Help me decide, Sup Forums
Which one will best benefit me? My family? The white race?
Which one should I wear?
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They're inanimate objects, neither one benefit you.
>Which one will best benefit me? My family? The white race?
Gee, I don't know
Wear both
Cease to exist phag
pick the one that makes you feel less like a faggot and then pick the other one.
How old are you?
try wearing the first one somehow at high speed through your brain
LMAO what a cringy faggot
What do either of these mean though?
Want an actual answer?
Wear the one that gives you the most inspiration, and fuels you.
If you're looking for a fair debate of ideas, you aren't going to get it here.
>fair debate of ideas, you aren't going to get it here.
>which accessory will best compliment my ideological leaning
>fair debate
are you baiting?
Why not both?
bullet cross
The cross. Paganism is LARP, Christ is life. Also your cross is made from a rifle round which shows that you are willing to fight for your race and religion. Deus Vult!
Americanity(bullet cross) vs Asatru(thor's hammer)
Stolen Valor is a federal crime
Basically this is why both. You'll never know if you might run out of ammo. Better to have a bullet cross handy in case you need to shoot some pedestrians.
Cringe thread? Cringe thread
both are completely made up only recently
Neither. Any jewelry besides a wedding ring on a man is faggy.
shhhh you'll set off the autists again
One is more cringy than the other.
If you are half-assing norse mythology don't wear the hammer. I don't want amerimutts to taint the Asatru faith. The faith belongs to the Nordics and northern germanics.
>Paganism is LARP
>Deus Vult!
Self-awareness levels: (s)low
>I don't want amerimutts to taint the Asatru faith.
Too late.
>white race
Put them side by side on the table and close your eyes abd jack off on them.
Whichever the cumd lands on chooses you!
Which one of your countries should i visit?
Flip a coin
Well that's dumb. The pagans were all christened centuries ago.
>Cube worship vs Owl worship.
Its best to just give up religion. All the basis that we need for the preservation of our race can be found in science, philosophy, and art.
Yet, we are still here...
Just wear one of these
Shouldn't Americans be worshipping Wodan/Woden? Due to the fact their nation came from the Anglosphere.
If someone is actually nordic via heritage I get it. But there is another pantheon for North-West as compared to North.
Except you won't get mass appeal without religion. (Pun intended)
Wear the cross. It is already a multicultural symbol. Allowing 56%'ers to wear the hammer only legitimizes the argument that niggers has a place in Åsatru.
Yeah I guess that would be even more edgy than a normal mjolnir. Christians would probably think you're some kind of edgy satanist.
Idk. They're incredibly faggots pieces. A cross made from bullets? Did that come with your vape and katana, too?
Fuck that desert kike religion. It's why were in this mess.
Put the one on the left in a gun and shoot yourself with it
Americans should be worshipping jesus and if they want into that shit they usually just become satanists or voodoo niggers
Wodan is Odin.
Everyone has a place in Asatru
Whichever one you actually believe in or at least participate in the community. Get a better cross though, because that one looks try hard and gay.
Americans worship burgers and diversity. They can't just appropriate our faith and claim that they'll somehow be granted einherji status. Asatru was meant for the northern Germanics. The Americans can larp as much as they want, Odin will not bring them to Valhalla.
America was colonized by lots of different nationalities, but Anglos were the only ones to consolidate the hold. If you're talking actual population groups, as in who settled here, most actual white Americans are German. The Krauts gave the continent their big genetic bratwurst right after independence and are single-handedly responsible for doubling the national population.
Fuck off we're full
Why not both? “life is hard; I need all the gods on my side as I can get”-Londo
Or a cross as long as it's not on some flashy chain and worn as a fashion statement
You also forget watches. In an age of smartphones, a nice watch is more fashionable than ever.
Hungary, Bulgaria is full post soviet poor.
Christianity will be 100% niggers and spics within our lifetime
Paganism is barely existent, literally no centers of worship and attracts tumblrites and edgelords
Devote yourself to the white race not any futile religions
also this is Jewish division of the right as usual
I'm fully aware.
But America isn't a Nordic nation.
So why would they worship a Nordic God?
Things like this seem to matter in Asatru. In a religion based on mythos, names and events matter.
I wasn't arguing against Christianity.
I was stating that if someone were to become some sort of Pagan, why would they choose a strand of the mythology linked to a different country? Rather than one more aligned to their own.
