As someone who never enters this boards, is this true ya'all closed faggots, or they are just memes?
If they are memes, what fuck are origins of this pairing, and why Sup Forums with fags.
This seems pretty lewd
As someone who never enters this boards, is this true ya'all closed faggots, or they are just memes?
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Come back when you can write a proper sentence in English, you fucking fag
Nah just the leaf posters
JIDIF and leftists trying to discredit us
Hey fuck you, I will make as many grammatical mistakes as I want to.
Yes they are faggots. Straight men don't glamorize men called "Chads", don't love to talk about what makes a man "physically attractive," don't post "physically attractive" men and talk about who's hot, don't worship and are not infatuated over "alpha males, " don't talk about wanting to have sushi m sexual activity with "Chad's," don't criticize the looks of "soyboys", and don't do every other faggot thing these queers do on this board, all while hating women.
This board is filled with establishment faggots niggers.
Nice cop out, faggot.
OP is fag
/lgbt/ or whatever made it up a few years ago. And it turns out Sup Forums correctly understands the difference between gays and faggots.
O.P. this cause is so 20th Century! Get with the times: it's 2018 and the latest issues are necrophilia, bestiality and cannibalism.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
I'm not in the closet.
Be honest Sup Forums, if qt boy wanted to do /y/ things with you, would you agree?
/lgbt/s take on “If you kill your enemies they win”
I'm not closeted
>I never come here
Lies. You post this crap errrrry day.
>every thing posted on the internet is true
Fake news
Because it elicits reaction
2/8 for this post.
fags are beta attention whores and make those memes in the hopes of getting this alpha board's attention
in reality they are just pouring more oil into the hate machine
Op you are a fucking fag
>impllying Sup Forums tops
>tfw no bf
Were not even close to closeted
Sup Forums will ignore this post
I used to be a gay but am disgusted by it all to the point that I practice abstinence and it's been over three years since I engaged in faggotry.
discord gg/BWSJJA
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I'm bisexual but I blame that on being on Sup Forums since I was 13 and becoming addicted to porn in a nihilistic environment. I still think it's degenerate but it's a psychologically reinforced part of my mentality now and I doubt it can be completely erased. I've never had sex with a man and never will, and publicly announcing that I'm a partial faggot has no positives and many negatives.
It might be different for full blown gays, but that's another matter. Read some Jack Donovan if you want to here the perspective of an actual fag that's pro-traditionalism. "The Way of Men" is a great book about the non-sexual functions of masculinity that even gay men can benefit their societies by embracing.
The /y/ ship of Sup Forums and /lgbt/ is a trolly thing. I'm not sure where it originated but it's meant to rile Sup Forumsacks. It would rile /lgbt/ if they didn't actually all want to fuck a nazi.
I completely agree, Sup Forums is a covenant of closet faggots
Fucking learn to write properly.
The gays are molesting our children
>The /y/ ship of Sup Forums and /lgbt/ is a trolly thing
At least Sup Forums has a blonde qtboi
>tfw no qtboi at all irl