>I don't think we should allow bigots into free speech conventions.
How do you respond?
I don't think we should allow bigots into free speech conventions
Other urls found in this thread:
Tell him to clean his room.
You're wrong
>free speech only for those that I think aren't bad people
so basically the same as in any other ideology
this just confirms it, liberalism is no less authoritarian than any other ideology
Tell him to brush his teeth.
I don't think we should allow you to exist.
*unsheathes giggle brand diggle in .50 african eliminator*
George Lincoln Rockwell was invited to speak at UCLA in the 60s, despite overwhelming opinion he was a "bigot". Was his speech anti-intellectual?
>using the word 'bigot' in this sentence
The irony is overwhelming me, it's too much
*blocks your path*
tell him to go back to plebbit where he belongs
Except he never said that
Yes he did, he said exactly that, he just used different words that meant exactly the same thing.
Being anti-bigot is bigoted against bigots.
He had Faith Goldy uninvited from hid free speech show because she was too right leaning.
>How do you respond?
I don't. JP has always been shit and I've never had anything to do with him. Maybe if Sup Forums would stop forcing these shitty e-celeb memes we wouldn't have this sort of confusion.
Like this. Then I shoot Juden Peterson in the face.
replace the nazi in the graphic with BLM, communist, jew, or muslim
stop being so racist.
There is literally nothing wrong with BLM.
And before you dare criticize jews, you better divorce yourself from their religion.
And over here you have Black Supremacists trying to defend their racist movement by calling the man against it racist.
>don't allow free speech for someone
You are clearly a bigot. Here some tips for you:
Wash your balls
Clean your father
Slay your room
Rescue the dragon
Kike women aren't human. They don't count.
Then I will attend the bigot's convention.
That's how you respond.
>Be oppressor
>Pretend to be victim
Lol fags.
>Now obey my white supremacist religion why I lecture you about my misunderstanding of history and reality with my 95 IQ
call him bucko
semitic religions are the most destructive force on earth, to not openly hate them is suicide
this sounds like he needs to sort himself out
this man deserves to be killed or have his son taken from him because that'd be far worse than death
this closeted SJW / pseudo-intellectual has pissed me off more than anything out of everything in 2017
I showed him to my best friends and now they hate me because I'm too bigoted and their precious jordan tells them to be sorted like some cult, I'm on the verge of telling my friends to fuck off because I can't even express my (negative) opinion toward trannies anymore
"Define bigotry" once they do, call them a bigot.
Call him a retard, because he clearly is.
>le sort yourself out man
>le I don't call trannies "she" so I'm an intellectual giant man
>le clean room man
Wow, you really did it. Make sure to donate to his patreon and follow him on tumblr and grindr.
I honestly can't believe that some people are so intellectually destitute that they turn towards Kermit the Frog here.
define bigot
Bigot: A person that treats others differently based on their views, race, religion, sexuality.
So being bigoted against bigots is bigotry AND hipocracy.
Now this is just stupid. Don't give up your friendships over this.
1. Peterson would never go that route.
2. Bigots can be convinced if wrong, but only if communication is had openly.
3. "Hate" speech censoring will only end in tragedy.
>there are people on this site who worship a pseudo intellectual (((psychologist))) simply because he is articulate and a white male.
>1. Peterson would never go that route.
Except he did go that route.
>1. Peterson would never go that route.
Wasn't he against Faith Goldy for talking to bigots?
I think it was more of a PR move. He's already accused of being worse than Hitler. I haven't seen evidence he wants to enact censorship. She's not exactly silenced and even has her own platforms for which to speak.
Yes. He war a good orator which unfortunately spouted the same generic shit any other degenerate bonhead did through the 80s on trash TV talk shows.
Ever read his correspondence with the famous neonazi "intellectual" Savitri Devi? They both ended the correspondence arguing over who's white. Go fucking figure.
I don't you can call them free speech conventions for ethical and perhaps legal reasons. Isn't Kilroys travesty linked to this in a manner. It billed itself as a free speech event and then started deplatforming certain, . . . ahem . . . hateful elements determined by . . .
It doesn't matter if it was a PR move, it shows he has zero principles.
Weak argument, God hates kikes.
Well censorship is censorship. Doesn't matter if you do it because you don't like what a person is saying or if it's because you're scared of how people react. Both are equivalent.
