They do exist. You don't have any excuse left, fellow Sup Forums tards. There are a bunch of good women with traditional values on craiglist, who are redpilled and looking for husbands with the same views.
They do exist. You don't have any excuse left, fellow Sup Forums tards. There are a bunch of good women with traditional values on craiglist, who are redpilled and looking for husbands with the same views.
34 years old.
Fuck that
>I rode the cock carousel and now I want to live an easy life cooking and washing clothes in exchange for free food, roof, and company and I think I can lure some gullible idiot by claiming to be traditional. 50% chance our child comes out brown
age 34
that roastie is about 16 years too late
More like 22 years late amirite?
Are you serious ?
>wanting used goods
isn't it funny how women are suddenly "traditional" as soon as they're in their mid 30's and still haven't got kids yet?
Bullshit. Traditional is arranged marriage. These women are just trying to exploit beta males.
Or have nigger babies and want some white cuck to pay for them
Honestly this whole thing sounds like a farce, probably written by OP to see how people here would interact with someone they thought they would like. This reads like what someone thinks a Sup Forumsack wants.
>age 34
no one here wants you
She's ready to settle down now that she's got five eggs left and she also doesn't know proper grammar, like at all.
>she'll still get a million replies
There are a shit ton of liberal women who want to be a traditional stay-at-home wife. The only issue is they are often times inluenced by their friends to become whores
This makes me sad as an actual traditional woman in a very abusive relationship. What choice do I have but to stay, since I'm nearing 30 with children :( I don't want to have to find a suitable partner in a sea of faggots..i obviously failed the first time. Fug, do I just live off gibs..what do I do, pol?
ever think about what it feels like to raise a little niglet as a single mother? they're generally the worst behaved children, and since there's no father around, you know that kid's gonna grow up to be a spoiled shit. not only that, but she'll probably end up working all the time just so she doesn't have to spend time with the niglet. then the niglet grows up, goes to school, hangs around with the other niglets, and finally becomes a nigger.
being a spoiled, emotionally neglected nigger growing up with a white mother, there's a good chance he starts beating her, if he doesn't go to jail first for drug-related offences. i wonder how she feels at that moment, knowing she could have stopped this all by just not fucking niggers during the prime of her life?
ah well, serves her right.
Of course. Wtf are you going to do with a woman when you start dating at 34? Have one kid when shes 38? Nice trad life there, kek
And such a weak woman should be desired... why?
She sounds like a good person, but it's a bit of a red flag that she's 34. I'll just chalk her up as another victim of our vain, terrible society.
>willingly being in an abusive relationship
>in America, when you gain a fuckton by virtue of having a vagina
This is bait.
used up roastie detected
>I became all that... I lost trying to be a "modern women."
This isn't a traditional woman. This is a burnt out slut who's probably pregnant with a mulatto and her 30th birthday is in February.
>34 years old
so she a well spoken roastie?
what is your point surrenderpaste
Literally hit the guy over the head with a cast iron skillet. He will either come to his senses and realize he’s fucked his end of the contract, or you will be part of a homicide suicide. Problem solved.
If he's beating you use the all powerful feminist system and call the cops. If he's "abusing" you by working too much or not earning enough money, go make him a sandwich and stfu.
Sounds like she isn’t changing shit but her tactic to rope a sucker in. The polarity gives it away. She just wants someone to love her for whoever she wants to be at the time and is throwing out buzzwords.
Oh so she's suddenly a tradwife now that it suits her and she can't ride the cock carousel anymore?
How convenient that she came to this realization the moment her market value dried up.
Fuck these women, wanting to have their cake, and everyone else's cakes, and all the pastries and muffins, and the buffet table, and then gorge on it like a starving hyena.
I feel you as one who has also been in psychologically abusive relationship. The men of Sup Forums like to say this and then when most of them are more roastie than we probably ever have been. Some
Men think it is alpha to treat women like shit, it is not. Men are more often more jealous and less forgiving with less to offer. Do not be swayed with fear from Sup Forums. I would evaluate your relationship sincerely and consider that a man who is abusive to you will be abusive to your children and you simply cannot have that. I will pray God directs your heart and if the relationship is not something that can be repaired, that he gives you peace about moving on. Better to nip it in the bud now, fix yourself up, and continue to have hope and pray. Sup Forums men like to talk a bunch of smack, but good men are harder to find than good women. And, if it's the desire of your heart, work with The Spirit, God and the angels to direct your path but do not fear for what some jobless degenerate roastie males would leave you to believe on the internet. I'm saying a prayer for you now. Keep hope.
only low functioning autists will come out of that womb
without knowing more about you or him, all I can advise is obey him and submit to him. give more details other than click b8 if you want in depth answers,
if you actually believed in the god you preached you would be telling this woman to speak not and obey her master
And thus the cycle of Sup Forums continues
You are a faggot. This board and a lot of the men on it lack the grace it/they need to proceed successfully to actually do the things they speak about. No woman wants to be with an asshole. Y'all need to sort yourselves out.
these, she won´t fool anyone
You know there is actual research to support a positive correlation with the rise in the likelihood for autism in your offspring if you decide to breed with an older partner. Then again this naive stupidity of yours doesn't surprise me with your flag.
