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(((Vatican II)))
Reminder that Catholics are absolutely NOT Christian
Being gay was never inherently a sin and in practice priesthood is a great way for gay catholics to dedicate themselves to the faith.
>celibate gays
how is this a thing when your identity revolves around your sexuality?
So catholic vs eastern Orthodox vs protestant vs baptist vs united.
Who has the best interpretation Sup Forums?
>this is your brain on popery
>he is not allowed to procreate
>he is gay
poor kids, run for god's sake!
Celibate gay is just a codeword for papist priest
Humble reminder that gays are actually not meant to be priests, and that Father James Martin SJ has received formal corrections from Cardinals. He is not representative of the Church nor her views.
Baptist but dont seek real theological discussion on Sup Forums, read the position statements on each groups own site
It has always been our view that homosexuality is not a sin, but homosexual lusts and acts are.
Why hasn't he been removed?
How are you doing fellow Christians?
Thats what homosexuality means
Get these fucking faggots out of my church
What Father James writes is a very liberal interpretation of Catholic doctrine and not one the rest of the Church agrees with, but it is still technically our doctrine. Sort of a 'not touching you' type deal.
You can be attracted to something and not act upon it.
Why hasn't he been burnt?
What's your point?
That verse literally only says that the act is sinful. You proved his point.
He just likes the idea of sucking cock and taking it in the ass, hypothetically
Homosexual lusts can be forgiven, and Catholic priests are celibate, so he's hardly sleeping around with loads of men.
Good luck. :3
Gays should not be priests, unless you want a church of leftists and child abusers. However they can be catholics if they decide not to fuck
No, it says the criminal response to the act should be execution
pick one
If he’s celibate then what’s the problem?
If I go 12 hours without masturbating I wish I was a cute trap and had my prostate drilled by a massive cock.
I'm straight though. celebate is what makes you gay, you're bound to end up fapping to the most extreme fetishes.
Why should we exclude gay people from God? If they're searching for salvation, it's not for us to bar them. Catholic doctrine is and always has been that homosexual acts are immoral and sinful, if they seek the Church then they'll have to accept that also.
>James Martin
What exactly is wrong with this? They are making sure the gays don't spread aids, and if they don't fuck other men are they even considered gay?
You're right, he only fucks boys
I mean, he is celibate, so he is resisting the gay urges.
The old law is dead.
Depends on what sect you go to really
Personally I was stuck in a pretty "progressive" Church for some time, found this tiny little traditionalist one though, met my GF through there, found out Catholic BDSM is a thing, and desu I've never been happier.
Catholicism btfo how will we ever recover
>If they're searching for salvation
If they're searching for salvation their not identifying as gay you philosodomite
>Why hasn't he been burnt?
We're Catholics, we usually don't burn people like you Protestunten do.
celibate priesthood / brotherhood sounds like a pretty good life for a gay dude, actually. i bet a lot of gays did that before it was so acceptable in society... probably gave each other a lot of guilty little handjobs and blowjobs in the abbey back in the day.
better that than snorting meth and getting fucked in the ass anyway.
>That verse literally only says that the act is sinful.
And what is the act exactly? Lies with a man as with a woman. So it's really talking about things like shacking up and trannies.
Two bros can plow each other hard so long as the balls don't touch and they retreat home to their wives.
...no, that means that you're bi.
If they don't stick it in a pooper they aren't sodomites.
Gay people are not excluded from salvation, sins can be forgiven. Why do you think Christ died if not for the forgiveness of sins?
there are people who unironically believe the man in that photo can bring them closer to god
Just a reminder to all you Catholic cucks who are tired of your shitty socialist pope who is blocking your relationship with God, that we of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church would gladly welcome you to any of our services.
Our pastor spoke on Sunday of giving husbands the strength to provide for their families, for wives to submit to their husbands, and for children to pay heed to their parents.
>feels good man
1. many popes declared that the Church can't change
2. they hold heretical views(for example John Paul II) say everybody is christ which is the literal antichrist in the Bible) and it is stated that anybody who doesn't profess the true faith is not in the churche, therefore they are not popes
Simple isn't it?
>all these shills saying his celibacy makes it okay
The unmarried can't be pastors in the first place, that's why Paul couldn't be one
Stop watching pornography you sick degenerate
>when your identity revolves around your sexuality
Maybe it shouldn't. Especially if you're some kind of fucking gay ass faggot.
Since this is Sup Forums, there are probably a lot of people who masturbate to hentai. But very few of the people here maintain a public persona or even a conception of their own identity that revolves around them jerking it to anime waifus. And appropriately so.
