redpill me on cow's milk
Redpill me on cow's milk
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All i gotta say to your stupidity is
it can be used for cooking.
human babies and toddlers drink it to help them grow
White europeans have an enzyme that can digest lactose to glucose, probably from using it in their diet for thousands of years
has estrogen
added with chocolate makes it really tasty and popular.
Subhumans can't digest it past infancy. Milk from a conventional dairy is low quality. If you drink it get it from small farms that are mostly grassfed.
The estrogen in cow's milk is bioidentical to what humans produce. In your liver, you have an enzyme called cytochrome p450 that has the specific purpose of metabolizing ingested steroids. Estrogen, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, nandrolone, you name it. Even appreciable amounts of sex hormones in meat, and milk, are readily metabolized on the first pass through the liver. You can drink all the mill you want and it won't raise your estrogen levels.
Hormones have to be specifically altered to enable them to pass through the liver. This is called methylation. For instance, this is how oral birth control works. The hormones are altered so they are no longer bioidentical. This is why anabolic steroid users have to inject the majority of compounds - ingesting them would do nothing. Unless of course, they are methylated.
Drink all the milk you faggots want.
Most American milk comes from pregnant cows, meaning if you're buying from a big label it is likely it's loaded with estrogen and may be worse than meme soy. That said, whey is a good protein.
read this
i prefer your sisters
Its truely delicious and heathly for you if youre a young male right up until youre about 40. Than you should find an alternative.
informative and insulting. ty user :)
Wallmart milk cures colds! Full of antibiotics!
I've been drinking a half gallon daily for my entire life and I still have a full head of hair (age 30), no diseases, no cavities, no broken bones, and i'm strong like ox.
2% organic milker here. What is everyones fave %??? I think 2% is god tier personally.
It's for baby cows.
Makes you big and strong.
You should drink a gallon of it a day and you'll get strong af
This. Why didnt hunter gatherers grow tits every time they killed a cow?
The 2012 reversal of injecting a certain controversial hormone into dairy cows coincides with plateau levels of diagnosed autism.
not a coincidence.
Agribusiness will feed you poison and kill your children if it saves them a buck and they think they can get away with it. Trust nothing.
2% is great for everyday but 3.25% is a nice treat sometimes.
delicious as fuck
Shit skins, and even worse, vegans, cant drink it. Its the white mans drink.
It's possibly the reason westerners are so big and strong when compared to east asians where everyone look like a girl.
Even worse than soy. Ever heard of cowboys?
decent , but cow piss is better
Whole is too delish to give up, especially grassfed. Sadly at $6/half gallon it's not an option for GOMAD barbell bros unless you're fuckin loaded
It's appearently racist af.
but only for the first month
after that a little iced coffee in the morning with good food
and electrolytes in the evening
Because they mixed the blood with the milk when they drank it
Depends on the country you live in and on the regulations. I like it, they clean the cow tits with iodine also so you get your idone dose also from it.
It's from cows.
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>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
How do you know that hunter gatherer men didnt have tits? Prove that they didnt.
GOMAD is a 25 day thing... That's only $150 you fucking poorfag.
You're a soy boy, and you've gone too far
Cause you know it don't matter anyway
You can rely on the Soros money
You can rely on the Soros money
You're a bitch boy, and it's gone too far
but you know it don't matter anyway
Say "I DO NOT CONSENT" but it won't get you too far
Get you too far
Don't you know? don't you know?
That it's wrong to never blame the Jew
So far gone, on your own
You can get along if you try to be MAGA
But you'll never be MAGA cause
You're a soy boy, and you've gone too far
Cause you know it don't matter anyway..
Grew up with Guernsey 4% butterfat...OMG good stuff...
Just mix with a bit of chocolate
I love high fat milk, but I think it gives me acne.
American milk is shit*
Unless you are in like vermont
Most places now just skim the milk take out the fat and put in the byproducts of other diary products back in. Milk*
nice Shorthorn, I believe
it's doesn't provide any real benefits
t. shitskin that can't digest delicious cowmilkerjuice
Cow's milk is great for children. Drank whole milk my entire childhood, have never broken a bone in spite of years playing contact sports and doing all sorts of dangerous outdoorsy stuff. Grew up around a lot of kikes- at the most they drink skim milk. They were all fragile and snapping like twigs left and right. I got an x-ray one time and the doctor was shocked at how dense my bones appeared. I don't drink it as an adult though because I like to keep in shape.
I want some breast milk.
It's amazing and healthy - if you're a calf.
if you cannot effectively metabolize dairy you are not white
You and me both brother
I don't know how anyone involved in that music video was allowed to live. Americans freaked out about people kneeling during their anthem.
I wish she would make more videos.
moar pls moar milkers
Holy shit! Give me milk! I want to drink it and suck on your nipels