My little brother is a soyboy commie

Turns 18, all of a sudden decides that he and his crew know exactly the best way to orient all the world's economy and social structures to best work for "The people." Supports limiting speech, redefines things like "Racism" so that white isn't a race (And thus impossible to be racist against), and talks unironically about "Ableism" and is shocked I don't give a single shit about discrimination based on ability.

He idolizes any Communist country throughout history, and vehemently denies any wrongdoing by them. Massacres are blown out of proportion, everything is and was the fault of capitalist enemies around the globe. 50-150 Million dead in USSR? America's fault, inflated numbers. Black Book of communism and Gulag Archipelago are Capitalist Lies. History books are written by "The Elites", so can't be trusted. His heroes include Mao and Lenin. No shit.

Plus, he seems to just get more and more depressed the further he travels down this road of lunacy and aggregation of oppression points. He follows a philosophy that says economic success is morally bankrupt because it's oppressive to succeed, especially if you have light skin, so he's been stripped of the desire to succeed in the society we have in favor of some moral high ground that can only be found in being woke enough to not even try to succeed.

How do you fight a philosophy so attractive to young people hesitant to start life in earnest? Clearly, being told that nothing is your fault and that you're just a victim of this or that is an easy and attractive concept to anyone staring down the barrel of life. How do you convince stuck in that mindset to stop worrying about some theoretical, liberal arts academic debate and to start worrying about the real world where things have meanings and people have one of two systems of sex organs?

Wat Do, you nazi fucks?


nothing works as well as seeing homeless amputee drug addicts passed out in a sea of concrete commie blocks as soon as you get past four hours of border control after a six hour queue. there's also having to deal with police, using public bathrooms and inhaling the dust from unwashed, crumbling pre-communism architecture. kids literally begging for food is not something you can get over either, try telling them that they're lucky that heir parents were born into glorious gommunism

plan a holiday in western ukraine. there is no war there, and he'll get to see real squalor, while eating delicious 3$ lunches and 10$/night hotels.

you can visit poland or east berlin if ukraine/belarus scares you, but there is no real hunger or squalor here unless you go somewhere remote without electricity. if you're feeling particularly adventurous then go to cuba or cambodia or something, but those are expensive and unsafe

Be a good big brother and go rub his nose in it then beat the shit out of him

Ask him why China and Soviets had to build walls to keep people in. Ask him what he thinks of based Yuri. Ask him why Venezuela and Somalia collapsed. Ask him to give away all of his personal property because his philosophy says private ownership is unethical. Make sure it includes his phone, computer, all of his luxury items. If he refuses, call him a swine who deserves to die, and would die at the hands of his own glorious revolution. Tell him he is welcome to form a commune within our free markets, but that free markets are not welcome in communism. Ask him why that is.

Just drop him off in the middle of the Southside of Chicago... or Detroit, or East St. Louis, or Baltimore, preferably duting a heatwave as it's breeding season now and niggers are in rut. If he makes it out alive, he'll realize that most of the "poor and disenfranchised" amongst us would never be "muh comrade" and will either continue to be leeches, or executed/forcibly gulaged for being lazy, niggery enemies of the state.

bribe a nigger to rob your little brother.

have you tried calling him a nigger yet?

Nietzsche calls out this equality fetish (rooted in judeo-christian slave morality) of the west quite nicely.

That image is bullshit.

Just laugh at him and say earning 30k in socialist utopia Denmark still sucks compared to earning 200k.
Only you control your destiny
Thinking that the government which looks at you as just another number in the herd is going to actually know who you are, what you need, and how to help you as an individual is patently absurd.
Also just point at Venezuela. Before Chavez and the Socialists took power venezeula was the richest country in South America, and it possess the most natural resource wealth in South America. The Socialists looted PVDSA the state run oil company until all the money ran out and now Venezuelans are acksually starving to death. Its the clearest case of socialism destroying a country in just 20 years thats ever been seen.

Nice milkers

you need a good balance of both.

but I'm playing devils advocate, and I really should have saged.

Be a man and disown that faggot. Or beat the gay out of him.

Sauce on the girl

Show him that what communism really does is create monarchy structures by not allowing capitalism.

The girl in your pic is fat. Ew.

Live and let die. Your brother is a lost cause.

The violent beating needed to set him free will break laws so you can't save him, but maybe his future activities will make him lose an arm, and then maybe he will sort himself out.

Defoo ‘n donate

show him this faggot and tell him the black sun is rising and not get in our way
strong central bank owned by Jews (namely the Rothchilds)
Jews hold most white collar positions of privilege
everyone is equal (as slaves under Jewish hegemony)
Antisemitism is outlawed
authoritarian rule (with lots of purges)

Take private property (aka the means of production, or factories)
from the individuals that own them and give them to "the state"
(a small number of people in positions of privilege filled through nepotism)
turning the entire country into private property owned by them with the people still
working in factories they don't own and now will never have an opportunity
to own making less than they did before with a lower standard of living. Or
to make it simple basically a return to feudal serfdom only the lords will
now all be Jews instead of natives that basically consider the gentiles subhuman livestock