>the main character is a NEET who later turns his life around and gets all the girls
Is Japan's NEET problem really that bad that every anime HAS to have a NEET as a MC?
>the main character is a NEET who later turns his life around and gets all the girls
Is Japan's NEET problem really that bad that every anime HAS to have a NEET as a MC?
Watch more anime.
Some shows have a NEET as the villain instead.
>the main character is a NEET who gets transported to a fantasy world and somehow becomes someone incredibly important despite being a lazy piece of shit with no discernible skills other than sitting around playing videogames irl
>every mentor character in the story is a NEET
Name 10 from last year
>every anime HAS to have a NEET as a MC?
Is Sup Forums so shit that every thread HAS to be retarded bullshit?
Anyone with a middle school education could become some kind of scholar in a fantasy world
Being a scholar requires not only to know how things work, but also to make other people agree with you, which isn't quite as easy. Also, knowing how a steam engine works alone doesn't help you when you can't build one in fantasy world. A lot of modern world knowledge is just useless in a fantasy world.
Chemistry and biology/cell biology and knowledge of bacteria
Chemistry could be helpful if you know how to get your materials in fantasy world. It's easy to demonstrate.
Knowledge of bacteria and cell biology won't help much since no one is going to believe your words about invisible things. Practical demonstration of that knowledge in medicine is not quite as easy
>Show calls the MC a NEET
>At the very least, he goes to school. Often he has a job.
They believed in spontaneous generation and that flies/maggots were created from rotting meat and shit
There's a LOT of bullshit that's easy to disprove with modern knowledge
Name 1 example of a show calling someone like that a NEET.
It's just the medium. NEETs are attracted to things like anime and manga, of all mediums it has probably the highest percentage it's fanbase as NEETs both within and outside Japan. It only makes sense then that there will be a more than normal amount of NEETdom dipicted in the medium.
Although I don't actually know how large the NEET problem is in Japan, and I don't consume any other Japanese media, so maybe it isn't just a Anime and Manga thing. I'm just saying that you can't really deduce how large the problem is in Japan as a whole when you go to the place that said problem congregates.
Can't remember clearly but didn't Kazuma drop out of school? Although legally/technically he was still in school.
Most Otaku aren't NEETs though.
Didn't watch that one
Can't remember it being said.
There were plenty of scholars in the historical periods that fantasy worlds mimic, and very few high school students would be able to demonstrate anything useful or interesting to them. Knowing the right answer is very little use if you can't demonstrate or argue for it.
Modern knowledge doesn't mean shit if you can't argue in terms your audience understands.
At the fucking beginning you get told the MC is a hikki who finally decided to go out of his room to buy a video game.
Are we still talking about fantasy world or are you thinking about the middle ages?
Hikki and NEET are not the same thing, what's your point?
user are screaming about middle ages with no magic that he want to be isekai into since he believe he is of a noble lineage or something.
Probably just the lineage of the local trash collector during that era.
Underage people can't be employed, what's your point?
That's not true and you're fucking retarded.
What you should've said is he's a hikkiNEET you dumb faggot.
Even if you stop going to school you're still a student until you officially drop out of it, therefore not a NEET.
Nice autism attack.
By this logic many characters wouldn't be technically NEETs then.
that's still considered a neet albeit not in a legal sense
>By this logic many characters wouldn't be technically NEETs then.
That's exactly the point.
No, it's not. You can't be a NEET as long as you're enrolled in a school. And schools won't kick you out as easily as you'd lose your job.
Googled a bit and turns out people over 15 can be employed in Japan.
Still, your post was very autistic and rude.
Its the same thing
NEET detective
Fucking nips are dumb