And still lost the election. What a loser.
yes she did
Good for her. No one cares.
Might as well write that in crayons and hang it on her wall
Fuck off
Popular vote doesn't count.
popular iq i also like 90 something.
thank god the mass retards didnt win
also. sage
And still lost by over 70 electoral votes. That's insane. She must have only been really popular in a few geographic areas. Really shows her inable to appeal to the american people.
Fake and gay.
Wetback’s vote don’t count.
>Be american
>Supposedly living in a democracy
>Has a voting system that overlaps with what the "demo" wants
Not taking sides on who should have won (because let's be honest both candidates are utter shit), but that way of thinking is of a brainlet
>OP wants illegal mexicans to dictate what government we get
>Lets do a recount to reaffirm she won the popular vote
>voter fraud quickly discovered in certain liberal strongholds
>more votes for Trump found in others
>"Hey now, we can't continue with this recount!!"
>"Jill Stein is obviously a Russian agent!!!!!"
Really makes you wonder about "muh popular vote".
Sweetums, the votes only count if they're cast by citizens.
If they are illegal, they can't vote
>land of the free
>can't even choose their president
Who's in the white house?
you're still a faggot
More proof the left cant meme
They can in California. Come on over and help us choose a leader next election.
And yet she still lost a rigged election.
That's not true.
In NYC , you can walk into a voting place , typically a school, walk up to the front desk and say
>"I've just moved here from another neighborhood and haven't registered yet can I vote?"
>"of course here's an affidavit just fill it out and put it in the machine"
>" you need ID? I have it right ..."
>"Nope not needed in New York just fill it out and put it in the machine"
And that's how illegals vote.
You must have missed how CA encouraged EVERYONE to vote, and most places don't check ID or issue voter registration out like candy.
Ummmm ok. Who gives a flying donkey punch?
That’s not the way the game is played.
Nice slide
Cept there is not such thing as the popular vote in the USA.
I'm sure you are already aware of this.
Exactly my point.
Yet she still lost the election. Imagine losing a rigged election with the mainstream media and hordes of nigs, spics and white-guilt soyboys to a rich white man who bragged about grabbing pussy.
Man it still seems to sting these shills years later. Beautiful.
>thinks we live in a democracy
No she didn’t. She lost that too when you count the 6 million fraudulent votes
Nigger, that was 2 years ago. Move on with your life.
Would it be "Democratic Republic" or "Constitutional Republic"? I keep hearing those two thrown about.
This and sage this bullshit thread.
>shitskin eurocuck
>doesnt know the difference between a democracy and a republic
checks out
So? saged
>Supposedly living in a democracy
she won the game that no one was playing
It's an oligarchy m8. The wealthy elite have all the power, the plebs have none, merely the illusion of it.
If popular vote was what counted don't you think Trump would have strategized his campaign accordingly?
What can I say? Winners play to win. Losers cry about the rules. Its a classic life lesson that's been all but unlearned thanks to decades of libshit indoctrination.
It wasn't so long ago that this was considered axiomatic. Perhaps that time has come again.
>over 100% voter turnout in blue states
really makes you think
I'm not replying to support Hillary. I just want to know how the electoral college reflects the American people, in your opinion.
OP is a faggot and this is a bait post to begin with but I do want to know this.
She LOST the electoral college by a LANDSLIDE!
Also, who punched HRC?
And Trump did zero campaigning in California and New York.
>she lost
She knew that the presidential election was 51 popularity contests, not one big popularity contest, in 1992 when she helped her husband win the presidency. She knew it in 1996 when she helped her husband get re-elected president of the united states.
She knew it in 2008 when she won the popular vote in the Democrat primaries, but the party decided to fuck her over and go with Obama anyways.
So, tell me HOW, in 2016, she suddenly "forgot" that the presidential election was 51 separate popularity contests, and thought it was one single popularity contest?
BTW, she LOST the majority of the 51 popularity contests, and that's why she lost in 2016.
Hillary Clinton sounds like Хилый Клитop(weak clitoris) in russian
After all these shill threads, I'm finally convinced. IM WITH HER!
And in Super Bowl L Carolina had more rushing yards. Guess what? Denver still won.
Did you miss President Obama campaigning for Hillary and stating that illegals should vote for her as well?
Obama openly called for all illegals in the US to vote for Hillary and help her win the presidency.
The actual president of the united states was calling for voter fraud and encouraging people to commit felonies.
I may be crazy but I'm sure I saw a thread almost exactly like this one before. You may have accidentally re-posted it but no worries.
What is a 'Republic,' Alex?
I'll take "Portugal is an irrelevant shit-hole" for 200.
She also won the popular vote in the primaries against obama. Nobody was crying then.