That’s right black bois, how can you even compete?
That’s right black bois, how can you even compete?
Other urls found in this thread:
>all 7 dragonballs
how the fuck DO you compete?
There is some middle ground between being a total soyboy and a black felon.....and white people fall into that space more often.
haha niggers
By being white
>possess all 7 dragonballs
All the alpha blacks fuck hoes and shoot each other in the streets. Beta blacks complain on twitter.
White is a seal of quality.
This is another dark day for black America
>tfw it doesn't affect you due to a terminal case of yellow fever
What's with niggers and dragon balls? I want them to stop watching it. Anime of any sort, be it bad or good, should not be watched by shitskins.
t. weeb lord
>Japanese animation is only for the white man
Even dolphins get more action
You mad black bois
If you had all 7 dragonballs you could just wish to be white.
Niggers btfo
>black culture and environment is toxic but blacks never address it to better themselves
>blame whites for all their problems
never fails.
Never said that. I simply stated that shitskins shouldn't be allowed to watch it. I don't count Japanese as shitskins.
t. nigger lord
I sometimes wonder just how rage inducing it must be for the very few blacks who see this and are unable to make their fellow people see it. Probably also get immense backlash and ostracized from their own community for being an "Uncle Tom" while he or she is 100% serious in trying to get their people out of their shit mindset and actually rise up and overcome.
Anime is very popular in Latin America, probably more so than U.S. and Europe
>when a black man sounds like Sup Forums
have we come full circle?
Why does it matter to you what other people watch?
He's an oversocialized soyboy faggot
the wheel of fate is turning
When I was in the Air Force, black girls were almost throwing themselves at young white airmen. Many such cases!
What is this "DMs" shit.
Concluding with an exclamatory remark
"Many such cases!,"
Donald J. Trump is it you?
Glow in the dark boomer
>>calling other people soyboys
>>mad cuz black people watch anime
>>being this autistic
how is this a competition?
black men are shit, black women are shit, and both want to be with white people. what exactly is there to "compete" with? I think the term the nigger is looking for here is "begging", as in "how do I beg a white person to give me the time of day?"
I'm 32, faggot. I'm just wondering when we went from PMs to DMs
It's an escape from black culture in the US
i dont think height with dragonballs, a beard, and a helicopter will make up for the stds
why do black people like Dragonball Z so much?
>Your wish has been granted
was wondering the same thing..
>What is this "DMs" shit.
Slang for vagina
You know, it's nice to live with a partner you know won't chimp out and kill you just because KFC ran out of chicken wings.
Wait, that's how easy it is to get a black bitch?
Gonna hit up some black chicks on twitter and give in to my jungle fever.
Haha they call it swirling. It's pretty funny shit when we take their women. Not gonna lie.
I’m an average white guy who met a black girl at a new year’s party and she wants to see me this weekend
Theyre extremely self hating. Tommy sotomayor says black bitches dream of hooking up with a white man to make a mixed baby with good hair
>posses all 7 dragonballs
With all 7 dragonballs you could wish to be white though! I'm so confused by the niggerlogic!
>Fucking greasy horse pussy
Not even once, im so glad im married and out of the dating scene, gross.
Nigger pussy is nasty
Does all 7 dragon balls mean having a decent job ?
Because everything they touch turns into shit. A fact of life. You should know it best Mr. 56%
Stfu, nigger lover.
>Niggerfy dbz
>still gotta have dat blonde hair doh!
Cant have it both ways niggerboy. DBZ and most anime is designed to look WHITE
>implying blonde white guys dont have first choice of whores.
Everywhere I go, average nords pulling 8+ bitches from all races. As a slav I dont stand a chance out here.
Imagine possessing this level of self entitlement. Clearly you have nothing better to do, Mohammed.
>bar is so low
First of all he is pretty good looking guy, second it helps if your people aren't total niggers so there is some trust.
I see Sup Forums is infested with nigger loving redditors tonight. Maybe you should go back to your civic nationalism subreddit, Mr. 56%.
There are shit tons of pages on Facebook and Instagram where black girls search for white guys. They're called "Swirl"
Shenron is institutionally racist
Make sure you wear a raincoat, user. Because she's probably ready.
wow I never usually say this but that nigress has nice facial features
Dragon Ball Z is addictive as hell. Toriyama did well by having good fight choreography in the manga. The anime slows things down but when the anime is panel by panel manga fight its glorious. The pacing between major fights is near perfect, and all the characters getting fucking wrecked is satisfying
It's one of the few series that gets that feeling of power right. Even when a character gets a power-up they'll have a good run before being overcome. Like that time Vegeta went SSJ and still got his arm broken in his fight with 18
Found the Nigger.
Fair warning, black pussy smells like black dude BO and the smell will stain your sheets.
well, maybe if you were able to raise a fucking kid and love animals as your earth cousins (with vorefits) you will start to impress your own race.
t. whiteboi who lives in a house of niggers and fucks a nigress and will caress my mutto kids so they raise your fucking statistics, you jewed pieces of shit.
Seriously I love my based black mans but you niggers ruin everything, specially yourselves.
>And the white man saves the day again.
I want to jew the jews. I want AFRICA WHITE.
Naw, white subhumans can't have the muscle mass that DBZ has.
I unironically love black weeaboos, they're so funny and get so hyped for anime shit and spazz out.
would get a 10/10 boon any day
who are these two?
niggers have a reputation, as it turns out. for being niggers.
Thanks for that image mong.
The blacks guys I know who really like DBZ are usually the ones trying to actually make something of themselves. Goku seems to be a good role model for them.
I know what you mean, but it seems to do them some good here and there.
Random rant: There's this fat black dude at my job that has this qt asian gf that comes by the office everyday to bring him a home cooked lunch.
Where the fuck did he find a woman like that? Even our boss is jealous of this dude.
Reading comprehension isn't your thing, is it?
But niggers can only turn anime to shit if they spend money on it, and as we all know, niggers only spend money on drugs
>white guy is (from my point of view anyway as a straight guy) well groomed and handsome also has somewhat full lips instead of stereotypical pencil thin white people's lips
>white guy most likely has job and treats her + treats her right
but yeah, sure saying "I'd love to take you out sometime." was ALL that it took. Get back to me when chicks like her are getting with /r9k/ NEET types lol
You compete by getting 8 dragonballs
It is actually that easy for a white man to get a negress.
I bet when when he pulls her panties down the smell curles his nose hairs.
Kys boomer scum
what a depressing bathroom, like showering in a closet
Also checked
right in da feelz when no babymoma, yaw
That's the joke.
omg me too
Gonna burn coal like it was the industrial revolution baby oh yeah
all the niggers like dragon ball z for some reason. it's a normie tier anime, but all the nig nogs that watch the show made me hate it.
I found this black forum where there was a topic about black girls dating white guys. The black guys were basically saying any black girl who is into white men is considered damaged goods. It was like a black Sup Forums
>implying this this isn't some Sup Forumstards alt account to take pics of to use here
He took my bitch too :(
By having a personality. You should try making one.
You're not alone, user
This is true you got people like Thomas Sowell that dismantle liberal theories and blacks still don't quit with GIBS ME
Personal message direct message. Just what the app calls it.
How the fuck am I supposed to compete with the BDC?
It's just not fair bros!
I like how you think, my fellow Jose.
Do you really not know?