Is this reaction being spun into something else?

This seems like the media trying to tell usa women "it's okay to punch men".
Is it me or does this seem like it is a slippery slope showing this in the media?

Other urls found in this thread:

The yellow press dilemma is centuries old

To answer the article, you have a right to defend yourself clothed or not. Formication should still be illegal

He violated her NAP first, not to sound like a cuck but i dont care how inviting a woman's pair of bazongas are, you touch them without permission and you're violating NAP

>treating women as equals
yup ancaps are retarded

Why'd it have to be a white guy?


Touching someone is not assault
Doing HARM is assault
Sexual assault is if there is RAPE
Grope is not sexual because it is not Sexual assault

Publicly exposing yourself is as illegal as "groping" someone

Because no woman would hang her tits out at a music festival with niggers, arabs, or spics. She felt comfortable doing it there because everyone was white, and she knew the majority of white men would leave her be.
I honestly think we should be shaming the shit out of this behavior. Waving your tits around is fucking disgusting.

Imagun mai shuck
>be thot
>dress like a whore
>be surprised when people treat you like one

Also fuck the guy for groping her. He gets the rope too

No, they're saying it's okay to defend yourself, even when you have your tits out.

Why didn't he just have sex with her? It's not rape because she's telling us to treat her body without respect and she views herself as a piece of meat to be abused

Tits are not sexual.

This is what right wing retards actually believe.

makes sense, if an ugly roastie touches muh dick without permission, bitch slappin gonna happen...

>breasts are not sexual and i should be free to show them!
>if you touch my exposed breasts, you've violated my sexual dignity!
roasties, everyone

if breasts weren't a big deal, then touching them should be like touching someone's arm. you don't attack someone for touching your arm.

she would be right without the obvious double standard.
>dress like a slut to attract handsome guys
>get offended when you attract not handsome guys
if it was some 10/10 chad who groped her she would be having sex with him 10 minutes later.

Self defense, he wanted to violate their need for safety to satisfy his own need to touch boobs. At which point they defended themselves and rightfully so.

Depends on the state. Topless is legal in some states and to be fair it should be

But does he save more than he rapes?

It's a deliberate provocation. Sort of advertisement of a body. It's normal for a woman, she wants to say look at the body, if you want to touch it, you have to earn it.

>get physically assaulted
>defend yourself physically

break the NAP, get a slap

nonsense. If a man can't control himself, there's nothing he can do about it. He is too weak to change himself, so the woman must change for him.

Grab an exposed titty get punched by a weakling. Fair trade I guess.

he invaded property of another man
how is this not breaking the NAP?


You can't use that argument and not be in favor of burkas and male relatives escorting women everywhere they go.

Your sort of correct, it's probably considered battery.

Aussault is a threat of harm or unwanted contact, battery is actual contact

this. tripsguy got btfo

pasties and some paint? the state of the western roastie my god.

This, like a shoulder pad.

Fucking stupid boomer. These whores deserve to be groped and raped. Fuck them. Don't walk around naked you dumb whores.

There should be some limits in behaviour nonetheless. To be frank, I'm sceptical about that, I'd choose free booze instead of touching her titties.

I agree with her.
What right does this nigger have touching random strangers he doesn’t even know.
That shit will get you shot here in my hood, nigga!
(Ok. That last part is me trying to sound tough. Pay no mind.)

Le Based Af

To be fair I disagree with what he did but anyone who is nude in public should be thrown in prison.

Touching a woman’s breast without consent is sexual assault.
t. Attorney in FL

why do ancap ignore natural law?

White women are the biggest race mixing whores, bro. Don’t kid yourself.


yeah, but who really wants to waste more time when it is a appetizer

its almost like she could have let it be, premeditated can be a sign of ignorance/wrong-doing

Statistics reveal the opposite is true but who needs facts hen you can be condescending on the internet.

>I don't fuck around
>fucked like 60 guy in two semesters.

groping a girl ass or tits isn't right dude
you wouldn't let some faggot grope your weewee

Actually no.
White women prefer whites every time.

Actually it's sexual battery

>woman goes out half naked
>man with little self control is overcome with stupidity and gropes her, which is illegal
>headline news, all men are pervs who need to learn that just because women are dressed like sluts doesn't mean you can break the law and grope them

>man walks into the ghetto with 100 dollar bills taped to his shirt
>nigger with little self control is overcome with stupidity and robs him, which is illegal
>does not make the headlines and man is admonished for being stupid enough to walk into the ghetto with money taped to him, niggers are not to blame, it's his fault for enticing them to commit a crime

Female exceptionalism needs to be ended.

Women are so disgusting and violent these days. I wished they were all just gassed desu

Would you also defend every muslim mans right to touch western women he considers sexy?


Basic ass whore bitch. Her dad is probably jacking it to gay porn in a Philadelphia Eagles Jersey.

