.

>I also know that America is still much more socially conservative than Western Europ

>I see a lot of revolting mystery meat here daily.
This, these people look disgusting.

The good news is that whites will always be at the top of the American social ladder, what everyone finds most attractive and what everyone wants to be.

I'd bleach her if she wasn't crazy.

whiter than you muhammad

IIRC 15% of "Hispanics" are truly white like that user.

>Being this autistic
Calm down. Remember, your daughter will grow up dreaming of having kids with your "Royal" Quadroons

These people strike me as some uncanny valley type shit. Just like stuff like sexbots uncannily have features of both machines and humans, mutts have features of multiple races.

I thought you were talking about the EU until you drew a false equivocation between the pleasure principle and freedom. What would your Imam think about you drawing on the ideas of (((Sigmund Freud)))?

Why is this even surprising? If someone mixes they almost never look white anymore.

>93 percent of Americans say the more racially diverse America becomes, the stronger it will be.
but how many actually believe it?

No you're not, spic shit. Average """white""" hispanic is

>nigger mohammad hiding behind the european flag
like pottery

Your daughter is a quadroon already, Cleetus Tyronius Hernandez.

I really doubt it's that high. More and more turn against it by the day.

It's somewhat plausible.

Beans and niggers will do the work white people don't want, making it very cheap. Poos and chinks make valuable contributions to engineering and medicine. White people are left with the jobs people actually like doing.

Some people actually took the bait

>Projecting this hard

What cuck city did they poll?
>le 58% face

Real talk, a lot of people think Nikki Haley is white.

If you are light colored and culturally properly American you will be viewed as white.

My old man sold a car to a white guy with a funny name he turned out to be Syrian and emigrated 30+ years ago.

Absolutely could not tell he was Syrian other than his name. Blended right in.


Pretty sure the source was scandinavia and not britain
Also pretty sure that even if it were, America still has way more ghettos and non-whites

this, all the modern anti-white anti-male stuff comes out of there

BLM, radical feminism, modern antifa, they're all american constructs. they even popularized giving middle eastern terrorists and criminals money for free first, the cia did it all the time during the cold war

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Because when you break something in the house it's bloody well against shariah law m8.

JIDF slide thread, sage.

This is in English. Anyway, all of your major cities look like Atlanta, so I find that doubtful.