Thank you, I'm trying. So far no abuse what so ever to the kids, but they are all still very young. I go back and forth between wanting to fix it because of boys needing a father and me having no worldly experience to provide for them, but this situation is very fucked. Thanks for the kind words.
>Men think it is alpha to treat women like shit, it is not.
No, it just does not work to be nice.
I am a goodhearted person fond of everyone and women hate that.
You need to treat women bad or be single. I choose the second option.
>posted on craigslist
lol women have no shame
>age 34
FPBP /thread
Fuck your bullshit dumb tradcon
>only open your legs for violent, aggressive alpha males because they make your giney tingle
>why are men such assholes??????
Gee, I dunno.
Please only reproduce with chad, because anything less would result in a net IQ loss for the children.
>stupid soccermom roasties freely post their nonsense on Sup Forums now
What a strange world
That isn't true. That is a lie you are telling yourself. I would love a good hearted sweet man who was gentle but strong. You don't need to treat women like shit. We are great communicators and desire to work things out reasonably. This comes with real time spent understanding one another, applying grace, and learning how to successfully negotiate the relationship.
>No woman wants to be with an asshole
How'd you end up marrying one then you fucking moron?
>gentle but strong.
dat hamstering
>but good men are harder to find than good women.
Roastie detection off the charts. Atomicthot Atomicthot Atomicthot
This enables the Asian bride
Kek THIS. Bitch took you like 16 years to realize this shit.
Not a soccer mom. Maybe other girl, but not me. Just trying to bring her a lil white pill on this oh so black board. It's called: encouragement, try it sometime.
You are pretty isolated with your point of view at this website, but I will try it. I wish you good luck with this too.
I didn't marry him. Not married. Never been married, have no children.
>psychologically abusive relationship
I wonder how many anons you triggered a ptsd flashback of their moms crying out in pain as she destroyed their fathers.
It's pathetic. There's really no space women won't invade.
I have zero
Need to defend myself. Not a roastie, you're a leaf.
Sanest response in a thread of autism
>I want to dump all the responsibility on you while you somehow still admire me
Doesn't sound like a traditional woman to me.
That problem generally comes from women being dishonest in rejections. They could just say "I'm not attracted to you because X" instead of "oh you are so nice and all but no", which would avoid lots of misunderstandings where men end up thinking that it's because they were too nice, while in reality they could have avoid being dumped on spot by being less fat or something else fixable.
I'm sorry if your mother was like that. I hope you find healing.
no you fuckin pedo not rite
I wish you can sort that out well. Make it clear to him his behaviour is not that of a respectable and dignified man. Unless he is very stupid he should understand he has to fix his ways in order to enjoy you and his kids.
That is, if he values your work and presence. Try finding out why he behaves like this: is he unhappy about you? Is it because of external stress? Maybe you could help him if you knew the problem. If no solutions can be found, it's better for you and the kids to go away. That should be the last option of course..
thats how fucking stupid you are, all women want this. this ones just honest about it
Interesting perspective
You missed out the part where you then cheat on him with the men you proclaim to hate because 'the spark isn't there'.
You're basically an unthinking animal with none of the awareness or sense that one generally associates with sentient life.
Our ancestors had the right idea when they kept you as property.
A tale as old as time, but for some reason men keep falling for it.
I understand that, but I don't come here for a same P.O.V. I come here to challenge my own understanding. I believe when we listen with understanding we open up much more possibility than is fathomable.
>psychologically abusive relationship.
otherwise known as "he works too much, hes abusing me! Chad help!"
Not true. My mom is nothing like that.
>I tried to be all that
read: I rode the cock carousel until I was wanted by most men, now I want to play the tradwife role
Okay, Frenchie. Never cheated on anyone in my life. Projection much?
If it weren't the norm, I doubt young women would be struggling to find marriage. It's abuse when he does it, and just a girl thing when she does it.
Perhaps the problem isn't that men these days hate that a women has initiative and is independent, but that they aren't loyal and are sluts. I'd prefer a women who was a unique and independent individual who I could share my life with and vise versa, I just want her to not be a massive whore who wants to be fucked all the time.
Are you reddit?
Where's your family?
If we're talking about real abuse, get your father/brothers/cousins smack some sense into the faggot.
If we're talking about psychological """"""""""""abuse""""""""""""" then clean the house before he gets home, cook the meals on time and shut the fuck up about your drama.
I don't think women are allowed to post on here, so I'll keep it short. My dad and bro are basically useless pothead degenerates and don't want to get involved. Obviously if I had came from a good family I wouldn't be in this situation. I regret getting redpilled on single mother statistics and the infamous wall or else I would have left and stayed gone. Please be gentle with your traditional women, don't just treat them how ever you want after 6 years and 2 kids because you know they have no where else to go.
women past 25 have no value
an 18 year old who works at walmart has the same value as a 35 year old female millionaire doctor
Your best bet is probably to find a divorced or widowed man who already has kids on his own. Man like that jaded by one failure himself may share your values while being willing to take your children into his life too, without it being just beta clinging to whatever he can get.
