It's been 10 years. Do you still feel it?

It's been 10 years. Do you still feel it?

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Viral needed more screen time.

Seems like only yesterday.

still one of the best moments in anime.


This is amazing.

Love it.



After not watching anime since the late 90s and Toonami it was the one that made me watch anime again, and what a slippery slope that was; I've been here ever since. I can't believe a significant portion of my life has passed so quickly.

Liar it is Diebuster. Just look at the Nono pupils!

I almost feel like I can relate to him these days, which is not a good thing at all.

That's not Gourry.

That shit broke me, the most simple wish was also the most painful one.

That was brutal.

I can still feel the frustration over how he was set up as a competent rival only to be delegated to complete jobber status after the first couple episodes.
Fuck you Imaishi.

but he was smiling as he went on

He was best off in the end, though.

He became copilot so that's okay

I cry everytime

But we could have gotten something like this.
Do co-pilots even do anything in TTGL? I don't remember.

They yell along with Simon

Yes, Simon and Viral piloted Arc Gurren Lagann together.

Lets not go back to these days.
This scene is better in the TV series, at least starting from 2:22

I liked it better in the movie since it doesn't cut out halfway for a cliffhanger like it did in the TV series.
I always liked this one.

i cri everytiem

Viral is Link

and some more

Doesn't get many roles anymore...

Imaishi always casts him and he has a new anime coming soon.

Yes, I just finished the game this week.


>no sound

He fought the power until the end. Based Viral.

Yeah. I still feel it. Hard to believe it's been so long.
>You will never experience this moment for the first time again

I noticed that the first time I saw Virals dream thing ending, when he launched into the air with something like a "hah" noise. the exact pitch of that noise sounded so fucking familiar and maybe half a minute later the penny dropped.

This was fantastic. Why have I never heard of it before

Wait he actually is? I just thought I was crazy when I heard that

Why do I feel more for Kittan's death than Kamina's?

Kittan was more of a willing sacrifice just doing it because he knew he had to

Kamina's life was cut short, Kittan was giving up his life so that everyone else could live. It also turned a side character into a god tier moment

Kamina's is abrupt/forced but necessary and it's a trope many people were expecting. Kittan's is out of nowhere... this suddenly comes up and the scene it happens follows shortly after. Libera Me From Hell intensifies

That was awesome, we need more stuff like this

Got a webm of the moment? Think I'll probably re-watch this after I'm done with Turn A Gundam.

Also I loved how no one really got a happy ending in the last episode considering they did so much to save the world.

Simon became a traveling hobo
Yoko ended up being a virgin cake teacher

In hindsight Rossiu is the only one who seems to have gotten true happiness in the end.

Hey Viral Leeron and those orphans seemed pretty happy

I would have felt it more if he wasn't an annoying blatant Kamina 2.0

This one single dream scene was more impactful and telling of the character's inner development and desires than most of the MCs of recent anime recieve over the course of their entires series.

>step 1: try not to cry

Post Shades

I always really liked that face he makes at the end. What emotion is it even trying to convey?

Willingness? Excitement?

Still hurts

Simon was a based MC
He even put Viral, his rival, in the seat next to him.
I miss TTGL.


This is extremely well made actually

Determination to fight the power and face necessary losses straight on


>Biggest bitch ass cunt gets the happy ending
Was this an alegory made to say how people who do evil things end up far better that the heroes of justice?

TTGL was a good ride.
Too bad there is not still an anime that could come near to it let alone beating it.


Yes every day

love the artwork. It was already good in ep 27

>10 years
K I L L M E. Here's a reminder of how 2007 Sup Forums acted

>What emotion is it even trying to convey?

but there's probably a better word in greek.

I'm such a sucker for this kind shit.

Here is 2009.

I laugh daily about it.

I fear no animation will ever move me as much as TTGL did

What a fucking gem
What a fucking priceless example of what humanity is capable of
God bless Imaishi.