Well the best options for an American seem to be either to LARP in some way, create a faith, find Jesus, or worship whatever the natives did. I'd suggest making a code of conduct, and letting mythology and community flourish around it.
I suppose as an Anglo I'd hear mostly about our side of the story. But there is nothing wrong with that, there are worse things to be than German.
>Or a cross
Whatever m8 there wasnt a village left in Europe untouched by missionaries by the end of the 13th century. At best your a Neo-pagan.
Look at how diverse, fat and ugly they all are. Why would the Aesir want them in Asgaard?
Wear the amulet of Talos because it reduces the time between shouts by 10%
>Bulgaria is full post soviet poor.
Believe it or not we were richer during "soviet times" when we were socialist. Only that when we switched to Capitalism the kike socialist rulers took all the country's money and bailed, then returned again and got democratically elected by bribing all the poorfags.
So, we're poor on our own volition
Al the greatest faggots are neo pagan.
mjolnir. You wouldn't want to disrespect Thor now would you?
Besides the Symbel in Beowulf is there even a depiction of Anglo-Saxon religious rites? That's probably why all the neo-pagans decide to do Asatru rather than an Anglo-Saxon version.
Call me what you want... I call myself Asertroende
+ I have no idea what your picture is that you keep uploading
+ I have no idea what your picture is that you keep uploading
Is this dwarf fortress?
Idk a lot of black people seem to believe in the egyptian gods
I'm not an Anglo-Saxon Pagan, so for me to talk on it would be offhanded.
All I can do is throw a video at you that I think might have a little of what you seek.
It's an easy fracture to exploit. Christians are demoralized because they see their faith as weak vs the very obvious evil of Islam and the current era of Jewish domination, compounded and made all the worse by the pathetic sniveling current Pope. So you're naturally going to see closet Christians LARP and turn to paganism looking for a "strong" faith to reverse the decline. This is a false hope of course, even though there is a kernal of truth to the fact Christianity is not native to Europe and that the Germanic pagan faith is. Paganism won't save Europe, though. It was fractured and weak versus an organized Christianity. It won't fare any better versus Islam and Judaism.
Meanwhile, it's super easy for D&C to say "Nyah nyah Christianity is dying" and simultaneously gloss over the fact Christianity is weak solely because it was infiltrated (by Jews, of course) via Zio-Prots and Vatican II. Most modern (((Christians))) worship Jews, Israel, and the Holocaust instead of Jesus, God, and the gospels. These types are responsible for the decline and cannot be convinced otherwise. They're demoralized in the classic communist way, now seeking salvation through recycling instead of faith. But every once in a while D&C will run in to actual strong Christians, the kind that wants to slay the Saracen and the Semite. Against those people, the shill job is "You believe in a Jewish invention!!!" trying to get them to abandon their faith. It's a lie, of course, which any Biblical scholar could easily describe.
Yeah, that's why I said post soviet. At least they haven't kiked your immigration laws.
Why are you seeking validation from an anonymous horde of shitposters?
Grow a spine and some balls and start making choices for yourself
pagans are fags but at least they're white
I care nothing about the decline of Christianity, I will not accept it as a white religion on the simple basis most of its followers are not white not based on it theology
also to clarify i am not fond of either
pardon my autism then
>At least they haven't kiked your immigration laws.
I don't think (((they)))'ve tried yet like really tried. They're just testing the waters because they know one false move and the whole country might happen to awaken and actually do something about the corruption and steer this ship away from the stalemate between east and west.
Shit's so weird here that sometimes our leftist/communists are anti-EU and sometimes right-wingers are pro-EU
Why are you wearing a minecraft shirt KEK
Its not the same picture its just camera filtered pictures of my shoes and stuff.
Already subscribed to that lad but he only mentions one Anglo-Saxon book. But my point was Woden and Thunor are just Thor and Odin by a different name, and it seemed like you were implying it would be weird for an Anglo do practice Asatru. I think it's the Odinic Rite or the Troth or maybe some other group in England that takes a purely reconstructionist Anglo Saxon approach to paganism and uses a lot of Danelaw codes to figure things out. I don't think it's weird for an Anglo to do that but I'm a Christian myself so I don't really see the big deal if a neo-pagan whose ancestors worshiped Woden, decides to worship Odin in an Asatru setting instead.
What's up Harlan?
The soldering on the left one is abysmal. Go with the right.
the bullets cross is as edgy and cringe as it gets, go with the skyrim emblem.
His reenactment
Gay as fuck. Also - did you know Thor was a Turk?
Might I suggest an alternative?