Friendly reminder that there has never been a great of person from New Jersey

These women are creating a hostile environment

There are good wahmen out there dude, *cough* I'm not a degenerate *cough*. Bí ort a fhan

In all honesty, I bet many women would feel seriously violated if they found out some dude got sexual pleasure in touching their arm, no matter the common consensus on sexuality of arms.

>allow western women to dress and act as they see fit
>invite hordes of sexually repressed men who've been taught women that don't cover themselves are literally whores for the taking
>somehow surprised when she's groped

don't see a potential problem at all

It's the media telling women that they can do whatever they want without consequences.

They've been doing it for years.

It's a good thing women's opinions don't matter

I beg your pardon?

Female exceptionalism needs to be subjugated to men like it is supposed to be. Only women can have children.

Women are meant to be provided for and protected by men.
However this arrangement was preluded with the agreement of "women's work"

The problem is not the higher value of women.
>Sorry but naturally men are expendable
>1/(8-16) men used to get to mate before agriculture
>Manlets are supposed to die out
but the erosion of the status attainments of men, the corruption of the power dynamic.

TLDR: Women have more value than the herd of worthless manlets, however are meant to be subjugated to the top level males. The loss of this subjugation is the problem, not female status.

Why is this going to your feelings so much? I did not know that Sup Forums considers muslim-tier groping normal intersex interaction.

evolution made men biologically react to bare tits, in the same way a woman will flinch around a man making sudden movement.
we dont punish instinctive response.

also, women are not equals, but property.
treating a woman of yours as not your property is neglect, and opens her up to making herself the property of another man.
women need men.
women need men to own them.

but shes right

Took a drive into the city centre today and all I saw were fat whores with eyes glued to there phone. We are fucked as a society.

> not to sound like a cuck

you sound like a cuck saying this

>Women have more value than the herd of worthless manlets
t. lanklet

Exposure of sexual organs was to attract high level males.
Not manlets

By a low status male stepping out of line he violated the NAP

>We don't punish instinctive responses
>what is MAOA gene
Niggers have been shown to lack impulse inhibition overall.

Are you a literal fucking nigger or something

>nobody has the right to touch you without permision
she right though

Because if she punched a non-white, we would be discussing a murder case now.

Intolerance of being gang raped is islamophobic. She should be arrested immediately for committing hate speech.



The feeling of bugs crawling over your skin?

What did you mean by this?

Breasts are sexualized in western culture. Walking with your breast out in full display on a festival full with young drunk males is looking for trouble. This is not Africa or the fucking jungle where they do not blink an eye when they see tities ffs stupid western women.

Assuming he groped her (assault) then she was within her right to defend herself.

Ahahah Once maybe
Lanklets can lift
Manlets will always be manlets.

This fucking cum dumpster is literally raping her own life by posting shit like this.
If you are not afraid anymore to post shit like this, you have gone down the drain a long way already.

Welp, it’s time boys.


The only reason you heard about this is because he's white

Music festivals have become such cancerous cesspits of individualistic hedonism.

There needs to be some serious thot patrolling in the future.

>The video

>women are not equals, but property.
>Muslim defends public groping
Will wonders never cease

philip roth


I don't think I can add anything to this thread

can't the man claim he was drunk and she took advantage of him by exposing her bare titties thus raping him?

Not sure how to feel about this. The whore obviously deserved it but what kind of cuck gets beaten up by a woman?

Nobody got beaten up by the looks of the video.

((( firefighter ))) wears gasoline suit to fight fire, blames fire when burned to a crisp.

Men are not slaves to their impulses because you are, user. I would not steal even if nobody saw.

All this does to me is make me hate women even more. God I’m going to die alone.

>tfw you're this strong independent womans father

>bootlickers calling other cucks
my sides

Its not about impulses. Life is about survival of the most amoral. Someday you'll wish you had taken advantage of free shit/money/sex when it was there.

Im sure all men except for one weak one resisted the bait these women were laying. The 2 women were fishing for exactly this situation because they knew they could then demonize all males from the moral high ground of oppressed victimhood. These 2 women are dishonest manipulators. And i have no sympathy for them.

Wear clothes in case someone touches you without permission.

The actual problem is that the man wasn't a chad but a virgin.

Fuck off faggot. I’m sure you’re fine with waving your dick around in public. You god damn queer!

this. the on P i like to violate is the NAAC

every one in this thread who said it was wrong was right no thirst man

they walk with their itts out and with their asses and cunts out - those slightly thickers pantyhose are not pants! they do it for power, to feed their vein ego, it should be banned, tits should be covered because they leak, so do cunt dick and asshole

Is it ok if I pull out my penis and jerk off?

If a stranger gripped your arm you might react violently. If you assume they have a bad intention, whether through context clues or intuition, or even for violating your personal space, you could react violently and be justified in doing so.