>I'm a crusader. You mad shitskins?
How on Earth did you belong to the largest religion on the planet and STILL manage to turn it into an incel cringefest?
I dont think you understand what free speech is.
Well I'd probably break his nose. I've had enough of that shit.
You mean the god of the jews? I love how retarded crossjews are. You're so fucking stupid you don't even seem to be able to wrap your minds around the fact that you're worshipping the jews tribal war god.
>be american
>think blacks are oppressed
Lol no
Find me a human without prejudice first.
FPBP and check'd
>free speech con
>no speech I don't like
Fuck off
Afraid of Faith of all people.What a complete fag.
the way to win an argument is with a better argument, not with the suppression of ideas
summat like that anyway. carl sagan said it. i don't have a picture of carl sagan though and i don't want to google one so here's a picture of a cute black girl instead
Blm is a black supremecy movement
They are trying to turn all their internal conflict into everyones elses problem.
>thinking white people are the oppressor
White society has been pretty chill for me, famalamadingdong.
you do realise that not allowing bigots to speak is actually bogitry ?
>>I don't think we should allow bigots into free speech conventions.
Yes they should. They probably have reasons their bigots. Who is anyone to say certain people with certain views can't go somewhere and say what they want.
Racist. Bigot. Misogynistic. Racist, again. Pig. The word "think" is offensive to me, leaf.
I think...
You need more Bleach bucko. No womyns gonna go in there.
lmao what religion is white supremacist?
Strawman as well as slippery slope fallacy in one comic, impressive.
IIRC the reason given for Faith Goody was that she failed in her duties as a journalist by not ask8ng any/ enough critical Qs.
More likely he didn't want the bad publicity with normies over having Fashy Faith up there with him. Understandable, and IMHO forgivable (if only because he does a lot of other good stuff), but still bad from a free speech POV.
There is also the matter of whether having Faith up theeeturns it into a shitshow that gets nothing done due to protesters etc.
tl;dr He done goofed on this one.
God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants that as long as they believed in him, he'd be with them and make them a blessing on all nations.
Now pay attention because this part matters.
Christ who is God in the flesh came to the Jews and they rejected him. If you don't have the son, you don't have the father. Ok? So that means Abraham's covenant applies to Christians, not Jews.
The (((Jews))) are not even Jews in God's sight anymore. It's right there in John 8:39, "They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
"You are doing the deeds of your father." They said to Him, "We were not born of fornication; we have one Father: God."
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
Right now, you are a kike in God's sight.
Thats because most of our mothers instilled in us the value that every man should be treated by the content of his character and not the color of his skin. Now that most of us do that, and We have little caveats like affirmative action at work and school, we find ourselves in a weird position where ethnic minorities still aren't getting ahead unless they want to, and that upsets them. My step-aunt married a black man who was born and raised in Detroit. Hes a Doctor. My mother is from the south side of Youngstown, OH. It's a very poor and ethnic area. She had two kids in her teenage years and became a doctorate holding individual. These fucking bullshit claims about race are actually just how hard you want to work. Society might be white but it got us to the precipice of the human civilization up to this point and we still haven't fallen off. I just wish people would do well in school and become successful.
>How do you respond?
You don't. This guy is only popular among people who need a father figure in their lives.
Pandering to them might get you more beta bucks
He displayed a reticence to challenging dogma.
Tell him thats he's not even in the elite of his field, and watch his fans sperg out...
Is it my kind of bigot? Or the other one? Sorry, I am kinda biased in bigot issues.
And everybody needs a daddy. I would need a trap daughter right now to bake my noodle, if you catch my drift.
I agree
Wasn't just his decision, and seeing his response to why, he doesn't need to associate publicly with a thot idiots on here want to fuck. I don't think she's even a particularly good journalist, just a (big) mouth piece for racial nut jobs.
Kevin MacDonald is my father now
Fuck off kike.
Faith is a bigger man than you faggot cucks. Maybe you should join Antifa, you sound just like them Soy boy.
Can niggers ever stop complaining about made up slights? You fucking vermin have it better here than you would ever have it in a nation made up of you retards. Check apefrika
I don't think we should allow degenerate daddy fetishists who target young, conservative males into free speech conventions.