Why do conservatards do this?

why do conservatards do this?

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lmao you're really butthurt aren't you


Go back to funding your goddamn healthcare, but try to do so without taxing your whole nation into utter disarray.

why do libtards do this?


Kosher sandwich. Bullshit economic and social debates to keep whites from advocating in their own self-interest.

why do leftists do this?

>I'm entitled to rich peoples' money

There's a difference between giving money to the rich and merely not taking it.

Trump tax cut = keep your money
Obamacare = take their money

Also this. Whites in America would be fine with social programs and the higher taxes necessary if they helped other people like them, instead of being a black fucking nigger hole draining their pockets for no benefit.

>tax cuts for billionaires
what did he mean by this?
i, a regular lower-middle class american, got significant tax cuts as well.
i bet trump is the first republican in a long time who's actually interested in reducing taxes for the common man

>hurr durr I have no economic knowledge whatsoever

you: "look i got 300 bucks extra!"
billionaire: "look i got 85 million bucks extra!"
learn to logic republinigger

Because they know who the real bread winners of the country are. Despite what the kikes want you to believe, trickle down economics work.


i love all the false flaggers on this board, the board would be dead otherwise



because they are not niggers and theyd rather die trying to succeed in a system that rewards virtue than be cattle getting cucked by Big Government Cock

If I got to pay less then why should I be upset the billionaire got to pay less?

If only there was a party that did something like that. No bullshit tax cuts for their masters and putting america first.

the more money you make the more the tax cuts benefit you, retard

>Poor people use social services more
>If companies and investors have more money, in theory they should have a greater possibility to re-enter society and have impact on the economy

Shame all isms only work in theory

Vote against their own economic interests? I don't know I guess they're just too stupid to know better.

>there is no equality in the world, please mummy help
fuck off to reddit


Im getting a raise so i dont know what youre talking about.

Tell me one good reason people in this country who still pay more taxes than lower income citizens getting back some of their earned money is bad?


I support lower taxes for billionaires so they have more incentive to keep production domestic. Thus creating jobs and a robust economy.
You leftists are fucking retarded aren't you?

I don't know why but somehow there is nothing more pathetic than a british dude using american terms.

Here you faggots go. Now go eat dicks


Leftists just don’t live in reality, especially on economics.

The lower corporate tax rates are about making the US attractive to corporations so they’ll move their facilities to the US and hire Americans.

This increase in demand for labor will not only employ more Americans, especially those who have dropped out of the labor force, but will also drive up wages when the supply of labor can’t keep up with demand.

That’s the only thing that increases wages, aside from union shakedowns.

Remember, leftists, who supposedly care about the working class, are 100% in favor of keeping the supply of labor artificially high via illegal immigration, making the poor poorer and the rich richer, as well as displacing working class communities.

>I don't understand economy

Why would I want to disincentivized success?

> I like to lick Corporations boots for free

To starve the beast, do you take away his scraps or do you take away his feasts?

The goal is smaller government.

why do you allow corporations to tea bag you out of benefits?

>you: "look i got 300 bucks extra!"
>billionaire: "look i got 85 million bucks extra!"
No, its "I paid $300 less." "I paid $85 millon less."

No one "gets" anything from tax breaks, they just pay keep more of what they already have as the cost of taxes goes down.

These threads are always pointless because half of pol are larp and neet


The word is spite and you have earned it.

holy fucking simp mental gymnastics

>the govt. needs more money!

No, it doesn't.

One side spiting the other, and vise versa.
America is a joke.

ITS tucking hysterical how poor and middle class whites falsely perceive that they are the beneficiaries of republican economic policies just because republicans are the shameless white identity politics party

Republicans are more of a threat to their constituents than ISIS and muh ms 13 lol

that's not what we do tho, we demand tax cuts for ourselves and we just don't cares whether rich people get tax cuts or not, its not our money
not everyone is an envious faggot

tax cuts is a subsidy by the government retard

Jews convinced them that it's in their interest. Traditional conservatism pre-WW2 was nothing like this.

A subsidy is redistributing money. It's spending. Tax cuts are not spending, it's just less tax receipts. The government will have to figure out how to go on with less.

Not all wealth is owned by the government you idiot. People create wealth among each other.

pretty much

This. Starve the beast

But the government protects the market to exist


To some extent, yes. But it also interferes with the market in areas that it shouldn't.

The government has long since exceeded it's usefulness and has become a bloated burden on our economy. Too much bureaucracy, not enough action

> 2018
> sourcing crowder

Glad I didn’t click on that shit

Progressive taxes are a weirdness made weirder by sincere attempts to lighten the felt weight of government.
Taxes are a system for harvesting the infrastructural output of society. They're essentially primitive: pay or be ruined. Yet they hold up systems that are quite advanced, and which people wouldn't be smart+aware enough to fund otherwise. If you do something that improves the economy by a tenth of a percent, it'll show up in taxes.

The issue now, is that Trump plan includes classic liberalism in a day and age when foreign capitals have more leverage than ever.

Nothing is preventing China or the Saudis from buying all of your assets.