A modern day Brady Bunch
> Finininity
A man isn't a 'master' just by virtue of having been born a man. 49% of all humans aren't 'masters'. It's a position of responsibility that must be earned. Sup Forums likes to talk about how stupid women are, and for certain many, many women are fucking stupid as shit, but it is concrete fact that there are far more men with sub-normal intelligence than there are women with sub-normal intelligence. A woman should NEVER be smarter than her husband. In such a case, he does not deserve her, and she will secretly not respect him.
Not all men should be made into or considered as 'masters', but stupid men who have nothing of substance to be proud of will default to taking pride in having been coincidentally born as the 'superior' sex. Those types degrade the quality of life for everyone else.
This thread is nothing but shitposting and cringe inducing MGTOW. A lot of people on this board need to spend time improving themselves, learning how to be a good individual, and then treating others with some modicum of respect. I'll stop ranting now.
Whining about roasties/women wont suddenly fix society, or make women better. Your post is nothing but an emotional outburst, do you not realize how hypocritical it makes you look?
Yet these women don't understand how this entitlement enables Asian brides
this. it's also ironic that most "men" who want "traditional women" tend to be sexual failures/trumpcucks.
I agree, but both men and women need to improve. White women have no business complaining about white men going for Asian women or no women if white women are not self improving every day. White men have no business complaining about white women going for black men or no men if white men are not self improving every day.
>he only started being abusive after 6 years
I feel for your situation assuming it's not bait, because it happened to my grandmother, but the times you women play "coy, obedient sheep" and "devious fox" is so ass backwards.
Unless he has taken head trauma recently, you knew what you were getting into. You could have nipped this in the bud back when you were dating, but I am willing to bet you allowed your daddy issues to interfere. Now you've got his head in the guillotine with two kids and claim to be the victim.
Why is it my responsibility to moderate other people's behavior? Why aren't they smart enough to make their own choices and to deal with the consequences?
Why are women treated like children that aren't ever responsible for their own actions, with no agency and no accountability?
I say that they have no sense and no awareness, and it appears that you agree with that statement because apparently they can't be trusted to behave of their own volition and when they do wrong, it's not their fault, it's society's.
So what, are you arguing that they're mentally incompetent? That they have the faculties of children and thus can't be held to the same standards as sane adults?
>do the things they speak about
and? no reason to double back on their beliefs. it means they need to step up and stop playing soft ball
>It's a position of responsibility that must be earned.
its earned by having your wife birth a daughter or being married to a woman.
you're retarded, the bible makes it clear women need to obey men, though the kikery makes it clear you also need to be ready to kill your family at the drop of a hat if god wants it.
>So what, are you arguing that they're mentally incompetent? That they have the faculties of children and thus can't be held to the same standards as sane adults?
Correct. Welcome to the responsibility of manhood.
this will always happen you tradwife moron.
dont you understand this? this is the reason women always rebel from men. Its just marxism just like feminism
"hey goys, why dont you just trust your fellow man!"
men wont ever treat us right, that is what subjugation will be like for us, with no job, no where to go, and at the mercy of another human being. this would be fine if men were not monsters, but they are, they know they are just as they know we are. but survival will never let them let go of the delusions they know are delusions, because it means taking the black pill. they know without a doubt that no bb we'll treat you rite honest. they think theyre special, they think the boomers where some evil generation who got that way because they where wicked. they where just people. everyones just people. thats enough to explain the awfulness that will swallow us up once more. All I see in this men vs women shit is two dogs who will never give up until they swallow the other one entirely.
did you forget the part where step up means enslave you, make you submit, and care not for your crying over "abuse" while they rebuild civilization?
pols values isnt your white washed version of the christkikery. its the rebuilding of western civilization in their image. and you better not hold your breath for being treated right when they can succeed and treat you however is convinient.
No one is making you tie yourself down to a man. By all means, peruse only a career and self improvement that makes you more money. Don't "live at the mercy" of a husband if you don't want to.
Just don't complain when we males who have been self improving see the highest value women in Asians and choose an Asian bride over your career woman self. I'm serious.
>age 34
Rebound sluts with regret are nothing new you retard
>see the highest value women in Asians
The blind leading the blind
quid pro quo
If that's the way you feel regardless of having everything handed to you on a platter and being given preferential treatment and legal protection, then why should we bend over backwards to accommodate you?
There's nowhere in the world where women are treated better than in Western countries, we've given you everything from the vote, to complete legal immunity from many crimes, to a celebrated social status where you can basically do anything you want and never face any consequences or stigma.
If you've managed to be unhappy in that environment then its your own damned fault, you can't blame men.
It's funny how men and women got along fine for the last 250,000 years, until about 50 year ago when Marxists starting filling your empty heads with nonsense about putting off having babies until you're 40 and how all men are rapists who want to kill you.
That must be a coincidence of course, the fault clearly lies with men for not breaking their spines bending over backwards to accommodate your every whim.