UK looks to join TPP after Brexit
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Haha, serves them right.
fuck tories and fuck labour
>we need another trading block to solve our in dependency and economic issues
Always remain a failure
u wot m8
Theresa May is such a fucking kike joke
I actually wished I'd voted bloody Corbyn, at least he'll trash our economy in the right way. Why do we have to suffer Labour and Tory establishment bullshit
Fucking spineless bug men all over the UK. Orwell's description of the workers in Winston's office is fucking perfect. Small beetle-like men. I can't stand the British at all, I've hated every second I've been forced to exist on this disgusting island. But I can't leave because it's so hard to get a good enough fucking job to do so. I have so little left every month to invest with, it's frustrating
>Theresa May is such a fucking kike joke
You are not wrong she was given the best starting position to work from and she has pulled the worst deal possible
Are they going to kick her out yet or what? The Jewish News made it sound like the tories were about ready to start having fits when she called that dumb election the other month.
She's obviously not up to any task other than tanking Brexit by letting it wither and die on the vine.
globalism by the backdoor
Out from the pan into the embers.
Stay based, Britons. The end is near, and your pain will end, either as a consequence of being completely replaced, or of granpappy William rising from the grave to club in mudslime heads with the butt of his trusty Lee Enfield.
>She's obviously not up to any task other than tanking Brexit by letting it wither and die on the vine.
I have no idea after seeing the vote getting flushed down the toilet I have given up on change from the system.
There is a protest my friend wants to go next weekend (12-13) I think I will go along and then we can go down the pub and down our sorrows, details pulled from the public FB page.
Brexit Rally - Cardiff
Saturday, 13 January 2018 at 10:00
The National Assembly for Wales
Brexit Rally - London
Sunday, 14 January 2018 at 15:00
10 Downing Street, London
Brexit Rally - Nottingham
Saturday, 13 January 2018 at 15:30
Brexit Rally - Belfast
Sunday, 14 January 2018 at 14:00–18:00
Belfast City Hall
>youtube video the topic
>in the description box
Is this an anti-Brexit rally? I suppose it must be because only the left has to maintain the illusion that there's is the majority opinion
>Is this an anti-Brexit rally? I suppose it must be because only the left has to maintain the illusion that there's is the majority opinion
No it's a pro brexit rally,m just protesting the shit deal traitor may has gotten for us
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Oh nice I'll attend the London one then
Lived here for 7 years user. Im going to get the fuck out of here once I graduate. Going to the Czech republic for a month soon. Hope its good.
Trans Pacific Partnership. You faggot Atlantic only countries can fuck off REEEEEEEEEEE
>three-day trip to try and woo Chinese business
>desperate always gets raw deal
I bet Germany would be happy if they got a bad deal.
Serves you right bong.
Based my fucking arse. The pakis and nigs aren't leaving you know.
BRICS = Britain, Russia, Iran, China, South Africa
>leave one shitty trade deal that fucks this country over
>immediately join another which is even worse
typical shitain
"No", considering we're one of the ones that blocked it.
Nice try though shilly mcshill face.