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Prosit, ich heiße Stefan und bin 15 Jahre alt.
Ich komme aus der Dragasani und habe ehrbare Freunde,
Also zum Vergleich mit deiner Pennbrüder.
Wenn du bessere Freunde willst, dann frag mich jederzeit darüber.

im jewish



Monnnnnaaaarrrrhhhiiiaaa essstee cell mai bunmmm siiiiiisssssstem dee guvernarreeeee

>meme flag
> nobody else allowed
Go back to plebbit, dumb ass. Anyone can post in your thread, you double turbo roody poo.

Time to introduze meself. Henlo I iz Fiop and I iz jerman junge frum Rumania. I iz big fascist and I want zee hitler revived and ramming meine arsehole. I will be ze future Fuhrer of romania i swer and ze will make it great again. (this post is sponsorised by Mr. Goldberg)

romania is not in the balkans

Yeah, I saw your flag, no need for redundancy.

now visit my forest,friend.

Are you behind this post, you damn penguin fucker

Okay. Can I meet the girl from pic related? Also, if you know her can you tell her I got a dog collar that would look great on her.

>penguin fucker
is it even possible to fuck a penguin?

I see the entire gang is here. Howdy my name is Iron and I am albanian boi from usa (I am diaspora cuck tho and i am here for free gibs praise trump). With my pure genes I will repopulate this planet and I will put my pure turk-alban seed to good use.

i hope you are making money of cripto its not worth wageslaving

stop with the WE WUZ threads and try to improve yourselves
Balkan is a shithole and we must fix it or we will extinct soon

when you put it that way...

t. Albo-Greek abomination living in Al-Suwadiyyah here AMA. I live next to Romanians and Kurds but we have a lot of Arabs here too.

Ce idioti

had more tinder matches in ljubljana than any other place i've ever visited. went to bled with one of them, shit was fucking cash.

10/10 would visit again

Greece isn't going anywere, we can continue WEWUZing safely.

Fucking captchas piss me off

>we will extinct soon
dont worry

lmao fucking jew soyboy

El monstruo


t. el goblinoido

post Balkanite women

Dobar den conrads

checked and keked
keep shitposting, that will make troika go away


Then get the fuck out of my country





I think I'm gonna puke

>Dating whores from Lj
Pretty low standards goy. Even Ljubljana soyboys end up doing everything they can to get a girl that doesn't come from that shithole.
The fact that these whores don't get to fuck anybody except for Šiptari after they hit 28 is why you got to get one on tinder so quick.
You're exotic shit to them lmfao.



>muh nigga

whats wrong?

btfo-ing soyboys everywhere

gorillas are 3 times stronger than humans
i bet he could kill a gorilla

Big one look like Bulgar to me.

he'll never be as great as Σουγkλάkος tho
>That feel you once met Σουγkλάkος driving α Υugo and passed you an autograph through the window

*blocks your path*

That pic is what happens when you watch too much anime

guy behind old post reporting in late, how you all doing?


>i bet he could kill a gorilla
He is the gorilla.

still constipated

drink some Frape, will cleanse the whole system

Shame her face is fucked or shed be a 10

her face looks great you fucking homo


i didnt know BLOATMAXX was balkan

He is Bulgarian living in Greece.

really? I heard he was half greek half georgian

who dis

girl from your dreams

I'm not 100% sure but i've heart he's Bulgarian and he have a tattoo in Cyrillic.

h-how do you know? post moar to be sure



it's not me who posted it

he has some slavshit letters on his hand


pink: white soyboy pussies
blue: high test males

forgot to edit out bosnian croats, they are low test pussies too

Divide and conquer uh?

pretty true albo-desu

based albanon

Does anyone knows how much I'd have to pay to buy adult Bulgarian? Gender doesn't matters. I wan't to do autopsy and see if they are actually human or some other kind of species

Kiss my pipi

cursed image

Everytime I go to Greece some Albos will always tell me that they have the prettiest women in the Balkans,but for me they are the most ugliest.

But atleast our betas can get their dick wet thanks to them and I personally know a guy that haves an albo gf ,I don't really want to tell him that shes ugly since we all know how betas react when you insult their waifus.


selling my body for 20 rubles

> a 23 year old Bulgarian woman and 30 year old German sacrifice themselves to Satan in Κεφαλονιά
the absolute state of balkans

its for ants

>not sacrificing themselfs to Perun

satan created bulgarians, germans, insects and all other evils

>image search
>1st result Madonna
what did google meant by this?

words of truth

Madonna is a satanist

We didn't side with them in both the first and second world war for nothing after all.

Greece is not balkan
balkanites are poorfag slavshit subhumans

Really? Baitus Maximus? Don't make me call the 13 year old ""nationalists"" lets put this Muh whamen, muh 300yr old battle, muh battle with roaches & shiiet aside for 2018.

he's not lying
you have a weird ratio, 50% of albanian girls will be inbred, rest 25% will be meh and the other 25% will be super good looking
probably highest ratio of good looking girls but also less good looking

we may have 30k soldiers of which 29900 are fat useless officers the other 100 are to become fat and useless officers


Don't worry.
Greeks are the good guys and will protect the weak.

lol no we won't why the fuck would anyone want bulgaria in its entirety

guess what would happen next

they can have that shithole nobody wants it lol

fine we'll have it if you wanna get rid of it