There is only one sexual relationship that is worthy of social recognition: that between a man and his wife. Yet the deluded pawns of satan cry "love is love". They are wrong.
Nice twitter bait.
wtf i love Southern Baptists now
Instructions for criminal prosecution are not the ceremonial law
t. sodomite
Unrepentant sodomites absolutely are excluded from salvation without exception
They're married to the Church and their children are the congregation.
1 Corinthians 7:8-9
To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is well for them to remain single as I do. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion.
"Are you free from a wife? Do not seek marriage. . . those who marry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you that. . . . The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to please the Lord; but the married man is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. And the unmarried woman or girl is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit; but the married woman is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please her husband" (7:27-34)
They're reprobate, it is impossible for a homo "burning in lust for one another" to be saved
I do think people today can be pushed into living an effeminate lifestyle without actually being a reprobate homo
"Gay" is only a kind of person like "kleptomaniac" is a kind of person, it refers to an inclination towards a certain type of sin. Nothing to identify with, nothing to be proud of or "come out" as
orthodox are oriental christians are alright and bro tier but protestants are just autistic
They key here is unrepentant. How can you know whether this man is repentant for his lusts from a screenshot of the headline of an article?
Renounce your heretical beliefs.
The cited scripture encourages the single to live happily, that doesn't contradict marriage as a requirement for the pastorate
Meant for
Well, had anyone known he was gay he wouldn't have been ordained. But now it's too late for that. If he's being completely chaste, why kick him out? Maybe he can help young gays and bring them to Christ.
>Unrepentant sodomites absolutely are excluded from salvation without exception
So are protestants. Check mate. Gays who do not practice sodomy absolutely can be saved. They certainly have a better chance than your average good hetero Christian who sleeps with 30 women before marriage, mastrubates and uses contraception
But surely if they are to recognise that they are burning in this lust, and attempt to free themselves, is that not repentance? Should they not be saved?
So is there any denomination that isnt fucked at the moment? Catholics are heretics and Protestantism is a meme denomination
still heretics, to not oppose them is to fail to be loving
>We're Catholics, we usually don't burn people like you Protestunten do.
Henrdrik Vos and Johannes van Esschen, popenigger.
>celibate gay priests
these are the fuckers that abuse choir boys. they should be hung, drawn and quartered in front of cheering crowds like the old days
Join the Church established by Christ Himself.
Can you show me the passages that you believe say marriage is required for the priesthood?
Church of Ethiopia sounds right up your alley.
catholics can't be heretic because anyone who is a heretic automatically is kicked out of the church, that's why thes "popes" aren't popes
A perfect church is one you are not worthy of joining
>How can you know whether this man is repentant for his lusts from a screenshot of the headline of an article?
He identifies as gay, which a repentant person would not do. There is a world of difference between "I suffer homosexual attractions" and "I'm a homosexual". See 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, such WERE some of you
Show Muslims.
Repentance doesn't save, faith saves
I'm not saying God excludes anybody from the choice to be saved, he just made it clear faggots are reprobate
>Catholics arent heretics
>Pope supports mass immigration and racemixing
>Associates with Jews, the people who literally killed Jesus
>Gay people are not excluded from salvation, sins can be forgiven.
>Not reading Romans
They're not going to Hell because they're gay. They're gay because of God's wrath, which is also why they're going to Hell.
>Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
>26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
>28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.
I recommend this youtube channel, if you want to know the truth
So faggots go to hell even when they have faith?
Oh good, faith saves, that means I can be a raging homosexual and be saved because I believe in Christ. Thanks bro.
Those lines explicitly concern people who have rejected God and are active sodomites.
He probably is promoting other sodomites, even sexually active ones, in a "gay mafia" situation.
From your fruits you shall know them, no pun intended. Heresy has consequences and it's time to dissolve the (papist) monastaries once more.
>All Catholics*
If one has faith, then one will repent one's sins. Surely you must believe this.
If he says "I'm gay" then he's stating that he suffers these attractions. If he suffers these, and he repents truly, then he too can be washed, sanctified, and justified as the people in that passage were.
He is a heretic, thus isn't the pope.
This is the whore of babylon in the Bible, it was prophesied
celibacy is not
>join my papistical cult
>Faith is just believing in Jesus
If you truly had faith, you would follow the teachings of the bible
>He probably is promoting other sodomites, even sexually active ones, in a "gay mafia" situation.
Judge not lest ye be judged, heretic.
Their scripture is wrong anyway, even if they studied with the same zeal
This explains why so many young boys are molested by Catholic priests.
>(Matthew 7:21) “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.
and basically the whole Bible theaches that you must have the true faith(which you don't have sadly) and works